That one girl who NEVER has any problems dating


New Member
Anyone have a gf like that? While many women complain of the black male crisis, it's like she never has a problem pulling eligible men. She might be married or no, she might be very attractive or not, either way she's a magnet for the right type of man.

As a friend/acquaintance what type of characteristics have you noticed about this person? Personality traits, overall vibe, unique habits or activities? Any interesting anecdotes?

This is LHCF so I'm sure we have thousands of those types here, but I do want to hear about observations as opposed to self reflections. Hopefully it's a fun discussion with lots of good responses!
I don't think those girls exist. Everyone at one point or another runs into the WRONG type of man. Just because men are eligible to date doesn't mean they qualify to continue a dating relationship. I have never in life had a problem dating or pulling men. I guess by just being open, friendly and not over analyzing myself. Once you get to know those men though, can lead to a whole nutha can of worms so that's when dating gets...interesting.

ETA: I really want to emphasize the over analyzing part. Focus on what makes you feel good and confident in how you look and things you like to do. Not what you think men will like. When you are totally comfortable with you, you're bound to exude a confidence that will attract something similar likenesses.
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I don't think there is anyone that NEVER has any problems dating but I do know women who have been very successful in the love department.

One lady I can recall was just an all around nice person. She was cute in a girl next door kind of way, nice figure, extremely personable. One thing that I always noticed about her is that when she spoke to you she made you feel like you were the only person in the world. Men ate out of the palm of her hand and women always wanted to be around her. She was just a naturally charming and engaging person. Like I said, she was cute but no more so than a million other girls. She made whoever she was talking to feel super special, that's part of the reason that she did so well romantically.
I don't think those girls exist. Everyone at one point or another runs into the WRONG type of man. Just because men are eligible to date doesn't mean they qualify to continue a dating relationship. I have never in life had a problem dating or pulling men. I guess by just being open, friendly and not over analyzing myself. Once you get to know those men though, can lead to a whole nutha can of worms so that's when dating gets...interesting.

ETA: I really want to emphasize the over analyzing part. Focus on what makes you feel good and confident in how you look and things you like to do. Not what you think men will like. When you are totally comfortable with you, you're bound to exude a confidence that will attract something similar likenesses.

I thought the first paragraph went without saying but I guess not. I have noticed that some people are always complaining about never findin a guy and some people aren't. I'm assuming it has to do with personal habits. I think people could benefit from hearing about some real life examples. Thanks for sharing your reflections if you have any observations of other women you know that would be great.

Re: the over analysis. You're right that's not so good to get into but I think some self analysis is a worthwhile activity for me to engage in at this point in my life. We all go through different seasons.
I thought the first paragraph went without saying but I guess not. I have noticed that some people are always complaining about never findin a guy and some people aren't. I'm assuming it has to do with personal habits. I think people could benefit from hearing about some real life examples. Thanks for sharing your reflections if you have any observations of other women you know that would be great.

Re: the over analysis. You're right that's not so good to get into but I think some self analysis is a worthwhile activity for me to engage in at this point in my life. We all go through different seasons.

That's what I mean though. Analyzing other people's whatevers, etc... just make yourself happy. My general rule of thumb is to always focus on self.
My friends used to think I was that girl when I was single... but the truth is, I just put in the work. When I was on point... I stayed social, maintained dating site profiles, and kept 3 eligible guys in dating rotation. My friends would always say "You're always going out on dates! Where do you find these guys? I need to be more like you!". Then when I would help them set up a dating profile, they wouldn't maintain it and when we would make pacts to go on weekly happy hours to spots where professional men frequent, they would fall off after week 1 or 2 lol.

It wasn't easy and I don't miss it. However, it was all worth meeting my current SO.

ETA: Also, while most of the guys I dated were good on paper, not all of them were good for me. Obviously...

So when people see women dating all of these "eligible bachelors" all the time, keep in mind that it's not all rosey... Otherwise, she'd be married to one.
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I want to say my friend is like that except it isn't really the right guy. She just attracts a lot of male attention. She's isn't ratchet or slutty or ho-ing or whatever. She's a good person. Maybe it's her aura. Idk.
My best friend is like this. She has had a boyfriend since we were in 11th grade. Coincidentally enough she isnt really a fan of relationships :lol: She had the time of her life being single for a few weeks before she met her most recent boyfriend. They were mutual friends and the rest is history. She never looks for a boyfriend but always has one.
Looking at past advice from ppl like Bunny77, Barbie, Zaybab etc, I agree with SmileyNY. You have to put in work.
Yep. Now she has serious issues and her dating life is bumpy but she can pull any man, any woman :look: from all walks of life. It keeps me in amazement.

