you can count me in :yep:

yes my hair looks uneven...i had a ponytail in then just fingercombed it out for the photo. maybe my ponytails are too tight now that im looking at it :ohwell: that shall be fixed on to the important stuff!
Im currently shoulder length. My reggie is...
Co wash 1x week
Wash 1x week. Rollersetting is my method of drying my hair
DC 2x week
Comb every other day. Wide tooth shower comb only.
No direct heat. I direct heat. This will be tough but so far so good.
Relax every 12-14 weeks
Massage scalp daily for 5 mins
Vitamins every day
Maintain moisture/protein balance. And will be incorporating ceramides into the reggie.
Staple oils: Castor, Jojoba, EVCO, and Grapeseed. EVCO daily and the rest is mixed into a DC.
And that is all...seems like a lot but actually pretty simple. Keeping it low mani :grin:
Count me in too. Currently neck length. I should be SL by the end of the year, full SL by mid-2011, and APL by the end 2011. That's my story & I'm sticking with it :).
I plan to deep condition every 1-2 weeks, keep it moisturized, and keep it in twisted styles.
Count me in. My starting like is in my Piki strip.

Lace Wigs
Cornrows underneath
Wash/DC 1x per week or every 2 weeks
MT on scalp every day
Whole Head Baggy 3 times per week with HS 14 en 1 or S-Curl
Seal Ends with JBCO.

I have never been APL in my life. I cant wait to get there.

Good Luck and HHG Ladies!
I forgot to add:

I always air dry
Roller set or bantu knot out on weekends.
I only comb on wash days.
I texlax every 22-24 weeks.

Hair Skin Nails
Biotin (5000)
Super B Complex
Count me in too. Currently neck length. I should be SL by the end of the year, full SL by mid-2011, and APL by the end 2011. That's my story & I'm sticking with it :).
I plan to deep condition every 1-2 weeks, keep it moisturized, and keep it in twisted styles.

Sounds like my plan. I plan to mini box braid my hair this weekend and see if I can stretch it for a few weeks and use the Crown and Glory washing method on them.
I keep peeking in this thread, and I've decided "Aw, heck! Why not?":grin: I might be able to make it to APL stretched by December 2011 after my BC. I'm joining! APL Class of 2011 ROCKS!!! Anyways, I'll at least be APL if I include my relaxed ends:look:
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Planning to hit APL by 2011

Current regimen -wash or cowash once a week, braidout the remaining days, moisturize 2-3 times a week.

To reach APL I plan on doing my own braids starting sometime next week, but keeping them in consistently from Septemember to December 2010.

Starting pics straightened:

My reggie is pretty boring. I just plan to wear twist/braid styles, wash/oil rinse/DC once a week, color and protein treat every 6 weeks (bottled red head lol).
Crap...i havent taken pics of the current style yet and i've got some July length check pics...wait...did i already post those in here?? GAH, im so confused LOL
I'll be back in town this weekend. I'll plan to post pics Sunday 7/25 or Monday at the latest. Somebody please remind me if I haven't posted a pic by Monday.
I'm in...I'm in the APL by Dec 2010 challenge but I may not be full APL by Dec. I know I will be there sometime in 2011. I plan on cowashing at least once a week, DC once a week and try to find products for my relaxed hair. I'm so excited. Since I just relaxed last weekend and I am wearing a high fake pony, I don't have a starting pic but I plan on buying a curling iron so I can wear it down.
I shall post a picture today when I get home from work. Unfortunately, I don't have any pics on this comp to share...dangit!:nono:
Im ready Im ready ***in my spongebob voice ***

corn rows and twists as PS - though I will wear my hair "out" in puffs twist outs etc on occassion.
wash with black soap every 2 weeks
DC every week alternating moisture and light protein
step up on my porosity control
JUICE :grin:
seal with shea butter or castor oil

presently, only my nape (probably an inch up from there is NL)


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I'm in!! Here's my starting point

Co-wash every other day with HE Totally Twisted
Using Bee Mine Serum every other day and moisturize with HS 14n1
PS's right now I'm in twist but during the fall I will put in a sew-in and wear that for 2 months and in-between wear my hair in twist/braid outs
I'm in!! Here's my starting point

Co-wash every other day with HE Totally Twisted
Using Bee Mine Serum every other day and moisturize with HS 14n1
PS's right now I'm in twist but during the fall I will put in a sew-in and wear that for 2 months and in-between wear my hair in twist/braid outs

I think u r completely adorable.. i just had to say that
I'm in!!!! I will be doing my BC in Jan ( so I will post a pic then)
my planned Reggie is:
- cowash 2-3x wk
- PS of choice- bun, senegalese twist, or half wigs
- moisture / seal 2x daily

shooting for APL by July 2011

* my reggie is subject to change depending on how my natural hair reacts.

ETA: Picture of my NG for my staring pic (taken in June)

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