The Asian hair store: dropped some jaws!!


All natural!
I just have to share. I washed my hair today (NTM - it's great ladies!) and was airdrying in a single, banded ponytail (3 or 4 bands spaced a couple of inches apart down the length). It reaches right to my brastrap (but not the bottom of it) and, I am tall (5'9).

I went into an Asian run hair store (lots in my neighborhood). I was feelin' fine about my hair and how it looked. I was proud it was all mine. I thought people KNEW it was all mine.

I was in the store for a while, shopping. When done, I made a comment to the owner about all the hair in the place (weave, wigs) she was like :rolleyes: it's a beuty supply store! (in a nice way). She said , "You come back and get your hair from us" I said, grabbing my que, "I've got my own!"

Their mouths just dropped :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: . She says in a hushed voice "Yours...?" and then silence. Picks mouth up. I said (all smiles -shameless) "Yep! See?" and turned my head so she could get a good look. I even let her grab it - they were in such disbelief! Again in a hushed voice she says, "How you do that? What you do?" I told her a couple of things, no heat, buns.

Finally, she said, "Wow. Most my customers have short (hair)." She pointed to within 2 inches of her head. I said, "Yeah, they don't know how to be careful with their hair." By now she and her husband's mouth had migrated back to the floor again :lol: .

ETA: She said, "You lucky" I said, "No, I take good care of my hair!"

I talked to her a little more, then left.

I was left with a few feelings after the encounter: 1) all this time I thought people thought I had real hair - don't know whether it's a compliment or not that most think it's fake, you know, I kinda like it when people notice it's mine (shameless), 2) I think I'm a little irked that the proprietors just assumed it was not real - that all black women must wear weave. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised - even black folk are like :eek: when they figure out it's yours...anyways, just wanted to share.
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Thanks for sharing! I am so glad that you were able to show that there is another side to black hair. These stores would not make as much money if Black women were educated by other Black Women on the proper way to care for there hair. I know in high school if one person had hair they kept the why to themselves so that they could get the most attention. What happens: there is an entire industry of fake hair in every inner city and there are not even Black own shops. This is black on black crime. LOL!
Yes, I agree! I was wondering, while she was staring open-mouthed, if she was thinking,"Well, as long as she doen't tell the other ladies in here what she does..." LOL
All that hard work is paying off! Good for you!

LOL @ bajanplums: "black on black crime" :lol:
Not to try to steal your joy but a similar thing happened to me. When I was stationed on my last ship (I'm in the Navy) and we were on deployment they used to try to do things to try to boost the morale. One day they let all of the females wear ponytails. Everyone thought mine was fake because they were used to seeing me with my hair in a bun and even by looking at my bun you would have thought my hair was as long as it was because it wasn't that big. It's a great feeling!! Glad to see all of your hard work is paying off winterinatl.
That's great you were about to open their eyes to something they hadn't realized. Black women can grow their hair long!
:yay: Glad you that experience! I think it's a compliment when they think YOUR hair is fake (though I won't have this experience until next year!) :lol:
that's funny.
I guess seeing all those black women come in day after day buying hair has badly skewed their perception of black hair's capabilities.
Lovely story! We're changing the perception of black women's hair, one beautiful and healthy head at a time! :)
this story is funny..and so true.i'm glad you showed them girl!!
The stereotype that black women can not grow hair has spurred me to grow my hair to my behind if i can.I have had people of all races comment on my hair length as if its surprising i made it this far.Its so funny and stupid sometimes i have to sit down and ponder.yup...ponder!!!
however the part that hurts is when my sistas search through my hair stating they want a closer look at it,but in reality they are trying to find weave tracks. :mad:
We can grow hair with patience and care.Love your hair and your hair will love you back :lol: