Do you ever feel like....

When Im in church I pay attention to the worship leader. I do notice other peoples hair when it looks really nice or really bad just as you would notice any other anomaly I suppose. But I will not tell a 700 pound women about weight loss just as I would not tell a balding woman about hair practices unless I was asked. Unsolicited advice is usually not well received. Besides if people really want to know they will ask or google for themselves.
I think I've always noticed when someone has a healthy head of hair as opposed to hair that looks damaged. I don't do it more since joing LHCF. I never thought to share hair tips with anyone besides close family and friends, because some people may be offended by my suggestions.

I do pay closer attention to stylists and their hair because I feel they are a walking billboard. When a stylist offers to do my hair and my hair clearly looks healthier than theirs...let's just say I'm a bit skeptical :rolleyes: and I always politely turn down the offer. I prefer to do it myself anyway.
I kept having this inward battle with myself which was trying to resist the urge to write LHCF on a piece of paper and slip it to her and feeling really bad that I kept looking at her hair in church.

LOL!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen: At least you fought the urge...i'll mention LHCF so quick if anyone ever asks me about where do i get my hair knowledge" :look:

I do find myself admiring hair more often....but when i see a bad case i do begin to think "hmmm...i wonder if her protein/moisture balance is in check..."
I do this all the time especially when I am in class so there are 7 of us black girls in the class.
#1 is natural and usually wears her hair in a big "bunny tail" her words. Soo pretty.
#2 is muslim and covers most of her hair but her hair is pretty,
#3has 3b/3c/4a hair and shaved half off (cassie)and it looks nice a healthly and big
#4 hair just above APL i think she is relaxed or BKT and has highlights but is very healthy
#5 Keeps her hair in a short Monica hair style her hair was long before but got tired an cut it nice a healthy

Now Black girl #6 what can I say but :nono: she is natural and wears weaves and tries to blend them it but it ends up looking raggedy. Remeber this thread?

But instead of relaxed hair it's kinky hair that is dry a brown from a bad dye. I would like to help her but we aren't cool like that and she might take it as "Your hair butters go on this website and fix it." so whenever the topic of hair comes up in a convo I talk really loudly of what I do.
"Man I need to go to Superdrug to get some AUSSIE MOIST CONDITIONER because it's quite good" :look:

I do the same thing when I am in the BSS If I see someone picking up a not so nice product I pick it up look at the ingredients and say "No this has mineral oil!" sometimes women would ask me why is that bad then I go on and on about stuff and write down some hair blog websites for them. I even dropped a list of websites in a woman's bag when she wasn't looking. :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Yes I am determined to change the way black women think of hair care one black female at a time. :yep:
I do this all the time especially when I am in class so there are 7 of us black girls in the class.
#1 is natural and usually wears her hair in a big "bunny tail" her words. Soo pretty.
#2 is muslim and covers most of her hair but her hair is pretty,
#3has 3b/3c/4a hair and shaved half off (cassie)and it looks nice a healthly and big
#4 hair just above APL i think she is relaxed or BKT and has highlights but is very healthy
#5 Keeps her hair in a short Monica hair style her hair was long before but got tired an cut it nice a healthy

Now Black girl #6 what can I say but :nono: she is natural and wears weaves and tries to blend them it but it ends up looking raggedy. Remeber this thread?

But instead of relaxed hair it's kinky hair that is dry a brown from a bad dye. I would like to help her but we aren't cool like that and she might take it as "Your hair butters go on this website and fix it." so whenever the topic of hair comes up in a convo I talk really loudly of what I do.
"Man I need to go to Superdrug to get some AUSSIE MOIST CONDITIONER because it's quite good" :look:

I do the same thing when I am in the BSS If I see someone picking up a not so nice product I pick it up look at the ingredients and say "No this has mineral oil!" sometimes women would ask me why is that bad then I go on and on about stuff and write down some hair blog websites for them. I even dropped a list of websites in a woman's bag when she wasn't looking. :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Yes I am determined to change the way black women think of hair care one black female at a time. :yep:
:lachen::lachen::lachen: No you didn't!!!!!

Maybe I should do that though.

LOL, yet SMH @ girl #6 looking like the hairsisters ads. :nono:
I do the same thing when I am in the BSS If I see someone picking up a not so nice product I pick it up look at the ingredients and say "No this has mineral oil!" sometimes women would ask me why is that bad then I go on and on about stuff and write down some hair blog websites for them. I even dropped a list of websites in a woman's bag when she wasn't looking. :lachen::lachen::lachen:


:lachen:That is hilarious!
But seriously, I dont really think that people just don't know because they don't care to look. I really think that sometimes people don't know because they are just doing what they were taught was right for a long time. They don't really know to think that something is wrong. For instance, growing up when my mom would use any type of heat on my hair she would always put oil on it first. :nono: I just thought that's what you were supposed to do. I didn't know anything about heat protectant etc. until a few years ago when I was doing DD's hair and a hairstylist friend kind of reacted in horror to what I was doing.
It wasn't that I didn't care about proper haircare, I had just always learned that the cure all to everything was grease. And because my hair has always grown fairly long anyway, I didn't realize that it could grow longer if I stopped doing that.
I'm still not one to give out unsolicited advice but if I get the opportunity to run my mouth about it I will!
Unfortunately yes..:ohwell: When I began to see my current stylist now who is about growing healthy hair I began doing that and got my mom and recruited to start going to her. Now that I've been on's 10X that. I'm always inspecting other women's heads, not in a hateful way I just look and remember all the things I read about on here. It's esp. bad since I've been living in the country :nono: AND the women I work with. I'm cool with the women I work with and ALL of em have damaged hair in some shape or form or wear HORRIBLE, OBVIOUS wigs/weaves but I just keep my mouth shut cause I don't see it as my business to tell them what they should do to their hair. Plus they have that "good hair/bad hair" mentality. Comments they've made to make me believe this is "black girls can't wash their hair everyday like white people", "I have this bald spot in my head it'll never grow back", "My hair is shedding so much it's fallin out but that's just how it is", "She has a good grade of hair, some people are just blessed like that", etc. I just let in go in one ear and out the other then get my daily dose LHCF to forget about those stereotypes. To them I have "good hair". When I started workin here I had my hair cut in a neck length bob and about 2 months later cut it to a chin length bob. It was seen that you have to good/enough hair to be able to cut your hair like that and wear it like that. And I'm growin my hair back out right now and I know it'll get to be longer than it was when I first came here. Ain't no tellin what they'll think then. :nono:

Oh yeah, as soon as I see someone I have created a personalized regimen for that person. LOL!!! Esp if there is a ton of damage I can just hear the hair screaming for help. It's pretty unnerving LOL!!:lachen::lachen: