Thank You For Everything :)

Good luck with all of your future endeavors. I am sure you will be a great success. You are the reason I joined this site and because of you I know how to take better care of my hair.

Best wishes.
good luck to you.
you are one of my inspirations (actually you were the first:blush:).
i hope all goes well.
Good luck to you!!!! I wish you the best.

Too bad we never got to meet up in Philly. Hope to see you on the board again one day.
Aw, man, felt like I didn't even get to know you well around here. All the same, I'm sorry to see you go. Best of luck!
Sorry to see you go but thanks for all of your wonderful advice and amazing hair care tips! And eventually all of us will have to give up LHCF at some points in our lives so its understandable:yep:
:cry4:Bye-Bye. When I joined, I remember studying all your info under FOTM. I was so amazed and inspired... We will miss you! :crying3:... I wish you so much joy and happiness...:kiss:

All the best to you. :grin:You have helped me in my hair journey and it is good to know we can still find you at HT.
Macherieamour we will always all be LHCF buddies. Now you have branched out and have successful hair care ventures of your own and we are so proud of you!

Take care :grin:
I feel like I wanted to cry reading that.:sad:

I wish you the best Macherie. You are deserving of everything good thing that comes your way.:yep:
If it were not for you I would not even know how to rollerset my hair. I am forever grateful.

Much success & best wishes for everything that you touch. You will be missed. :grouphug3:
Goodbye, You taught me so much. I hope you continue to grow and don't forget about us. I will keep coming to your website.
Machi noooo. Don't go!!!

Well more than my own selfish wishes . . . I wish you so much success. You are destined for greatness my dear and I'm so glad that you are taking this necessary step to reach them.

Much love.
You really helped me learn how to take care of my hair, especially when I decided to start rollersetting. Best wishes and good luck with everything!
You have been a blessing to me since I've been on LHCF and I will miss you here very much, but I sure do know where to find ya girlie:grin:

May you get ALL that you are hoping for in life and may your blessings continue to be in abundance!

Blessings to you, always!


Hi Guys,

I just wanted to say goodbye to my family here at LHCF. This board is fantastic and the women here are truly amazing. I've made a lot of friendships and have been inspired by so many women on this board.

However, its time for me to log off for good. I am working on a few personal and career goals and, I've realize about myself, that i don't have enough discipline stop lurking and stay off this doggone board:look: Its just too tempting to sign on and catch on the ET gossip or OT threads. And since I can't ban myself, I decided not to renew.

Anyway, I just didnt want anyone to think I dipped off like a jerk. I have way too much respect for the ladies on this board to leave without a formal goodbye and thank you for everything that you are and continue to be:hug3:

Not quite sure how this work but I may not be able to respond. Anywho, if you need to reach me about anything, please hit me up on my fotki or website. Good bye, good luck and god bless.

Forever a "Nikos Cousin" :)
It is sad to see you go. You have always been so helpful and I learned some awesome techniques from you (how to rollerset, saran wrap, and even apply conditioner to my hair better!) I love your hair and I am sure we will continue to benefit from your website. Best of luck! :o
You have definitely been one of my top hair inspirations on this board Macherie. I have learned so much from your DVD, website and posts. Good luck with your future endeavors. I wish you all the best! You will certainly be missed! :hug3: :wave: