Thanksgiving 2010 Hair


Real Housewife of Houston
How do you plan on wearing your hair this Thanksgiving? Are you getting it done in a salon or are you going to DIY?

I'm not sure how I'm going to do my hair. I just bought some really fab earrings and I kinda wanna wear a nice bun for Thanksgiving to show them off then wear my hair out for Christmas.

How about you?
Gonna wig it out! lol. Not flat ironing til Christmas. The family will just have to wait.
I think I'm going to do a braidout on dry hair. I need to retire the bun for a few days.
I think I am going to do a twist n curl but I'm still unsure because although it came out cute the last time it takes a long time to do. Here's a pic below.

It is supposed to rain Thursday and Friday. I have an outdoor event to attend Friday night. Probably a braid-out or a modified bun.
I will most likely donut bun and dress it up with a flower. I plan to go wig shopping today so if I find something I like, I will wear that instead.

Thanks! No, I actually did two strand twist with perm
rods on the end.
Did you do large two strand or small two strands twists?
I am getting those prairie cornrows that were on a thread with Nia Long. I hope to make them grown and sexy. I figured they would be okay for around the house for Thanksgiving and when I go out on Friday and Saturday night I won't sweat my hair out and I will have a nice neat hairstyle complimented with jewelry and makeup. I will try to post pics later. I am having it done tonight after work.
Girl, with all that I have to do for the troups that are going to be at my house, I'd be lucky if I didn't show up at the table wearing a rag on my head. I'll probably do a messy bun. Or should I say, my bun will probably end up messy. Hmph! They better eat and hush. I'm still mad that I have to pay $30 for peanut oil. :rolleyes:
NJoy...your post crack me up!!!!! :lol:

Happy Thanksgiving!


Girl, with all that I have to do for the troups that are going to be at my house, I'd be lucky if I didn't show up at the table wearing a rag on my head. I'll probably do a messy bun. Or should I say, my bun will probably end up messy. Hmph! They better eat and hush. I'm still mad that I have to pay $30 for peanut oil. :rolleyes:
Well since today is my bday:grin: and thanksgiving is thursday. I'm celebrating for saturday. Soooo I'm going to put my healthy hair practices aside and enjoy my hair, which means, Im dying it (dont shoot me), trimming, and rocking a wrap with my highlights with maybe a few crimps here and there. (yup doing it myself).
^^ Happy Birthday!

I am running in the turkey trot the morning of Thanksgiving & also cooking my first thanksgiving meal by myself.... so my hair will be in a bun for sure!
I'm not going anywhere since I'm cooking my first meal. But I'll just wear a wash n go. I'll probably workout early and then co-wash it. I might do a DC, it just depends on things.
I'm in a few sew in. 20" Virgin Malaysian from Wagmans, closure from Halleys. I probably will just curl some spirals in it and call it a day :)