I used to contribute to her looks, she has the Lisa Bonet look, fair skinned with curly hair and petite. But honestly, it's more than that ... like a spiritual thing. People are just drawn to her.
Yep. Now she has serious issues and her dating life is bumpy but she can pull any man, any woman :look: from all walks of life. It keeps me in amazement. I used to contribute to her looks, she has the Lisa Bonet look, fair skinned with curly hair and petite. But honestly, it's more than that ... like a spiritual thing. People are just drawn to her.

Agreed. Looks count but they will only carry you so far.
yep. My cousin, BFF and a close girlfriend of mine. They can't stand LHCF :lachen:

Men come very easy to them. Two are married, the other is pseudo-engaged (long story, cant get into details--this is her 2nd engagement).

All three are EXTREMELY self-entitled (pros & cons) go-getters overall. sometimes they border on selfish but self-centered is prob the most accurate. None of them ever take 'NO' for an answer with/about anything. They live as though rules & norms never apply to them because at the end of the day, they are going to do whatever the hell they want. Their relationships are consistent with most other areas of their life: They see what they want, pursue it relentlessly, obtain it. The end. You can't tell them what they can or can't do. If it's what they want, they are going to get it. You can write that check and cash it in advance. :lol:

oh and they are all pretty ruthless with men. I'm extremely nice w/sugar on top in comparison. :lol:

eta: their relationships are normal-average in health. no better or worse than most, it's just that they aren't the types to put up with bs. They will KIM. Men know this. Act too foolish, there willl be no chasing or long-suffering angry woman, he will be replaced.
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Yes. Those ladies are all about their self confidence. Men flock to that. Many go against the LHCF grain in looks and the so-called standard of what men are looking for. Dare I say, I was one of those chicks as well :look: There IS a shortage of middle-upper class BM in this area tho :look::look:

Anyhoo, none were ever manless unless they wanted to be.

However, they attract all types. It's not like every man is a winner either. Some you just hang out with for a bit for entertainment and move on to the next in short order. Yes, that's pretty brutal, but how it is...
I lived with one such person for a year. She jumped from relationship to relationship. When we met, she'd just started grad school, and 2 months in got a new BF. Before starting grad school, she'd been in a 2-year relationship. After year 1 of grad school, the BF messed up, and so she broke up with him. Told me/us that that summer, she connected with a guy she'd more or less had a crush on, but the distance thing never made it possible for them. Fast forward to the fall that we lived together, just a few months later, this summer guy was planning to come visit for a few days, but oh, wait, the first day that we move in, some random group happens to be hanging out near our apartment. They invite all of us to a party a week later, and bam, she and one of the guys of that group go on a date less than a week later, and now it is a little over 1 year later, she's moved to a new city, and he's making plans to relocate there as well. They've traveled together, met parents, friends, etc. It appeared so effortless.

She said she's never had anything this easy, and that maybe it is because he's 30. I don't know. I'd never seen anything like it.

She's a serial monogamist without overt issues (people love to pit them as having low self-esteem, I don't know why). She says she falls in love very easily. In fact, before date 1, she was like: squeal! I:love:him! And the rest of us were looking like::look:, pretty much expecting disaster to ensue. Imagine our surprise. He used to travel a lot for work, and supposedly he'd send frequent emails reminding her why he thinks she's awesome.

Oh, meanwhile, the previous boyfriend was in the picture, actively trying to get back with her. Somehow I began to wonder if it is the competition... as she literally has left most boyfriends for others. Men are competitive creatures, and to know that the lady you've had your sights on is actively being pursued by another person trying to re-win her affections, that'll make you put in work, no?

As for her personality, she's super bubbly and very laid back. She's also a bit entitled, and that used to annoy the heck out of me. She's careless in a living situation, but actually quite meticulous about her presentation to said boyfriend. She'd put a lot of effort into looking charmingly casual. She might be described as a girl next door... not super fashionable, but always well-dressed (as in, in well-fitting clothes), maintains a particular look, is fun around guys (can hold her liquor and is athletic) but is also quite girly (giggling tendencies).

