Testimony from a Newbie...


New Member
:newbie:Hello to all and Happy Holidays!!

I'm new to the LHCF but as most newbies say, I've been lurking around for quite a while. I decided to join because the more threads I read the more I learn and being a lurker, you can't post the questions you want to ask so I had to join.

I am currently an all natural 4b with a hair length of probably about to the middle of my ear. Now, mind you as a former relaxer with shoulder length hair, having such short-hair was quite uncomfortable but i have managed. Im hoping to share my story with everyone on this board because I feel you all can really understand my trials. I testify.......

October 2004..
I began having family issues at home and things didn't seem to let up. There was no one I could talk to and therefore I would hold all my emotions in. Never a good idea. Eventually, I began to pick at the middle of my hair, not really sure why but just did. Soon I grew a patch in the middle of my head. I knew this came from all my stress building up but there was nothing I could do. At the time of this I was a SL Relaxer and didn't dream to get my hair cut, but if I knew then what I know now, I definitely would have went for the big chop. So I continuously relaxed my hair every month, sometimes changing relaxers. I continued this hair abuse for the next 3 1/2 years. My patch would sometimes grow back a little but once I got the relaxer again, it would fall right back out. I just couldn't see myself with short hair and transitioning was really pissing me off. ( please excuse my language :o) Eventually my godmother came to the rescue.

January 2008......
One random day, I asked my godmother if she could do my hair for me. She agreed and while she was doing it she decided to cut the back of my hair off because i eventually stared growing patches in the back of my head also. So for about 3 1/2 months I was rocking the T-boz look, my hair still relaxed.

May 2008....
Around mid-May my hair in the back was growing out a little so i decided to get kinky twists. The patches were still there and didn't seem like they were going anywhere. So with scissors in my godmother's hands, I went from asking for a trim to just getting the big chop. I was quiet and regretful for a while, but I knew I had to do it. I've been natural every since.

December 2008(current)...
I have kinky twists in my hair again but they just don't feel right. Every since the big chop which brought my hair to about 1.5in, I have only had braid styles (kiny twists, invisible micros w/ sew-in in the middle, sew-in, micros, sew-in, back to kinky twists). I believe my hair is now to the middle of my ear I'm not really sure b/c I haven't had it straightened since the BC. What I do know is that my hair is much more healthier with no patches whatsoever. I'm proud of the choice I have made, it felt as if I lifted years of problems from myself and that feels great. Amazing what Faith and Prayer can do.

Well LHCF, was my story...my testimony. I am happy to share it with you all and I hope to hear yours someday. I'm hear to learn how to better care for my hair and I hope to have everyone hear behind me........Pardon me--Beside Me :)

Thanks for listening and forever have a Blessed Day!!
Thnx sandyrabbit :) Happy hair growing 2 u too! Though you look as if u don't need it...but all the same happy growing!
Welcome and thanks for sharing your story! It's amazing the toll that stress can take on our bodies. I hope all is well for you now.
Welcome and thanks for sharing your story...you never know who you may help by sharing your testimony!
Welcome KeishaT!

I hope the issues that initiated the stress are resolved and/or you found a better way to process. Thank you for sharing, it open my eyes to the issue of stress in young people.
Welcome from a newbie too. This is a place of rest for a lot of us. I hope you find peace here and have funn too!!!!:grin::grin:
Awwww Sweetie, don't fret you are in the right place. You will definitely get all the help and support that you need to get back on the right track. Much Love!
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Welcome and happy hair growing!!! Thank you for sharing your story. I hope it can inspire someone else that is lurking. Stress can create so many problems on our body. The hair symptoms like shedding is hard for us to diagnose.
I would just like to Thank each and everyone of you all individually. Your welcomes have made me very comfortable. I can't wait to start building my regimen.
Welcome! I'm sorta new too. I'm glad you decided to take control of your situation. It's inspiring. :yep: yep! You will learn so much from everyone.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your testimony. It really touched me and as someone else said, it really is remarkable what stress can do to you.