Testing the waters without Kesha and Co. LOL


Somewhere Flourishing...
Its often said that men dont like to approach women when theyre in groups with other females, so do any of you ladies ever go out by yourself? I dont do it often, but occasionally I will go to a bar or a restaurant by myself and test the waters.

Im actually considering going to a happy hour this eve alone since none of my friends want to go. However, Im mostly going for the live band since I dont know what kind of "talent" this spot attracts. Im a little nervous since Ive never been to this place before, but Im interested to see if any of you ladies mind going out alone.
Yeah, you def have to exercise caution when you are alone. I normally try to go to places where I know I'll most likely end up randomly running into someone I know, which isnt hard in DC. lol I also tend to come in earlier, so I dont close out the bar. Dance clubs are too intimidating, but I can handle lounges/bars where ppl can actually converse.
Yeah, you def have to exercise caution when you are alone. I normally try to go to places where I know I'll most likely end up randomly running into someone I know, which isnt hard in DC. lol I also tend to come in earlier, so I dont close out the bar. Dance clubs are too intimidating, but I can handle lounges/bars where ppl can actually converse.

Yeah, I would do things like go to the museum alone or a restaurant. But, I don't think I would do a night club alone.
For safety, don't make it obvious you're there alone. You don't want some clingy/crazy/annoying arse to follow you to your car. Don't drink as much as you would when you have your girls with you. You need all your faculties about you since you don't have a "lookout" partner.
Im trying to get like you MzLady!! lol Ive never been to this spot before, so maybe that why Im a little antsy.

I totally understand. When I found my old hangout spot, I walked right up in there by myself and I was so nervous. I'd been to larger bars where I could kind of blend in before, but this was a little round the way spot that was only but so big. But I ended upgetting real cool with the bartenders, the owner and all the other regular patrons. That was my go to spot for 3 years, I had some really good times there. :yep:
My understanding is that the optimal number is 3. That way, if you strike up a good convo with a guy, the other 2 ladies can keep their convo going and it's not as if you're leaving your 1 girlfriend to fend for herself. Also, as previously stated, there's safety in numbers. Be careful and have fun!
I go out alone all the time. Not necessarily to meet guys, but because most times I don't feel like being bothered with my friends and their schedules or whatever. Sometimes I just want to go where I want to go and leave when I want to leave without having to wait for or consult with someone else :lol: It's always been fine for me. I go, enjoy the show, have a drink and chat with people while I'm at the concert, lounge, restaurant or whatever. I just use common sense and I've never felt unsafe. Definitely go for it, and have fun!

ETA: I have found that I meet more men when I'm out by myself versus when I go out in a group. I think it's because I'm more approachable for whatever reason.
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Can you go with a girlfriend, but walk in separately and sit on your own? That way you have a lookout in the place with you...

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I go plenty of places without friends but "going out" out ... no. I always go with someone for safety reasons. If I look more approachable to a normal guy, I probably look available for the mass murderer in the corner booth (lmao)
I go out alone more than I go out with my girls. I'll pretty much go anywhere by myself. I usually either run into someone I already know or wind up meeting someone new while I'm out.