That BS she said was laughable

its always the ones with no hair or jacked hair who used to have hair down their back when they were younger, or when you see them the reason why their hair is so short is because they just got it cut or some other lame excuse...yeah, ok.:rolleyes:

That's so true. If someone had healthy looking NL to SL hair, I might believe her if she said a SHS cut it from APL or even BSL. But when you're NL to SL and your hair has been fried, dyed and laid to the side and you come up with a SHS excuse, you get a serious side eye from me.
Is anyone else tired of the "I used to have long hair" or "My hair used to be your length" lies? I know this chick is! *raises hand*
I always want to respond, "But you don't have it NOW.":lachen:

Or they always know somebody that has even longer hair; as if that takes anything away from me.:rolleyes:

I've never met a relaxer that didn't make me feel my scalp was being bathed in brimstone. How could she possibly fall asleep?
How can you possibly fall asleep with a relaxer on your head. Everytime I relax, Im always hella nervous and too cautious to think about anything other than when Im rinsing this stuff out
its always the ones with no hair or jacked hair who used to have hair down their back when they were younger, or when you see them the reason why their hair is so short is because they just got it cut or some other lame excuse...yeah, ok.:rolleyes:

lol i cant stand that
so many girls w. fried jacked up hair&see through ends always tell me "my hair used to be your length but _____insert excuse here_________"
uhmmm yeeaaah...riiight.....:lol:
A friend of mine relaxes her ENTIRE HEAD EVERY MONTH! :nuts:

I tried to get her to see the error of her ways, but she thinks that my natural hair makes my advice on proper techniques for relaxer her hair null and void.

She leaves a trail of broken hairs everywhere, yet she still believes that he hair is healthy. :ohwell:

My mom used to do this to my hair, except my hair survived. I believe I have relaxer resistant hair thanks to using sulfur based products. All the women in my family do this and have long hair. If her hair is breaking off, then she's in denial. I've given up relaxing, but even when I did, my hair would never get relaxer strait without the use of heat.:rolleyes:
:lol: Not sure if it's a southern thing or what but... Yes ma'am I sure have!! Men and women alike. :lol: I'm totally serious. I kept wondering, how is it that they're not in pain? I'm not talking conditioner, I'm talking relaxer... under a plastic cap. Relaxers have a very distinctive aroma. :perplexed And this is what got me, they were taking their own sweet time just strolling through the store. There was one woman that actually ran in and out like she was on fire :couchfire: but the rest acted as if they had all the time in the world.

What? :lachen: People actually just stroll in with the relaxer sitting on their heads? This is too much for me :lachen:I wish I had a story to top that one but I don't.:lol:
Different people have told me that they used to have long hair when they were younger but they cut it at one point or another during their life and it never grew back after that.
i knew a girl who said that she used to have hair all the way down to her waist but her aunt cut if off while she was sleeping because she was jealous. lol people actually believed her too.

:lachen:Omg! A girl told me this exact story. Then she said her mom didn't care that the aunt cut it either.
I think this girl was feeling a little uncomfortable talking to you about hair since your hair is long, healthy and looks nice. She probably felt even more uncomfortable when you started giving her suggestions even if you weren't out right giving her advice. So in defense of herself and her hair she said something silly. I'm not going to call it a lie because even if the story didn't happen exactly the way she told it relaxers and other bad hair habits have damaged her hair.

Give people like that a break. Hair is a sensitve issue for many women. And it can be very awkward to talk about hair when the person your talking to has nicer hair than you. So even if the OP didn't think the situation was awkward until the girl told her story the convo was awkward to the jacked up hair girl from jump.
Act like y'all have NEVER seen that one person that shows up at the BSS with relaxer in their hair under a plastic cap looking for random goods. :sekret: :look:

I knew a girl like that. :yep:

She would relax root to tip and told me she would let it sit in until you couldn't see the relaxer anymore. I'm like :ohwell:. Once I watched her relax her hair and it looked like her hair was in a gelled up ponytail. Her hair wasn't very long either.

