Thank You For Everything :)

The board won't be the same without you. :wallbash: Just take a "leave of absence."

I haven't even had a chance to see anything you put out such as your website, videos, Healthy Textures, threads, etc.,:nono: just the Feature of the Month site. Now I'm going to have to search for all of them or ask some of the other members. I've been busy, too,:yep: so I know how you feel.

Best wishes in your future endeavors. :superbanana: Take care of yourself.
Macherieamour, you are a beautiful, spirited and eloquent young woman. I just discovered your HT website this year and I was truly amazed and inspired by your intelligence and your effort to help sisters grow long and healthy hair. I didn't even know that you were a member here but it's comforting to know that you were inspired by this board as I am. You keep shining and doing you! Best wishes and I will be lurking on your website! :grin:
Awww hate to see you go here, but glad to know that you could be found on your own successful website. You are so inspirational and are greatly appreciated. I wish you all the success in the world, you are such a kind and sweet person, you surely deserve it! :bighug:
Best wishes and good luck in your new endeavors. You have inspired me a lot and your videos have been extremely helpful. You will be missed a lot!!!:sad:
Aww, bye macherieamour! You helped me get started here with all your tips and tutorials. You will be missed. Good luck!
Wow. I am really going to miss you. You've been one of my hair idols since I joined in 2005. It seems as if all our matron idols are gone or almost gone. The board just doesn't feel the same any more.:sad::violin:
Bye Macherieamour...I wish you all the best and good luck with all your goals :bighug:

You have made great contributions to this site with your knowledge and personality! :yep:
Awww, I totally understand what you're saying. Takes discipline to stay off here! Thanks for your inspiration and I know God will bless all your efforts in the future! :)