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Revelations 12: 10 - 11

10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

I've had a bit of a rough couple of weeks and been seeking God in prayer. One of the things that has encouraged me greatly and built my faith in this time is reading and hearing testimonies of God's goodness and stories of His power and restoration

Sometimes we can think that we're alone in something so it's always great to hear of others who have walked where we walk and who have overcome by the grace of God and now stand on the other side to testify that God is good

At our women's conference in April this year, after the speaker - Holly Wagner preached a powerful word, she asked ladies who are currently diagnosed with cancer to stand, and then she asked them to sit, and ladies who were diagnosed with cancer and have overcome to stand and many more women stood to the glory of God. It was such a beautiful and powerful moment and you could feel the atmosphere change in the room and faith stirred afresh that God is able and you are not alone in your struggle

Please use this space to share your testimonies so we can encourage one another

Will share some of mine when I get home
On Aug 16 I had this urge to pray the blood of Jesus not only over my life but over my family's. This has been a really hard few yrs for me and my dad. I got very sick and it seemed like when things went bad for me they got bad for him as well. He has crippling pain and weakness in his muscles. It's so bad he can't walk up straight or even pull the covers over himself.

Well the day I spoke the blood of Jesus over our lives things started changing and fast. One day I was watching tv and this commercial came on for hgh. All of a sudden the thought popped in my head "your dad could use this". I brushed it off and didn't tell him about it. The next day the same commercial came on and the thought popped in my head " tell your dad about it".

This time I decided to research what hgh can do. I never knew but hgh was originally used for muscle wasting in aids patients. I knew at that moment I had gotten the answer to my dads problems and it was all because I prayed the blood of Jesus over his life. He is being restored and fast but that's just the beginning of the miracles that have taken place.

After I prayed my mind started healing and quickly. An unbelievable faith started arising in me. My fears just washed away and I was left with this unshakeable faith. The things I suffered with all these years were going away and effortlessly. I'm finally free of my mental and emotional problems. God did for me in 4 months what I wasn't able to do with meds and a doctor in 10 yrs. The confusion negative thinking and delusions are gone. I can go out and live my life like nothing and the crazy thoughts are gone. I think clearly now for the first time in yrs.

To top it all off my mom lost her job and now has an offer for an even better one closer to home.
On Aug 16 I had this urge to pray the blood of Jesus not only over my life but over my family's. This has been a really hard few yrs for me and my dad. I got very sick and it seemed like when things went bad for me they got bad for him as well. He has crippling pain and weakness in his muscles. It's so bad he can't walk up straight or even pull the covers over himself.

Well the day I spoke the blood of Jesus over our lives things started changing and fast. One day I was watching tv and this commercial came on for hgh. All of a sudden the thought popped in my head "your dad could use this". I brushed it off and didn't tell him about it. The next day the same commercial came on and the thought popped in my head " tell your dad about it".

This time I decided to research what hgh can do. I never knew but hgh was originally used for muscle wasting in aids patients. I knew at that moment I had gotten the answer to my dads problems and it was all because I prayed the blood of Jesus over his life. He is being restored and fast but that's just the beginning of the miracles that have taken place.

After I prayed my mind started healing and quickly. An unbelievable faith started arising in me. My fears just washed away and I was left with this unshakeable faith. The things I suffered with all these years were going away and effortlessly. I'm finally free of my mental and emotional problems. God did for me in 4 months what I wasn't able to do with meds and a doctor in 10 yrs. The confusion negative thinking and delusions are gone. I can go out and live my life like nothing and the crazy thoughts are gone. I think clearly now for the first time in yrs.

To top it all off my mom lost her job and now has an offer for an even better one closer to home.

Thanks for this. This was lovely.
Many years ago I had an extremely critical injury. Prognosis from more than one doctor was bleak if I didn't undergo surgery and not fantastic if I did. Friends and family were worried.

PERSISTENTLY, I prayed the word over my injury, sought His guidance about the surgery, reminded God of His promises, believed, asked Him to make His will clear to me (so I would not lean to my own understanding) and fasted.

God sent me my answer through others who had unsuccessful surgeries and/or surgeries with continued complications. He then manifested His promises and His Word by healing my injury WITHOUT surgery and WITHOUT any complications (even to this day). Doctors were beyond amazed and friends and family were in a state of disbelief.

At the last visit to the doctor, he confessed that "I have never seen anything like this in all of my years of practice. You would not have been any better off, had you had the surgery. You are an amazing woman. " I replied , "no, I serve an amazing God."

Walking by faith, not by sight, is not always an easy journey. But, if you trust Him and know that because He will not lie, cannot lie and He keeps His promise/ word (I will be with you always. I will never leave nor forsake you), you will also know you are not making the journey alone.

God is a HEALER, I'm living testimony!:smile:

James 1: 5-7
If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6But he must ask in faith, without doubting, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7That man should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.…
@BronxJazzy - praise and glory to God for His deliverance of you and your family from the trials you faced.
During a time layoffs were occurring at my place of employment I read the scripture below daily and reminded God of His promises (in this scripture and those in the Book of Psalms) . The bible on my desk (at work) is always open to this passage. Not only do I consider it a powerful scripture, it is one of my favorites..

Psalm 91
91 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

3 Surely he shall deliver thee
from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

9 Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;

10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.

13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.

14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.

15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.

16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.
Amen!! Loving the testimonies! Thanks for sharing ladies, keep 'em coming :yep:

Love @BronxJazzy when you said that God did in 4 months what you and doctors in self effort couldn't do in 10 years; and pleading the blood.

