Thank You For Everything :)


New Member
Hi Guys,

I just wanted to say goodbye to my family here at LHCF. This board is fantastic and the women here are truly amazing. I've made a lot of friendships and have been inspired by so many women on this board.

However, its time for me to log off for good. I am working on a few personal and career goals and, I've realize about myself, that i don't have enough discipline stop lurking and stay off this doggone board:look: Its just too tempting to sign on and catch on the ET gossip or OT threads. And since I can't ban myself, I decided not to renew.

Anyway, I just didnt want anyone to think I dipped off like a jerk. I have way too much respect for the ladies on this board to leave without a formal goodbye and thank you for everything that you are and continue to be:hug3:

Not quite sure how this work but I may not be able to respond. Anywho, if you need to reach me about anything, please hit me up on my fotki or website. Good bye, good luck and god bless.

Forever a "Nikos Cousin" :)
The absolute best wishes to you! I hope to see you here again one day when your schedule and life permits.

So long. I truly understand. I thought about logging off for good too. I have lots of info and things are going so well with my hair now. I mostly lurk, trying to stay off of peoples nerves:ohwell:. Do what you got to do girl. I might log off for a minute because I just got a great promotion and will be learning my new job starting Aug. 1. Take care girl!
Good luck with all of your endeavors, Macherie! I will always appreciate your rollersetting tutorials and pics, because I got to MBL doing them and probably never would have without you!:kiss:
Best wishes Macherie, we've all learnt a lot from you:kiss: You single handedly taught me how to wrap my hair. Thank you!
Wow I am sad to see you go, you are the reason I found lhcf and started my haircare journey. Good luck to you in your future endeavors (sp?) and I'll be over at healthy textures.
Aw, good luck with everything! I found this website because of you .. I will still continue to visit Healthy Textures on a regular basis!:yep:

:kiss: Bye MacherieAmour!
Wishing you the very best but I'm sure I'll run into you online :) I am a subscriber of your videos, after all.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge
Good-bye and good luck Macherie! You were one of my first hair idols. I learned a lot from your tutorials. You will be missed.
Hi Guys,

I just wanted to say goodbye to my family here at LHCF. This board is fantastic and the women here are truly amazing. I've made a lot of friendships and have been inspired by so many women on this board.

However, its time for me to log off for good. I am working on a few personal and career goals and, I've realize about myself, that i don't have enough discipline stop lurking and stay off this doggone board:look: Its just too tempting to sign on and catch on the ET gossip or OT threads. And since I can't ban myself, I decided not to renew.

Anyway, I just didnt want anyone to think I dipped off like a jerk. I have way too much respect for the ladies on this board to leave without a formal goodbye and thank you for everything that you are and continue to be:hug3:

Not quite sure how this work but I may not be able to respond. Anywho, if you need to reach me about anything, please hit me up on my fotki or website. Good bye, good luck and god bless.

Forever a "Nikos Cousin" :)

Well, a lady's gotta do what a lady's gotta do :)

You'll always be the Rollerset Queen to me :lachen:

All the best, and thanks for all of teh helpful inout you have contributed to the board!

I've learned a lot from you :yep:
Macherie, best wishes on your personal goals. And even though you don't know it, you inspired me to create my own webzine.
Thank you so much for being so positive and uplifting.:Rose:
Best wishes with everything; take care and we hope to "chat" with you again if your life permits. And take care of that gorgeous hair! :)
You have truly been a blessing! Best wishes for you and all that you strive to do! You will be missed...
Thanks for the Good-bye..very sweet, very kind of you to take the time to do this. I'm been on your website...will definitely check in to see what's up with you. Best wishes, go with God.
Best of luck to you, Macherie! Whenever I look at Saran Wrap, I will think of you. :lachen:

Honestly, thank you for all you've taught me and how you've inspired me. See you on your website!
Best of luck to you, Macherie! We will all miss you and your wonderful advice and tutorials, but we know you'll continue to rock the haircare world in your own way! Thanks for all you've contributed here, and see you over at Healthy Textures!:kiss:
Macherieamour, it's been great having you as one of my LHCF sisters.
You will be missed! I hope to see you around in the future.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry:
Oh Macherie :sad: . Wishing you all the best on your hair journey and personal journey.
Thank you for the advice and inspiration you have offered. You have been an :angel:
Will be looking out for you on healthytextures.:bouncy:
So ...not goodbye but "until the next time".
God bless you and your business endeavors. You have contributed a wealth of information on this site.