Thanks LHCF


New Member
I just wanted to let you know this is one of the most encouraging forums I've ever seen. This forum guives you the courage to defeat the myth that black women cant grow long hair. I have been a member for a little over year now and my hair has prospered. Although I haven't started a consistent regime just in cutting down the heat my hair has grown longer than it has ever been. At first my goal was brastrap but since I am about 3 inches form it know I have let go of the fear that my hair will not grow. I plan on beginning 1 year sew-in challenege where I will faithfully use mtg. I plan on posting some pictures when I recieve my mtg in the mail so I can compare through the challenge. Now my ultimate goal is waistlength, which may take a little time but hey this all I have is time. If you can believe you can achieve and never get discourage by someone else's progress because we have to remember that no two people are the same person, so stop comparing yourself to others and fulfill your own destiny
Thanks for the very encouraging post. Hey, your album password is not in your profile. I would love to see your album.
rai said:
Hey, your album password is not in your profile. I would love to see your album.
That's what I was gonna say!! I was all excited to see her progress, but was let down cause there was no password, lol!!