I also think, on surface, she presented herself as a source of joy for this BF. In fact, she sometimes acted as though she put him on a pedestal. Evidently, he did too, so that's great. He's a big social person and organizes LOTS of get-togethers, and she'd always be there, dressed for his countless costume parties (a 30-year old, Ivy-league educated social butterfly), and would participate in some of his athletic competitions (he did a LOT of those).

I'd seen her be really annoyed with him, and she'll have a string of curses before opening the door, and he'd walk in, and she'd be like: "Hi babe!!" I don't know how they manage conflict, but I thought those instances were interesting.

On some occasions, friends have asked me how I date so much, but these periods ebb and flow. Right now they are ebbbiiiinng. And even when my dating life is on point, I've never been a serial monogamist.

I have another friend who might fit the same boat, and I'd say she too is super laid back. The kind of person you enjoy being around, who makes people feel good around them.

My synthesis of all this has been: do men enjoy being around you for conversation? like, undisturbed conversation, not shadowed by glittery activities and expenses? But do they enjoy having you in their life as an actual friend, and not as just the girl they're dating? The guys who stick around in my life for year after year, we have that.
My friends used to think I was that girl when I was single... but the truth is, I just put in the work. When I was on point... I stayed social, maintained dating site profiles, and kept 3 eligible guys in dating rotation. My friends would always say "You're always going out on dates! Where do you find these guys? I need to be more like you!". Then when I would help them set up a dating profile, they wouldn't maintain it and when we would make pacts to go on weekly happy hours to spots where professional men frequent, they would fall off after week 1 or 2 lol.

It wasn't easy and I don't miss it. However, it was all worth meeting my current SO.

ETA: Also, while most of the guys I dated were good on paper, not all of them were good for me. Obviously...

So when people see women dating all of these "eligible bachelors" all the time, keep in mind that it's not all rosey... Otherwise, she'd be married to one.

This post is very true.

I will say that the ladies I posted in about previously have above average work ethic which also extends to their relationships. A lot of tolerance but a lot of commitment as well.

The two marrieds did not marry their best on paper. Actually when they married their husbands, I'd say the DHs ranked a B- in comparison to some of the past men . The other "ready made" men didnt work out for reasons only they know. IMO it's better to put effort in moving on when youre unhappy vs wasting even more energy causing permanent damage by investing in the wrong one. The worn out women seem to be those that allowed a single wrong man to suck them dry, emotionally & physically.

About work ethic-- both current husbands are only great because the women put in a lot of work to make them that way. It's like the old adage "a man is only as great as the woman next to him." Be it quantity in dating or quality in marriage, I can def say these women are consistently willing to put in the work to meet their goals (men/relationship).
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Yayyy! Dialogue lol

My friends used to think I was that girl when I was single... but the truth is, I just put in the work. When I was on point... I stayed social, maintained dating site profiles, and kept 3 eligible guys in dating rotation. My friends would always say "You're always going out on dates! Where do you find these guys? I need to be more like you!". Then when I would help them set up a dating profile, they wouldn't maintain it and when we would make pacts to go on weekly happy hours to spots where professional men frequent, they would fall off after week 1 or 2 lol.

It wasn't easy and I don't miss it. However, it was all worth meeting my current SO.

ETA: Also, while most of the guys I dated were good on paper, not all of them were good for me. Obviously...

So when people see women dating all of these "eligible bachelors" all the time, keep in mind that it's not all rosey... Otherwise, she'd be married to one.

This was a great post. I've dated lots of eligible guys who were absolute toads, so I totally get it. Often they are more trouble than they're worth. I'm tired of dating at this point, but I feel like I do need to invest a good amount of energy into it at this point in my life to have the type of life I want later on. Aiy.
I lived with one such person for a year. She jumped from relationship to relationship. When we met, she'd just started grad school, and 2 months in got a new BF. Before starting grad school, she'd been in a 2-year relationship. After year 1 of grad school, the BF messed up, and so she broke up with him. Told me/us that that summer, she connected with a guy she'd more or less had a crush on, but the distance thing never made it possible for them. Fast forward to the fall that we lived together, just a few months later, this summer guy was planning to come visit for a few days, but oh, wait, the first day that we move in, some random group happens to be hanging out near our apartment. They invite all of us to a party a week later, and bam, she and one of the guys of that group go on a date less than a week later, and now it is a little over 1 year later, she's moved to a new city, and he's making plans to relocate there as well. They've traveled together, met parents, friends, etc. It appeared so effortless.

She said she's never had anything this easy, and that maybe it is because he's 30. I don't know. I'd never seen anything like it.

