my sister's hair makes me want to shoot myself

See...what's really funny is that you think I am kidding. I am TOTALLY serious. :grin: I'm just trying to figure out what I could put on them so that someone might go to the site without being completely offended. I mean, I WISH that someone had put me on LHCF earlier.

You may not have been kidding, but I still could use them though! That's why I said earlier, that I don't say nothing to people around here in my area because they get real insensitive when you say something about their hair or lack of hair. Heck, I'd even wear an LHCF tee to promote this site!! This is great advertising without any backlash from people who will get defensive.
I don't care what you tell or suggest to some people regarding their hair, they are going to do what they want to do. All three of my younger sisters have been wrecking their hair as long as they have been doing it themselves. Two of my sisters will put their hair in a ponytail and will leave it like that. They will keep putting gel on the front and the rest of the hair looks like a bird's nest. The result of doing this all these years is one of them has chewed up damaged hair and the other two have a receding hairline that would give that Essence lady a run for her money-and they are only in their 20's!!! But I stopped telling them this years ago-if they want to walk around looking that way that's on them.
I have heard of women doing this...but even when I used to abuse my hair I never did this. I think I'm gonna develop a business card with the LHCF web address on it and when I see someone who might possibly be in need and I'm gonna slip it to them. :yep: "The secret to even MORE fabulous hair...DON"T be the last one to hear about"

This is a great idea! I see women with awful looking hair and I want to tell them about this site so bad but I would be worried about offending them. I just want to tell them, "You're hair doesn't have to look like that!!" :nono: