MSM = Asian Hair?!

LondonDiva said:
It's more refined than the Lignisul crystals (like a crystally powder-very easy to dissolve)and the beauty is I can take about 1/4 teaspoon (1750mg) in 1/2 litre of water at a time and not taste the MSM. It still have that slight bitter MSM taste to it.

1 heaped teaspoon of this stuff is = 7,000mg

Hey Diva, I read your first post and ordered some right away! I got one lb to see how it does me should last for ever based on what you have posted. I've read so much here and MSM is definately a winner for so many reasons. I was taking a cheap on and my knee doesn't hurt any more, as a matter of fact I don't have a single ache or pain of any kind...not that I had many... I'm 44 years old so I figure I'm getting ahead of the game in a lot of ways by using these supplements!! Woo Hoo!!

I'm just getting started baby!!
Hair Love, what will be your new user name?

Also I'm taking Chewable Papaya Enzyme...They have a good taste to them that make it easy to take.

Oh, I too have the straw fetish:D However, using straws put extra "air" in your body which eqauls gas:eek:

Hair Love said:
I thought it would be a good idea to change my username since it is so similar to HairLove's username. I'm a long-time lurker, but new to posting here and don't want folks to get us confused.

As far as how much MSM I take now, I take one 1000 mg. capsule of Natrol MSM 3-4x a week. Like I said, it's only sporadically these days. I'm not on any sort of strict supplement regimen, though I do care about my health and I supplement as needed. Again, I've been taking vitamins since I was 11. I have a relative in the nutritional supplement industry, and my mother forced me to take all sorts of vitamins and minerals when I was a kid.

I take the Alive! Whole Food Multivitamin (that contains enzymes for digestion) once or twice a day or when I remember to take it, a special iron supplement called Iron Glycinate (that absorbs well) during my period, calcium citrate for a few days when I haven't had that much calcium (I'm a non-dairy person, but love spinach), and zinc with Vitamin C when I feel icky or like my immune system is low during cold season or if I've been around someone who is ill.

I'm currently on an allergy-free diet (Ultra-InflamX) due to a wheat and dairy allergy, so I'm begrudgingly eating healthy, clean food when I'd rather be eating baked macaroni and cheese and candied yams with butter.

I'm a Jamaican/West Indian and African food LOVER, and since the Afro-Caribbean diet has very little wheat and dairy, that's what I tend to stick with nowadays. I also eat a lot of sushi and sashimi for my mood (Omega 3). For me, soul food is for holidays only; but even then, digestive enzymes are a MUST!

I'm big on the power of digestive enzymes ( ) and I have taken them for years. GNC makes THE BEST multi-enzyme supplement that even contains acidophilus for the gut. I wish more people knew about how beneficial digestive enzymes are...especially if you're eating heavy, cooked food. Enzymes are the missing link that break nutrients (including protein and fats) down into an absorbable form.

Maybe my new hair is a combination of the things I consume and it's a cumulative effect. I don't know. I think it's the MSM, though. Once my hair grows to SL I'll stop complaining. But for the duration of my resembling a lion, I'll be fussin'. :lol:

I do notice that when I take MSM, my knees don't "crack" when I bend down to pick something up and stand up.
AtlantaJJ what exactly are you putting on your scalp before you go under the dryer?

AtlantaJJ said:

That is sooooo very kind! I have read were I could do a roller set and then put on my scalp and let it sit before I go under the dryer! That would be perfect! Man o man, I didn't get a lick of work done today but boy did I learn a lot. Then I come straight home and I'm back on my 'puter and I see this great news! Thank you!! Please see my PM

Janet happy in Atlanta - - looking for a touch up buddy!!

I gotta get me a siggy and a picture thingie and all that stuff!
I've been taking this stuff for the whole weekend, I must say this stuff I can feel working already. I don't have any of those knee pains I usually get, I actually feel very less stiff and much more virbrant than usual. I feel like I have a lil more energy also. So far so good. Every beverage I have whether hot or cold, I put about an 1/8 of a teaspoon in, and so far no headaches, thank god. Maybe because I'm not putting huge amounts in my liquids and spacing the doseage out.