She's a serial monogamist without overt issues (people love to pit them as having low self-esteem, I don't know why). She says she falls in love very easily. In fact, before date 1, she was like: squeal! I:love:him! And the rest of us were looking like::look:, pretty much expecting disaster to ensue. Imagine our surprise. He used to travel a lot for work, and supposedly he'd send frequent emails reminding her why he thinks she's awesome.

Oh, meanwhile, the previous boyfriend was in the picture, actively trying to get back with her. Somehow I began to wonder if it is the competition... as she literally has left most boyfriends for others. Men are competitive creatures, and to know that the lady you've had your sights on is actively being pursued by another person trying to re-win her affections, that'll make you put in work, no?

As for her personality, she's super bubbly and very laid back. She's also a bit entitled, and that used to annoy the heck out of me. She's careless in a living situation, but actually quite meticulous about her presentation to said boyfriend. She'd put a lot of effort into looking charmingly casual. She might be described as a girl next door... not super fashionable, but always well-dressed (as in, in well-fitting clothes), maintains a particular look, is fun around guys (can hold her liquor and is athletic) but is also quite girly (giggling tendencies).

I also think, on surface, she presented herself as a source of joy for this BF. In fact, she sometimes acted as though she put him on a pedestal. Evidently, he did too, so that's great. He's a big social person and organizes LOTS of get-togethers, and she'd always be there, dressed for his countless costume parties (a 30-year old, Ivy-league educated social butterfly), and would participate in some of his athletic competitions (he did a LOT of those).

I'd seen her be really annoyed with him, and she'll have a string of curses before opening the door, and he'd walk in, and she'd be like: "Hi babe!!" I don't know how they manage conflict, but I thought those instances were interesting.

On some occasions, friends have asked me how I date so much, but these periods ebb and flow. Right now they are ebbbiiiinng. And even when my dating life is on point, I've never been a serial monogamist.

I have another friend who might fit the same boat, and I'd say she too is super laid back. The kind of person you enjoy being around, who makes people feel good around them.

My synthesis of all this has been: do men enjoy being around you for conversation? like, undisturbed conversation, not shadowed by glittery activities and expenses? But do they enjoy having you in their life as an actual friend, and not as just the girl they're dating? The guys who stick around in my life for year after year, we have that.

This post stood out to me it's much different than the type of women I referenced in my post. OP didnt clarify details what she considers ease with men. are we talking quantity? quality? or both?

The women in my post attract a lot of men and are consistently low on heartbreak.---it takes a lot for them to fall in love. I've only see it happen once or twice with all 3 of them. But If we're talking women that always have a man around, I actually know a lot more of them. I didnt include the women that are heavy on numbers and high on drama. For example, a friend of a friend gets more men than any woman I know (rich ambitious men--yt and blk), however, I don't consider her as having it easy with men. She's in my bad luck pile, I think her life is harrrrdd. She's always getting hurt, has a high rate of being dumped and almost never gets what she wants out of men or relationships. She's so thirsty and desperate, it's pathetic. The girl has no standards. But she always has a man around tho.
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I lived with one such person for a year. She jumped from relationship to relationship. When we met, she'd just started grad school, and 2 months in got a new BF. Before starting grad school, she'd been in a 2-year relationship. After year 1 of grad school, the BF messed up, and so she broke up with him. Told me/us that that summer, she connected with a guy she'd more or less had a crush on, but the distance thing never made it possible for them. Fast forward to the fall that we lived together, just a few months later, this summer guy was planning to come visit for a few days, but oh, wait, the first day that we move in, some random group happens to be hanging out near our apartment. They invite all of us to a party a week later, and bam, she and one of the guys of that group go on a date less than a week later, and now it is a little over 1 year later, she's moved to a new city, and he's making plans to relocate there as well. They've traveled together, met parents, friends, etc. It appeared so effortless.

She said she's never had anything this easy, and that maybe it is because he's 30. I don't know. I'd never seen anything like it.

She's a serial monogamist without overt issues (people love to pit them as having low self-esteem, I don't know why). She says she falls in love very easily. In fact, before date 1, she was like: squeal! I:love:him! And the rest of us were looking like::look:, pretty much expecting disaster to ensue. Imagine our surprise. He used to travel a lot for work, and supposedly he'd send frequent emails reminding her why he thinks she's awesome.

