That's what I want

DMJ's Mom

Well-Known Member
Just wanted to share a story that just made my day today. So I'm at the shoe store this morning and I see these 3 girls probably 18-20 years old all 3 had this really long pretty hair (I don't know if it was weave or not but it was still pretty) and I hear one of the girls tell her friends as they kind of passed by me "See that's what I want...a big natural puff" even though I didn't get any shoes :nono: I left the store with this huge grin on my face because this morning with all the humidity I just wasn't feeling my WNG.
yaaaaay!!! i had one of those moments last year. i was sitting on the bus and two girls behind me were talkin and one said "I wish my hair would curl like that". the other girl said "you can get your hair to look like that with a straw set" and then the girl said "yeah but she doesnt have to do all that to get her hair to look like that". man i was gah-rinning ear to ear cause i usually don't get compliments on my hair unless its straight.