Thumbs up for DistilpureMSM
MrsHouston said:
AtlantaJJ what exactly are you putting on your scalp before you go under the dryer?

It's called Alter Ego Preventive Treatment for Hairloss "Cren" - 125 ml

I haven't started using it yet, but I have some on order and will be using it soon. I searched on this site and a lot of people posted that it helped with hair sheding. I want to do things to pamper my scalp too so I understand this is really good for that.

MrsHouston said:
Hair Love, what will be your new user name?

Also I'm taking Chewable Papaya Enzyme...They have a good taste to them that make it easy to take.

Oh, I too have the straw fetish:D However, using straws put extra "air" in your body which eqauls gas:eek:

Here I am! :wave: "Hairgasm" is my new moniker.

I hear ya on the straw thing. I can drink ANYTHING if it has a straw. Maybe it's an oral fixation thing...

I'm glad you're liking the papaya enzyme.

I just ordered lipase powder from a cheesemaker, because it is the enzyme that dissolves fat. Bears in hibernation are high in lipase, which is what causes their weight loss. I'm always doing self-experimentation!

You can't find plain lipase anywhere online or in health food stores. The only places that carry it are cheesemakers, because they use it to make cheese. It's cheap, too.

I'm going to take it on an empty stomach for a while to see what effect it has on my blubber.
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Hairgasm said:
Here I am! :wave: "Hairgasm" is my new moniker.

I hear ya on the straw thing. I can drink ANYTHING if it has a straw. Maybe it's an oral fixation thing...

I'm glad you're liking the papaya enzyme.

I just ordered lipase powder from a cheesemaker, because it is the enzyme that dissolves fat. Bears in hibernation are high in lipase, which is what causes their weight loss. I'm always doing self-experimentation!

You can't find plain lipase anywhere online or in health food stores. The only places that carry it are cheesemakers, because they use it to make cheese. It's cheapt, too.

I'm going to take it on an empty stomach for a while to see what effect it has on my blubber.

I'm not sure it will do much. Lipase is usually secreted into the small intestines. So it never sees the hydrochloric acid and peptidases in the stomach. I'm guessing if you're eating it on an empty stomach, lipase is going to be broken down like any other protein. Some proteins are built and modified to withstand the acid and enzymes of the stomach, others become activated there. I don't think lipase is one of them since it goes directly into the small intestine. If you were to take the lipase with food, it might stand a better chance since the food will buffer your stomach acids. Just a thought.
:perplexed I'm gonna throw my hat in too...when my stylist told me the other day that I had a "good grade" of hair, I new something was up...the only thing is, will your hair eventually be straight. I love my coils :p
ThursdayGirl said:
I'm not sure it will do much. Lipase is usually secreted into the small intestines. So it never sees the hydrochloric acid and peptidases in the stomach. I'm guessing if you're eating it on an empty stomach, lipase is going to be broken down like any other protein. Some proteins are built and modified to withstand the acid and enzymes of the stomach, others become activated there. I don't think lipase is one of them since it goes directly into the small intestine. If you were to take the lipase with food, it might stand a better chance since the food will buffer your stomach acids. Just a thought.

That's a good point, and something I will keep in mind. I figure hey, I only paid $9.99 for the lipase powder, so even if it doesn't work to make me leaner, at least it will help with digesting fats - which I need.

I read an article online last night that a medical professional wrote about the benefits of lipase. In his article, he claims that if you mix lipase with a carrier agent, like DMSO or pure aloe vera gel, and rub it on your skin in a fatty area, he claims you will see a noticeable difference from the lipase dissolving the subcutaneous fat. He recommends that you do a small patch test in an inconspicuous area, like the side of your torso.