Oh, meanwhile, the previous boyfriend was in the picture, actively trying to get back with her. Somehow I began to wonder if it is the competition... as she literally has left most boyfriends for others. Men are competitive creatures, and to know that the lady you've had your sights on is actively being pursued by another person trying to re-win her affections, that'll make you put in work, no?

As for her personality, she's super bubbly and very laid back. She's also a bit entitled, and that used to annoy the heck out of me. She's careless in a living situation, but actually quite meticulous about her presentation to said boyfriend. She'd put a lot of effort into looking charmingly casual. She might be described as a girl next door... not super fashionable, but always well-dressed (as in, in well-fitting clothes), maintains a particular look, is fun around guys (can hold her liquor and is athletic) but is also quite girly (giggling tendencies).

I also think, on surface, she presented herself as a source of joy for this BF. In fact, she sometimes acted as though she put him on a pedestal. Evidently, he did too, so that's great. He's a big social person and organizes LOTS of get-togethers, and she'd always be there, dressed for his countless costume parties (a 30-year old, Ivy-league educated social butterfly), and would participate in some of his athletic competitions (he did a LOT of those).

I'd seen her be really annoyed with him, and she'll have a string of curses before opening the door, and he'd walk in, and she'd be like: "Hi babe!!" I don't know how they manage conflict, but I thought those instances were interesting.

On some occasions, friends have asked me how I date so much, but these periods ebb and flow. Right now they are ebbbiiiinng. And even when my dating life is on point, I've never been a serial monogamist.

I have another friend who might fit the same boat, and I'd say she too is super laid back. The kind of person you enjoy being around, who makes people feel good around them.

My synthesis of all this has been: do men enjoy being around you for conversation? like, undisturbed conversation, not shadowed by glittery activities and expenses? But do they enjoy having you in their life as an actual friend, and not as just the girl they're dating? The guys who stick around in my life for year after year, we have that.

LOL I feel like your friend and I have stuff in common :lol:

I do feel like the stage of a man's life can make things exponentially easier. For a long time I dated the 23-27 yo version of your friends boyfriend... omg. Fun, but a total waste of time lol. Those are the kind of guys who will keep you in their pocket for years until they are ready to settle down lol, if it ever happens.

The guy I'm dating now is 31yo, and he has a lot of similarities to your friends BF. Its peculiar. It does seem like he's going down that path. LOL but when he talks about the stuff he was doing earlier in life I'm like.... :ohwell::perplexed:look:
This post is very true.

I will say that the ladies I posted in about previously have above average work ethic which also extends to their relationships. A lot of tolerance but a lot of commitment as well.

The two marrieds did not marry their best on paper. Actually when they married their husbands, I'd say the DHs ranked a B- in comparison to some of the past men . The other "ready made" men didnt work out for reasons only they know. IMO it's better to put effort in moving on when youre unhappy vs wasting even more energy causing permanent damage by investing in the wrong one. The worn out women seem to be those that allowed a single wrong man to suck them dry, emotionally & physically.

About work ethic-- both current husbands are only great because the women put in a lot of work to make them that way. It's like the old adage "a man is only as great as the woman next to him." Be it quantity in dating or quality in marriage, I can def say these women are consistently willing to put in the work to meet their goals (men/relationship).

Yeah this post hits home too. I can relate to this a lot.
Yeah, I posted about the "low on heartbreak" type, as there could be more who always have someone around but are always down and out about somebody.

Frankly, I used to be that person (the latter), and in some ways still am (I am an emotional lady). Our other roommate once said: You have all these people who are interested in you. Yet, for whatever reason or another, I don't feel the same. I don't make an effort to keep them around, but they stick around... I'd say because we also relate as friends. I'm easy going with them, and in some ways that allows me to deflect their affection.

I've made changes, though. I decided about a year ago that I was going to toughen up my skin and stop letting dating woes bring me down. I have options, and sometimes despite the high (on-paper) quality of said options, I am not interested. Taking people at face value, accepting (or not) them for who they are has made dating so much more enjoyable for me. That became evident when I put in the work, by putting myself out there, and went on dates with up to 15 different folks in the span of 2.5 months. I think the higher the numbers, the more relaxed one feels... at least the more relaxed I do. With that said, in period of virtually no dating (as is the case right now) I still intend to keep cool and be chill. Really much more pleasant that way.

