That's not the same girl... Who? The girl in the photo... Yes it is that's me


New Member
LOL! This is what just happend between me and my roommate. She was looking at me on here and saw a post I made on the forum. She immediately said "that's not the same girl." I'm like who are you talking about?
"That girl in the photos her hair's like 3 different colors that's not her."
Yes it is, that's me........

She was so confused it was hilarious LOL! My hair changes colors from summer to winter. She was looking at my siggy. Then she said

"B**** why are you naked? You couldn't put on no shirt?"

My hair changes color too. Some of it is due to products (coconut oil = darker, peanut oil = lighter) and some of it is sun exposure.
LOL! just tell her that's some lhcf style:yep: hehe

OT how come your hair color changes from winter to summer???

I'm not quite sure why it does that it's always been like that. Usually starting in the spring my hair begins to turn auburn. IT's really really pretty it looks like I've done a henna treatment or something. And once fall comes it gradually turns darker again almost black. I don't know if it's the sun or what but my entire family's hair does this so maybe it's genetic I don't really know????