The bible says that the same power than raised Christ from the dead lives inside of us; sometimes we just need to understand this and take authority which has been given to us in Christ over death and anything that threatens to steal, kill or destroy in our lives, and praying the will of God as revealed to us in scripture over our lives, and in time surely we will see the salvation of the Lord

Love @ilong your testimony of healing - amen!!

Walking by faith and not by sight sounds a lot easier than it is in practice, especially when what God has whispered in your heart doesn't make sense to other people; but sometimes that's where your miracle is - in quietly trusting that He who promised is indeed faithful and well able to deliver on that which He has promised
Amen!! Loving the testimonies! Thanks for sharing ladies, keep 'em coming :yep:

Love @BronxJazzy when you said that God did in 4 months what you and doctors in self effort couldn't do in 10 years; and pleading the blood.

The bible says that the same power than raised Christ from the dead lives inside of us; sometimes we just need to understand this and take authority which has been given to us in Christ over death and anything that threatens to steal, kill or destroy in our lives, and praying the will of God as revealed to us in scripture over our lives, and in time surely we will see the salvation of the Lord

Love @ilong your testimony of healing - amen!!

Walking by faith and not by sight sounds a lot easier than it is in practice, especially when what God has whispered in your heart doesn't make sense to other people; but sometimes that's where your miracle is - in quietly trusting that He who promised is indeed faithful and well able to deliver on that which He has promised
Thanks so much for this. Especially the last part. It took alot of walking in faith and not by sight to not only get through this trying time but being better off because of it.

I spent so long listening to fear and not truth that they build a stronghold in my mind. It was like speaking the blood of Jesus over my life freed me of those strongholds, and I mean in weeks. I've learned going through this that God is 100% faithful to his word no matter how impossible they seem from where you're standing. I know now he has all power in his hand and gives it to us through faith in Him, his word, and prayer.

Things got worse before they got better though. It took yrs but when he was ready to bless he did and in a bigger way than I expected. Now I know "Trust The Lord with all thine heart and lean not on your own understanding". He can and still does do miracles.

For some reason I can't link this vid but it's a trusted site. A very amazing testimony that I thought you all would enjoy. I know I did.
God is at work in a mighty way in not only my life but my family's as well. My dad is doing so much better and getting stronger and stronger by the day as well as I. He's becoming more and more independent as the days go by. He's even started working out again. Also with the job I spoke of for my mom. Come to find out one of her old coworkers from the first job she had when we moved here over 13 yrs ago is one of the two people she will be working closest with at this new job. So now she doesn't have to worry about the jitters of a new job because she knows someone there(that was one of her worries).

Everything is coming full circle. Now I know every step in the journey was ordered by the Lord. After a long season of lack we are finally reaping the harvest. There is such a peace and joy in knowing everything is taken care of. What I've been through and am now going through is instilling such a radical faith in me because I know it's by God's hand that all of this is occuring. My faith is restored. I just want to thank the Lord for all the blessings he's bestowed upon me. I knew this season would be my season of restoration but I didn't know it would happen so fast and so fully. There is honestly not one area of my life that isn't being touched by God. He is truly making his presence known in my life.

To think a simple heartfelt prayer could have this domino effect. He truly left no stone unturned when restoring me. God is good. The fact that all of this is happening at the same time is truly amazing. I feel like my life is heading towards the crescendo, the peak. I've finally made it to the top of the mountain and am looking down at the promise land that was promised to me so long ago but I never thought I could have.
Amen. Thanks @BronxJazzy for sharing your testimony, so encouraging to read

God created the heavens and the earth with His word, and He is not subject to time as we are, hence what seems to us as something that should take a while happens quickly/ suddenly when God is involved. Love it, and love the wholeness of His restoration as well
I'd like to share a testimony of God's provision this month..

This January I felt led by the Spirit to start the year with a fast to seek God's heart and will, so I started on the 7th of January

So I had plans to move out of my house when my tenancy expired in January as I currently split the rent and bills with my parents and we thought it would be better to find somewhere that I personally can afford. I handed in my notice in November and started looking for something then but couldn't find anything suitable and within my budget

Weeks came and weeks went and nothing.. at first I wasn't worried because I knew that God will provide as He always comes through for me, but after Christmas and the new year coming and going I started to worry a little bit. I had 2 weeks to move out of a 2 bedroom flat I'd been in for 5 years (so a whole lot of stuff) and no where to go

Long story short, I found a nice place on the first day of my fast (7th) which was encouraging that God was with me and it was clearly His provision - there were other people that viewed the same time as me and wanted it too, but it worked out in my favour

Secondly, this month has been pretty expensive for me - Post Christmas + other expenses, and to secure the flat I had to pay the deposit (6 weeks rent) + rent in advance + admin fee etc all amounting to over £ 2,000.

I paid the deposit of £500 to take the flat off the market but had to pay about £ 1,800 within the next week.

I didn't have the money readily available bearing in mind all the expenses I had recently already but I chose not to be worried, rather to make a decision to trust God at His word; so I took the invoice to God in prayer and prayed for provision. I told Him what I could afford to pay which was £ 1,000 but needed provision for the remaining, and rested my heart

In the week I discovered my tax code was wrong (started a new job in July) so rang the tax office and they ended up sending me a cheque for £ 562!

Then my parents phoned on the weekend and out of their hearts decided to bless me with £ 1,000 to help with the move!

I asked for an additional £ 800 and God blessed be with an additional £ 1,562 - almost double!!

A great provider indeed!!