A mighty claim indeed, but interesting and harmless enough for me to try. There are MANY things I have experimented with (not drugs!) that were supposed to be hogwash and ended up coming close to saving my life. Not saying that lipase is a life or death thing, but I'm interested enough to experiment with it. :look:
I've been taking MSM for a year now and my hair texture has definitely changed. I'm debating whether to even texturize next April since:

1. You can't tell the difference between my hair and the processed hair
2. My own hair is softer

I run and the joints are nolonger hurting.
Skin's glowing.

I just don't have anything bad to say about MSM. (I get mine from Well, that's a lie. It tastes like CRAP! I take a tablespoon a day with a tablespoon of molasses (not for the faint of heart). I'm glad I actually stuck with something from this site out.
Great thread, I took my MSM off of the fridge I stop using it because it really made me breakout. I never had breakouts, before not even as a teenager. I'm scared but I started it again with 1 lil of water I will try to consume 2 more lil today. Hopefully and maybe take msm every other day, until i can order the better quality one londondiva posted.
Even though bad, it's good because MSM related breakouts are the toxins being released from your body. I'm actually waiting for mine, because I can't wait for all this crap (toxins wise ;)) to be gone!!!

As for the straws and gas thing, doesn't pertain to me, rarely fart or burp. :look:
MSM helps the body eliminate toxins including lactic acid build-up from strenuous exercise.
Drinking plenty of water is very important for anyone wishing to have good health. The fact that MSM detoxifies means that you need to keep water moving into the body so that the toxins can be eliminated without stressing other organs of the body, such as the kidneys.

MSM makes cell walls permeable, allowing water and nutrients to freely flow into cells and allowing wastes and toxins to properly flow out.

MSM makes cells less swollen and improves the flexibility between cells. Flexible tissues are more elastic . Cells that are less swollen take up nutrients better and release intracellular toxins easier. This has a huge impact in the reduction of toxins within our body. Toxins cause numerous problems, including the development of cancer cells, in our system.

A study in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences showed that MSM reduced the presence and toxicity of several kinds of solvent hydrocarbons such as benzene, chlorobenzene and toluene in live animal subjects.
yes Hair Love you have an audience and I for one am leaning forward to catch every tip. I have a couple of questions and comments for you.

1. WHy are you taking the Iron Glycinoe during your cycle? I take Iron randomly but mostly during that time to help lighten the flow. I also take it to help minimize my shedding.

2. Do you know of any supplment that stops shedding.

3. Cooper 2mg per day is suppose to turn your gray hair back to its normal color and so does alfafa.

4. I take papaya enzmyes with most every meal, do you think people need stronger enzymes?

5. Tell us more about other supplements u take?

I get all bloat and itchy when I don't take the MSM also.
Wow...I will definitely be ordering some MSM. I want to try this for my hair, and I'm just amazed that I can kill 2 birds with one stone. I've been having arthritic like knee pain since a fall a couple of years ago. I haven't been taking anything for it, because I thought I would have to take a prescription drug to help it. I cannot wait to try this! It's amazing how much you learn on this board, and I thank you all for sharing.
gn1g said:
yes Hair Love you have an audience and I for one am leaning forward to catch every tip. I have a couple of questions and comments for you.

1. WHy are you taking the Iron Glycinoe during your cycle? I take Iron randomly but mostly during that time to help lighten the flow. I also take it to help minimize my shedding.

2. Do you know of any supplment that stops shedding.

3. Cooper 2mg per day is suppose to turn your gray hair back to its normal color and so does alfafa.

4. I take papaya enzmyes with most every meal, do you think people need stronger enzymes?

5. Tell us more about other supplements u take?

I get all bloat and itchy when I don't take the MSM also.

Hi there! As you can see, I am no longer "Hair Love." I'll answer your questions in order:

1. I take iron glycinate during my cycle because I feel kinda blah duirng my period from the blood (iron) loss. As I mentioned, I don't take any supplement with strict regularity anymore. That's because I spent decades on strict supplement regimens. I figure I have a pretty solid health foundation since I never, ever get sick. I do a supplement here and there for maintenance. The iron glycinate I use, by Nature's Bounty, contains Vitamin C, which helps the iron to absorb better. If you Google 'iron glycinate,' you'll see what the medical community and consumers think of this form of iron as opposed to other types. It stops me from feeling sluggish and rundown during my period. I take one or two pills the week of my period, nothing major. Iron builds up in the liver and can be VERY toxic if you take too much. That's why I limit it to 2-3x a month outside of any red meat (sorry, but yum!), spinach and mutivitamin I take.