OAN: I've met some extra thirsty men here. I can't wait to find a normal one to accept a date.
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I'd have to say, I'm also much more interested in hearing about the low on heartbreak women, whether they fall in love fast or not, and whether they're the ones to end their relationships or not.
There are plenty of the other types of women. They're not intriguing:look::lol:
My grandma, both my sisters, and one of my aunts. Its like they are men/relationship magnets. They are all different in my opinion but their similarities are that they are demanding of certain things in a relationship and they expect a man to always know what he is doing and have his mind made up. They dont accept any wishy washy mess, and I wonder if men respect them for it and shape up or ship out.

The gene seems to have skipped me :rolleyes:
My grandma, both my sisters, and one of my aunts. Its like they are men/relationship magnets. They are all different in my opinion but their similarities are that they are demanding of certain things in a relationship and they expect a man to always know what he is doing and have his mind made up. They dont accept any wishy washy mess, and I wonder if men respect them for it and shape up or ship out.

The gene seems to have skipped me :rolleyes:


People, especially males, only do what they *have* to do. it has everything to do respect. men respect women with standards.

High standards are a lot of energy and work. Maintaining high standards involves even more work in that it requires holding not only oneself, but others, accountable for actions/behaviors. No easy task but consistency demands respect. Low(er) standards are easy. Less effort and commitment to maintain yet more opportunity for lax behavior and/or effin-up. Common sense, lower standards = fewer expectations = less effort = man's life easier. Given the choice between working hard and relaxing, most take the easy way out.

Allowing or accepting wishy-wishy under any circumstance ensures you will get it. IMO/E men only do what the woman allows. Men do better bc they HAVE to. shape up or ship out. There's an incentive--it's only way to keep their woman. If a man can keep his woman with far less effort rest assure he will take full advantage. No consequence for slacking means no incentive to do better. Some women are so worried about being understanding, compromising and making a man's life easier they make THEIR life harder. chicks talkinbout they're being "supportive" when in reality theyre setting low standards for themselves which just enables subpar behavior in their man.:nono: arsebackwards, men are supposed to help women smh
I think we are confusing 2 types of women.

There's the type of woman that is very social and always seems to be an active dater, as the thread title suggests. She has standards and is looking for a man that fits them. She's not afraid to let dead weight go, no matter how attractive he may be or how good he is on paper. If he's not working out... she's on to the next.

And then there's the type of codependent woman who doesn't have high standards because she's desperate to jump from one relationship to the next... like Jennifer Lopez. The type of woman who is never single for more than 5 minutes. These type of women never really date... they just latch on to their closest option.

Two different threads, IMO.
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I think we are confusing 2 types of women.

There's the type of woman that is very social and always seems to be an active dater, as the thread title suggests. She has standards and is looking for a man that fits them. She's not afraid to let dead weight go no matter how good he is on paper. If he's not working out... she's on to the next.

And then there's the type of codependent woman who doesn't have high standards because she's desperate to jump from one relationship to the next... like Jennifer Lopez. The type of woman who is never single for more than 5 minutes. These type of women never really date... they just latch on to their closest option.

Two different threads, IMO.

great post, I think there's a bit of a discrepancy here.

exactly my sentiments, I was taken aback by a few posts. :spinning:

apples and oranges.

Women of your last paragraph are the ultimate losers IMO. They *stay* losing. This group does more winning with men when when they don't have one. :look::lol:
Lol yeah I don't now that there is much to learn from women who aren't without a man because they can't do without one. That sounds very sad.

I'm also interested in hearing about mommies and aunts who have it together. There's always something to learn from the older generation.
I haven't been single since I was 17 and while finding men has always come easy for me, there were times that I had my heart broken just like the next woman. I'm engaged now, but when I was dating, finding a man to occupy my time was never hard.

In highschool it was easy because I was a lot more bold and would approach boys that I thought looked good. In college it was easy because I wasn't one of those women that a lot of guys knew about so men flocked because I appeared mysterious, and now, as an adult, I think men try to date me because I don't come across as pressed for attention but when approached, I'm comfortable and cordial.

I wouldn't consider myself an extra-social type of woman, but when I do go out, I have a good time without appearing as if I'm trying to be the center of attention. I make sure my makeup is done tastefully, I wear my own hair, and I REFUSE to don the typical club uniform (Mini dress, platform pumps, etc). I have nothing against this attire, but when you are standing in a room full of women with this exact same getup, it's impossible to stand out.
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ETA: I really want to emphasize the over analyzing part. Focus on what makes you feel good and confident in how you look and things you like to do. Not what you think men will like. When you are totally comfortable with you, you're bound to exude a confidence that will attract something similar likenesses.

This right here. I love it and needed to hear it.