Texting grammar


New Member
I am not even close to being a grammar nazi, but this dude's texting grammar is starting to annoy me. He doesn't use shorthand, but he consistently makes the same grammatical mistakes over and over again. I'm starting question him.

I know text messaging is an informal form of communication, but the fact that he doesn't use texting shorthand makes the errors even more apparent. And sometimes the overall structure of his messages will be quite complex, he'll send multi-paragraph texts, with quotation marks, proper punctuation and dashes, just doing way more than your average person, so I'm not sure why he can't get the basics. So now I'm starting to wonder if dude really does not know? Its starting to get to me. :look::lol:

I'm not going to go out of my way to correct him because that's silly. But its making me less attracted to him. This is all so stupid, I know :rolleyes:. I don't doubt his intelligence, he's very accomplished and successful blah blah blah, but he took a different path than most so he might have fallen through the cracks with some of this stuff. He's also an entrepreneur and in the back of my head I'm wondering how some of his emails to his clients look because that would be such a mess.

I've been trying to lead by example, so now I'm extra careful with grammar in my text messages, but I don't know. It seems to be going over his head. He probably doesn't even care :lol:. Is this something that most people would even notice?
I would notice but I notice grammar mistakes EVERYWHERE. It's not intentional, I just can't help it.

Honestly, I'd probably be a little turned off. #sueme
I think it's important. It's okay to mix up your, you're or their, there, and they're a couple of times, but I do tend to question if this would last. I gave a guy my number and he said "u r so cute." I didn't even respond and I never will.
I think it's important. It's okay to mix up your, you're or their, there, and they're a couple of times, but I do tend to question if this would last. I gave a guy my number and he said "u r so cute." I didn't even respond and I never will.

It is not ever OK for anyone to be mixing up homonyms. Lol now a typo here and there I'd joke like you drunk lmbo but no to mix them up I will correct with quickness. This one girl always mixes up woman/man and women/men we've told her, shown her, tried to lead by example no doesn't work. Even if a title has one in it she'll Mess it up :lachen: she told us she went to see the movie 'think like a men'
I know it's shallow but I can't deal with that. It is such a turn-off to me, I'd have to cut him loose. Even my kids know how I am about that. If they sent me a text message without proper grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation it was ignored. It didn't have to be perfect but I needed to be able to figure out what it was saying. When I first went to Twitter they had to give me a tutorial because I couldn't figure out what folks were talking about much less who was speaking to whom. I don't mind shorthand so much but they're/their, loose/lose, where/wear, clothes/close etc... should be in order.
You would hate me lol. I'm so lazy with texting

He's not a lazy texter though! If he was, this wouldn't be a problem. I can handle ur/urs, but not "your" as opposed to "you're". On a regular basis.

The other day he said "loose", as opposed to "lose".

And some of his messages are so sweet. But the grammar... :sad:
Lol I don't want to cut him loose, other than this he's great. Really. But I don't know how much longer I can deal with this.

I prefer texting, but we might have to communicate over phone or something :lol:
I completely stop talking to a new guy because of this. He kept misspelling freaking words! I don't mind slang but dang!!! I'll post the screen shots for some entertainment. Lol My responses are in green.



Lol I don't want to cut him loose, other than this he's great. Really. But I don't know how much longer I can deal with this.

I prefer texting, but we might have to communicate over phone or something :lol:

Noooooo...I don't want you to. I wasn't even suggesting that. :lol: I would because it drives me crazy to the point that I'd HAVE to. I'm psycho that way. Most people aren't as unreasonable.
I completely stop talking to a new guy because of this. He kept misspelling freaking words! I don't mind slang but dang!!! I'll post the screen shots for some entertainment. Lol My responses are in green.

Borderline but I could hang with him. :lol:

He even TRIED to correct himself for you.
i think it would bother me if it were hard and clunky to read, because then he would just come off as dumb, tbh. i would be turned off because he seems stupid, not because of how he typed (which i know is splitting hairs)

but itd prob have to be like >50% remedial to really bug me :lol: generally i dont think ive ever gone anywhere with a guy who typed like he couldnt read, the conversation would eventually peter out because of it.
Borderline but I could hang with him. :lol: He even TRIED to correct himself for you.

I know, but it made it even worse that he corrected the slang but not the misspellings! Lol It makes it seem like he didn't know the words were wrong in the first place. I just can't do stupid lol
I know, but it made it even worse that he corrected the slang but not the misspellings! Lol It makes it seem like he didn't know the words were wrong in the first place. I just can't do stupid lol

That cracked me up when he tried to correct the "U" after the fact :lol:

Yeah, my dude isn't nearly that bad.
Oh, he can't spell. Yes it would be a turn off. I may let it side if he met and exceeded my expectations in every other way though. However, he would not be helping any of our future children with their homework.
One of the guys I'm talking too seems really nice but his grammar is awful. Which would be ok if he wasn't a teacher. I don't think I can get past it. I think it would be easier if I wasn't so particular about my own writing. But if I take the time to write a proper sentence, get the hint. I blocked about 20 guys this weekend who approached me with hw. Or u. Or doin. Or gal. Dafuq?

Anyhoo.. Let me walk out of this thread before someone comes in to tell me how I'll spend the rest of my life alone because I prefer well constructed sentences. :look:

ETA. One dude asked "how are tings? I replied "THings are fine". He still didn't get it. How?
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I hate such errors. An occasional slip up ..fine. But to do it on a regular basis?!?! Drives me nuts. I know someone who doesn't even like to use punctuation marks. No period. No question mark. No comma....nada. I have ignored texts.

I also hate when people write things like, "I'm of today to." So "off" is spelled "of" and "too" is spelled "to" -----> :nono:

It is very unattractive....and downright infuriating.:perplexed
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I completely stop talking to a new guy because of this. He kept misspelling freaking words! I don't mind slang but dang!!! I'll post the screen shots for some entertainment. Lol My responses are in green.

As a grammar fanatic, I died inside while I was reading his responses. Oh, and his fingers did not slip. He just doesn't know how to spell.
He's cool. Overall a really solid guy. We get along fine. And he's cute so that helps lol. It's really just the texting lol. I might be self sabotaging because it's really not a big deal lol

Recently, I read an article in Ebony about sabotaging relationships, career opportunities, etc... The current issue. It was very eye opening and interesting.
I hate such errors. An occasional slip up ..fine. But to do it on a regular basis?!?! Drives me nuts. I know someone who doesn't even like to use punctuation marks. No period. No question mark. No comma....nada. I have ignored texts.

I also hate when people write things like, "I'm of today to." So "off" is spelled "of" and "too" is spelled "to" -----> :nono:

It is very unattractive....and downright infuriating.:perplexed

This is what turns me off. Sentences with no structure.

"my day was gud im tryna c wassup wit you you get my fb message i added u on fb n g+ u free dis weekend"

All of that.....I'd rather be alone. Lol.