2. As for shedding, I noticed that taking silica and eating a lot of various proteins stopped my shedding. Eat a wide range of clean, antibiotic and hormone-free proteins from plant AND animal sources (eggs, turkey, chicken, fish, beans, lentils, nuts, etc.). That's if you're not a vegetarian.

3. Thanks for the copper tip. I heard that before, but what I don't get is that I've taken copper all my life and I still have some gray hair. I heard that brewer's yeast, iodine, and kelp are supposed to help, but they didn't do jack in the gray hair department for me. I read that blackstrap molasses, when consumed, is supposed to help. We'll see. My friend said she didn't take Pepperie tea ( consistently enough to see results, so that will be hit or miss for me.

4. As for enzymes, it's not so much that you need stronger enzymes, but a wider RANGE of enzymes. From my recollection, papaya enzyme pills only contain the enzymes that break down carbs (amylase), fat (lipase), and proteins (protease). There are MANY more enzymes than that! For example, lactase breaks down milk sugar, cellulase breaks down plant fibers (cellulose), serrapeptase comes from the belly of a silkworm and it digests non-living matter like tumors and such. Vitalzym is known to be one of the best on the market, if not the best. There are all kinds of forums on the Internet from Vitalzym users who swear it broke down their blood clots and dissolved tumors. I tried serrapeptase, and I can attest that it dissolved and liquefied something in my body, because I had all kinds of weird stuff coming out of my body in mucous form. I wasn't even sick, but I took it as a preventative measure. Serrapeptase scavenges yucky matter out of your bloodstream and dissolves fibroid tumors and stuff. I could go on, but I think I've been pretty thorough on this.

5. What else do I take? Hmm...what DON'T I take is the question. LOL. I take lecithin and milk thistle for my liver. At the beginning of each new season, I use a product called Ultimate Cleanse by Nature's Way which is a full-body cleanse that cleans not just your colon, but your ORGANS (liver, kidneys, etc.), lymphatic system and bloodstream. You can get it at Whole Foods and GNC, and most nutritional supplement shops. It's a seven-day cleanse. You eat light (fish, chicken, fruit, veggies, rice, etc.) and have no alcohol, caffeine, or nicotine that week and just take some of the herbal and some of the fiber pills. BEST CLEANSE EVER! Not only do you shed solid stuff, but mucousy, gunky stuff from your gallbladder, liver, lymphatic fluid, and toxic bloodstream matter.

Whenever something works for me, I spread the word, but I ESPECIALLY make sure I share the 411 with my own. If any of this works for you, spread the word! :look:
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Hairgasm said:
Vitalzym is known to be one of the best on the market, if not the best. There are all kinds of forums on the Internet from Vitalzym users who swear it broke down their blood clots and dissolved tumors. I tried serrapeptase, and I can attest that it dissolved and liquefied something in my body, because I had all kinds of weird stuff coming out of my body in mucous form. I wasn't even sick, but I took it as a preventative measure. Serrapeptase scavenges yucky matter out of your bloodstream and dissolves fibroid tumors and stuff. I could go on, but I think I've been pretty thorough on this.

How many Vitalzym pills do you take a day to notice any change in your body? I looked them up and they are pretty expensive.:eek:
I take a massive amount of MSM - about 9400mgs of the crystallized kind per day, or one scoop, in my coffee. The coffee masks the taste entirely. The dog gets some, the cat gets some and I get some.

My hair seemed softer for a while, but I noticed my most recent new growth is thick and wily as usual. I am probably 4b, but my hair is fine. I cannot get by without a relaxer. I used a milk treatment to straighten it some, just to get me by for the week.

