Tell the truth.........

Yes I do. Its inevitable I spend a large amount of my time looking at, reading or discussing about healthy hair
I am definitely guilty, which I will admit! I judge all the time but in my mind only. I have issues just as everyone eles so I just keep my thoughts to myself.

But goodness knows I've seen some beautiful heads of hair, natural and relaxed. And have no problem whatsoever giving compliments! I've also seen some jacked up heads as well and thought to myself how in the devil could they have the nerve to go out in public with that mess on top of their heads looking like that. All thoughts just to myself.

I remember just two weeks ago I was walking to the grocery store passing my place and there were three little black girls out riding their bikes. They all rode by me and said hi. I spoke and said hi to them not thinking anything. They rode back toward me and you would not believe one little girl with the most jacked up head rode by and gave me the nicest compliment and said she loved my hair and my braids. I told her aw thanks sweetie!:grin:

All I could think of was how her mother would allow her child to go out in public with her hair the way it was. Her hair looked as though her mother put in braids over a relaxer and just forgot about the relaxer altogether for months and never washed the child's hair since:nono:. Then I thought to myself I would love to get in her hair with her mother's permission of course and wash it for her every wk and condition it and take care of it for her. But in reality I know I can't do that!:wallbash:

Just giving a short synopsis of how I am when I see a jacked up hair especially on a child! Btw, the little girl had to be 8 or 9 at least. I just felt bad for her.:wallbash:
I saw a BUSTEDDDD wig on a sister last Saturday. It looked about 5 years old and constantly slept on/not combed. I felt bad for her, I wanted to offer to buy her one. I didn't because it may not be received well. On a positive note, when I see natural styles or women that have obviously big-chopped I just about go ballistic.
I am so sorry, but I can't not help but to laugh with tears in my eyes at your remark about the woman with the jacked up wig and you wanting to buy her another one. I am sitll laughing about that. It's not so much about what you said but how you put it! Girl you can really be a comedian and not realize it!

Now I just really can't stop laughing when I wrote my comment and re-read yr post about the wig looking like she had it for 5 yrs and slept in it and on it, all I can do is picture that in my mind:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:. And the killing part is some women such as she really think they look good enough to go out in public and face the world.
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If their hair is an unnatural color; OR
if their hairstyle is ultra-ghetto; OR
if there is a wig that doesn't lay correctly involved,

then I usually notice that on my own.

Also, I get weave checked A LOT. There is a girl at our local Albertson's who has the typical relaxer burnout that she's trying to put in a firecracker pigtail with 3 pounds of Let's Jam hair gel and EVERY SINGLE TIME I'm there, she stares me and my hair down and then starts whispering to her cashier friend who has that hood peacock style. I'm not sure if I would have noticed her if she hadn't made it obvious that she's preoccupied about my hair. You don't stare at me, I probably won't notice you.

Lastly, I notice children's hair a lot and it usually ends up with me getting pissed off. Why someone thinks it's okay to glue tracks into an 8 year-old's head and then not even have the decency to maintain said tracks, I'll never know.
Yah...more ften than not i'm opaying attention to someones hair usually damaged but occasionally I see a beautiful head of hair that makes my jaw drop!
Yes Lord!!! I find myself thinking "she has a box relaxer and is not moisturizing those ends" or " can you pls dust those ends" etc
OMG I agree with the epidemic of missing edges !!!!!

my goodness, those ladies need an intervention.

I would have to though for the most part Ive not really seen many busted looking heads. And Ive been seeing or I should say noticing more natural heads. In particular the health... and Im usually pleased.
OMG!! I was in Sally's one day when I saw this girl pick up a tub of Ecostyler gel. Her hair was something dry, you could tell bad. I wanted to recommend Silk Elements Deep Moisturizing condish to her. I'm glad I didn't. She probably would have cursed me out all kinds of ways.

Actually that one you could play it up, like oh like "oh I used to use Ecostyler gel but that made my hair real dry but I found Silk Elments Deep Moisturizing conditioner, I am in love with the stuff! My hair is so soft now"... something like that, you can get away with it. A conversation may or may not pick up from that and she may put down that gel.

I don't know. It may not been the gel but it would get her thinking.

I most likely would say something if I had used the product and it was horrible for me.

Yes sometimes I want to tell strangers about LHCF but don't. Family I have no problem telling.
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I find myself making up reggies for people in my head. Like if I see thin, scraggly ends and overprocessed hair, I say in my head: 'ooh, DC 2x a week, light protein every other week, bunning 5 days a week...'

I've always admired beautiful hair, though, so that's nothing new; I have noticed that people who's hair I thought was long and healthy before (meaning so-thin-it's see through, poker straight, and barely APL) looks average to me now. But that's all.
As per aware of others ladies hair on the streets, yes I am more aware now and take note if someone hair is healthy or not. I try not to stare.

I think people will assume you are funny if you stare at them too long. It is fun looking at others hair and thinking one day soon I will have the long healthy hair I want, it provides encouragement because I see the goal is really obtainable.
Lol, yeah I do that too. When others have bad weaves, or the hair is not looking good. I think we will all do that till the end lol.
I rarely think negatively about other people's hair ( I say rarely because I'm sure I have before but I'd like to say never). Of course I notice thick, lush and long hair. Otherwise, I don't really notice. I guess I just don't look at hair like that and don't really care. I have more respect for people who don't care what you think about their hair, even if it ain't that cute to you, so even if it ain't "traditionally" beautiful (long, I'm happy the person is just doing them. If I see see-through ends, I may wonder if she needs to be informed about some things, but not normally, because my hair ain't perfect either.

If I see someone with great hair I think maybe she's Nikkos Cousin.

If I see someone with a lacefront wig and no edges I wonder why they would want to rock a style that is so obvious then I K.I.M.

When I see someone with really thin broken off no edges damaged hair I think dang she should go natural.

And the worst confession- All the chicks that told me I was crazy for doing the BC I look at their hair now and mine has surpassed there's I think hmm mmm and you told me I was stupid for cutting my hair off now look. :look:
i look around and just see women looking at MY HAIR. id wish someone would ask me for tips soooo badd, but they never do, they just keep looking and trying to figure wether i grew it out my scalp or if i bought it. (blows breath)......