When I would have my hair relaxed I couldn't make it ten minutes. As soon as the relaxer touched my head I would feel a burn lol even if I didn't scratch my head for days.
Also some of the my hair used to be ___ long might be coming from people really not knowing and thinking it was longer than reality. I know until I joined LHCF I was in pure hair length denial. I'll admit it.
I had a coworker who wore wigs for months at a time. She would tell everyone that she had at least six inches of new growth under the wig, that it was "down her back!". Whenever she would finally take the wig off she would have the same amount of hair that she had the last time she revealed her hair, about 2 inches. She would always say that her hairdresser was scissor happy and too much off and that she would have to go somewhere else to get her hair done. I worked at that job 2 1/2 years. Her story never changed!
I don't believe this girl's story but I remember a member of this board's daughter put a virgin relaxer in her hair without her mother's knowledge and went to sleep with it still in.
She then went to her mother in a panic.
I'm sorry, I can't contribute because that is the most preposterous thing I have ever heard. I like to sleep in my stylist's chair and close my eyes. Relaxing (other than the cutting stage) is the time I'm most alert since the burning sensation is like none other. I hate when people make up a bunch of crap that they themselves would never believe either. :perplexed

Actually come to think of it, I can contribute. When I was in highschool a girl told me her hair was like mine without a relaxer, I just said okay because she was mixed (half white and black) and who am I to think otherwise when she has a weave and I can't see her hair? :look: She took down her hair one day and it was STIFF, she even said to me when people were giving me compliments on my hair, "Look this is my hair, see?" All I could really say was okay because her hair was jacked and she actually had the nerve to compare it to mine. :look: Not saying my hair is all that but it isn't a stiff HAM. :lol:
Act like y'all have NEVER seen that one person that shows up at the BSS with relaxer in their hair under a plastic cap looking for random goods. :sekret: :look:

I have never seen it but after seeing how she who shall not be named relaxes her hair, I can believe it.

She mixes her no-lye relaxer and then lets it sit for awhile. She then applies the relaxer and then smooths and then lets it sit for the processing time for her head.

Letting the relaxer sit allows it to not straighten the hair quickly however with her letting it sit for the processing time on her head afterward with a plastic bag she comes out with bone straight hair.

When I used no-lye along time ago I NEVER let my relaxer sit. I followed the directions to the "T". The directions clearly stated to mix and then apply as soon as done mixing.
its always the ones with no hair or jacked hair who used to have hair down their back when they were younger, or when you see them the reason why their hair is so short is because they just got it cut or some other lame excuse...yeah, ok.:rolleyes:

This doesn't sound that weird to me. I mean, several ladies here have had long hair as a child and are working on getting it back. Some people may be telling the truth and just did jacked up stuff to their heads. (like in this thread :lachen:(maybe)
These smileys... :rofl:

I know she had to be dreaming about hell dancing on her head :evilbanana: :burning: when she sleeping cuz aint no way. :lachen:

:lol: Not sure if it's a southern thing or what but... Yes ma'am I sure have!! Men and women alike. :lol: I'm totally serious. I kept wondering, how is it that they're not in pain? I'm not talking conditioner, I'm talking relaxer... under a plastic cap. Relaxers have a very distinctive aroma. :perplexed And this is what got me, they were taking their own sweet time just strolling through the store. There was one woman that actually ran in and out like she was on fire :couchfire: but the rest acted as if they had all the time in the world.

one cousin had a jheri curl debacle at age 10 so that's why her hair is so short. she's 25 now.

another cousin got a really bad hair cut at age 8 so that is why her hair is so broken, brittle, short and dry. she's 22 now.

i just look at them. but inside i'm :rofl:
I actually do know a few people in high school that had really long 4a/b hair - relaxed and natural, who cut their hair at some point and/or relaxed and it never grew back. Whoever, homegirl is straight lying.
I think this girl was feeling a little uncomfortable talking to you about hair since your hair is long, healthy and looks nice. She probably felt even more uncomfortable when you started giving her suggestions even if you weren't out right giving her advice. So in defense of herself and her hair she said something silly. I'm not going to call it a lie because even if the story didn't happen exactly the way she told it relaxers and other bad hair habits have damaged her hair.

Give people like that a break. Hair is a sensitve issue for many women. And it can be very awkward to talk about hair when the person your talking to has nicer hair than you. So even if the OP didn't think the situation was awkward until the girl told her story the convo was awkward to the jacked up hair girl from jump.

How well said. I couldn't have said it better. :yep:
Between the smell & the burning...How is it possible to fall asleep (with all of that going on)...
May-be she left it in a little long...Or she used the wrong strength & it caused it to fall out..THAT I CAN Believe.....But falling asleep..NOT!

Happy Hair Growing!