My skin seems to show the real results of MSM. Marks fade almost immediately and despite having always looked young, I'm looking younger than ever. There are absolutely no lines on my face--no frown, no smile, no crows' feet. It's given me a botoxed appearance, which is cool.

I also used to have sore ankles from the stress of walking around on my new tile floors. I haven't felt that in ages, since starting the MSM. When I've slacked off, it does come back. It also got rid of the arthritic pain in my mom's knees and now she's sending it to her friends to try.

It's not been hair miracle, but it's definitely going to be a permanent supplement for me.
ADB said:
How many Vitalzym pills do you take a day to notice any change in your body? I looked them up and they are pretty expensive.:eek:

I never tried the Vitalzym brand. For the fibroid and tumor-dissolving protocol, I think you have to take like 20 pills a day. It's expensive when you think of it in the short term, but if it's beneficial to your health, IMO my health is priceless. Besides, you only take that many until your fibroids and tumors shrink and/or dissolve, and then just a bit for maintenance.

What I took was Serrapeptase, which is one of the main enzymes in Vitalzym. This is where I got mine: I followed the directions on the bottle, though I did take some on an empty stomach before bed. With food, it just digests protein. Without food, it goes to work on the fibrous and tumorous junk.

I'm not a doctor, just a consumer and self-experimenter. Nothing I say is gospel; I'm just relaying my own experience. It took me a good 2-3 weeks before I passed that icky goo. :creatures
Hairgasm said:
I never tried the Vitalzym brand. For the fibroid and tumor-dissolving protocol, I think you have to take like 20 pills a day. It's expensive when you think of it in the short term, but if it's beneficial to your health, IMO my health is priceless. Besides, you only take that many until your fibroids and tumors shrink and/or dissolve, and then just a bit for maintenance.

What I took was Serrapeptase, which is one of the main enzymes in Vitalzym. This is where I got mine: I followed the directions on the bottle, though I did take some on an empty stomach before bed. With food, it just digests protein. Without food, it goes to work on the fibrous and tumorous junk.

I'm not a doctor, just a consumer and self-experimenter. Nothing I say is gospel; I'm just relaying my own experience. It took me a good 2-3 weeks before I passed that icky goo. :creatures

Thank you for all the info!:) I am pretty heathy but I'm going to purchase some of the enzymes from serrapeptase and see if I notice any differance in my body and overall health.
Hey, interesting post.

slightly (well completely off topic) but I think I have found the engagement ring of my DREAMS in your avatar :love: :love: :love: . Is it a Tiffany's I think i am going to have to start dropping some serious hints lol, just kidding. Yeah so, who's the designer?

sorry to hijack the thread, but erm i think ima go out and get me some MSM :look:
Been on the Distilpure MSM since Saturday. No aches no pains. No stiffness in the knees. No headaches, no breakouts so far. Increased energy, just waiting on the hair growth :D
I'm about to get on board the MSM ship today. As a longtime reader (lurker) of these boards, I went and bought some of the TriMedica brand a couple of months ago from GNC. I hadn't taken any yet because I was pregnant and then nursing and I didn't get a definate answer on how it would affect the baby. Its good to know what some of the long term effects of taking it are.
hairgasm, you appear to be up on your game and will try and stick to anything that will be beneficial to your health, much like myself. I was just curious after you stated about the mucousy stuff being expelled from the body, it reminds me of woodroot tonic which I fell off since taking so much other stuff, but I used to take religiously every night and this stuff was like woa! have you ever tried it?
nomoweavesfome said:
hairgasm, you appear to be up on your game and will try and stick to anything that will be beneficial to your health, much like myself. I was just curious after you stated about the mucousy stuff being expelled from the body, it reminds me of woodroot tonic which I fell off since taking so much other stuff, but I used to take religiously every night and this stuff was like woa! have you ever tried it?

what's the ingredients of the woodroot, and why did you start taking it?
Is anyone taking vitamin C with her MSM? I have never focused on taking vitamin C while on MSM, but I have always read that MSM should be taken with vitamin C for maximal results? Can anyone give input?