Tell the truth.........


Beauty IS skin deep.
when you see other women, whether it be online or IRL, do you find yourself critiquing their hair? For example, you're at the grocery store and you walk past a girl with see-thru ends, what do you think? Or when you come across a girl who has gorgeous hair, what pops into your mind? I will admit that I am guilty as charged:grin: And I think it's become a habit now that I'm trying to break. I saw a girl the other day and although she had nice, thick, blunt ends, the first thing I said to myself was "she look like she put too much grease in her hair, it looks greasy and weighed down". I saw another girl a few weeks ago whose edges were a bit gone and thought to myself "dang, her edges look busted and she looks a hot mess with that phony pony". I felt bad about my judgments afterwards and realized that I am not the hair police:lachen:I clearly have my own issues with my own hair so I am in no position to be judging or critiquing anyone else's hair. Okay now, fess up. Who else does this? I know I'm not the only one:grin:
Since starting my HHJ, I too am guilty of "hair stalking". When I see someone with a nice head of hair I compliment them on it. :yep: Before LHCF, I prolly wouldnt have.:look:
Oh yes girl, I do it so often. I look at everyone's hair. I was on the bus today, and this girl got on and she was almost APL. Her hair was limp and lifeless and had so much split ends.:nono: I was wonderring, how the heck did her hair get that long? however she did it, it won't stay like that for long. I'm so bad, I even look at little girls' hair.:badgirl::burning::ohsnap::sekret: I think to myself, my DD's hair will NOT look like that. I just want to put some moisturizer in the little girls' hair. It reminds me of wool.
Since starting my HHJ, I too am guilty of "hair stalking". When I see someone with a nice head of hair I compliment them on it. :yep: Before LHCF, I prolly wouldnt have.:look:

Yes girl, me too. I have to go back and ask them for their regimen. lol They're usually happy because I don't assume it's a weave.

I think this board has ruined me...ruined me, I tell you!
I never paid attention to these sort of things before. Now, my eyes immediately go to hair and most of the time it ain't pretty. I try not to think too much about it.

There is one pleasant thing (for me), I have noticed very recently that more of my co-workers have gone natural. It's nice.

I think this board has ruined me...ruined me, I tell you!
I never paid attention to these sort of things before. Now, my eyes immediately go to hair and most of the time it ain't pretty. I try not to think too much about it.

There is one pleasant thing (for me), I have noticed very recently that more of my co-workers have gone natural. It's nice.

LMAO Join the club doll. I think you deserve the "bad girl" smiley.:badgirl:
I saw a lady on the train yesterday and I sat right next to her to compliment her gorgeous mahogany hair color, and the silkiness of her hair. We talked for a few minutes. She had a reverse (40's) style roll - the hair was combed from the nape and rolled at the front of the head. Beautiful protective styling.
I have no problems giving compliments when they're due, but most of the time I find myself writing "mental" tickets to someone when I see that their hair is jacked. I really am trying to break this habit though:look:
Not really unless it looks very dry (I want to spritz their hair or give them a pamphlet on deep conditioning )or drastically unhealthy.
I pretty much break my neck trying to check out ladies with long hair or a nice natural style... I don't pay too much attention to anything else.
I don't always compliment a super fly style..... I find beauty in even the most "boring" un-hip hairstyles. I don't critique, but I'm quick to tell someone when I like their grass. Healthy hair, regardless of the texture, length, and style is awesome to me.

The sad thing is, because society has gotten so wickedly cruel, when you give a heartfelt compliment... people sometimes give you the side eye because they think you're mocking them on the sly. :nono: I'm just not that kind of person.
I really do pay attention to hair lately Im loving looking at natural ladies hair lately I guess because im transitioning. Also I am noticing an epidemic of missing edges lately I have seen so many ladies whose edges are just gone and their hairlines are suffering. I wanna share info with them some things that I learned here but I wouldnt want to risk offending anyone.
This woman came into my job and get hair was curly and in a bun. She looked like she was a 3c/4a I asked her if she was all natural and she said yes. Another day she came in and her hair was straightened. It was so thick, even and full. I definitely gave her a compliment. I haven't had the courage to ask if she was a cousin or not..
I like seeing ladies with nice long lush hair, it gives me motivation and makes me kinda proud that there are ladies out there that havent fallen for all the myths about our hair. I also notice black girls with the missing edges and limp ponytails. I want to start making LHCF business cards and pass them out to some people so they can do something about their damaged hair.
I saw a lady on the train yesterday and I sat right next to her to compliment her gorgeous mahogany hair color, and the silkiness of her hair. We talked for a few minutes. She had a reverse (40's) style roll - the hair was combed from the nape and rolled at the front of the head. Beautiful protective styling.

I'll have to look up a photo of that. It sounds interesting!
-Oh girl I am very guilty. My one friend...well friend is a stretch lets say acquaintance who is around ALOT (small-PWI). Anyway,she has very heat damaged natural hair with a teeny bit of curl left. I did her hair for her with KCKT and KCCC! Mind you I don't too much care for her, it came out looking all limp and raggedy so I told her not to wear it. She does and EVERYBODY says how she has "good hair"!! I'm like do you see those ends! Her hair is SO limp and damaged too, the ends don't even curl, that's not GOOD hair! No she uses KCCC and flips that raggedy limp hair around talking bout "I'm wearing my natural hair now".
-At my university we have summer camp here for middle schoolers. This young lady gets on the bus with the MOST LUSCIOUS PLUMP CURLS EVA! Chile I was eyeing that child the whole bus ride! She caught me and she was creeped out :lachen: but I just told her I loved her hair and she was so happy. I made her day I think! :"yep:
i kinda stoped looking at other ladies hair becuase i keep seeing the same-o same-o, meaning its always above SL or it has a weave in it, or wig. i would just love for me not to be the only black girl in class, in the store, at the party, with long, REAL hair.
Yeah, I'm all over it. I won't usually say anything because, well you know people are crazy.

And the very obvious weaves and wigs just remind me of when I was doing that nonsense and that makes me cringe. Talk about delusional. I'm not talking about neat and gorgeous weaves and wigs, I can appreciate that but those are few and far between.

Mostly though it's healthy type 4 hair that leaves me drooling.
this site made me care less and less about other peoples hair as far as "critique-wise"
when I see some thick, healthy hair I give a smile and K.I.M.
Not really unless it looks very dry (I want to spritz their hair or give them a pamphlet on deep conditioning )or drastically unhealthy.
OMG!! I was in Sally's one day when I saw this girl pick up a tub of Ecostyler gel. Her hair was something dry, you could tell bad. I wanted to recommend Silk Elements Deep Moisturizing condish to her. I'm glad I didn't. She probably would have cursed me out all kinds of ways.

I think this board has ruined me...ruined me, I tell you!
I never paid attention to these sort of things before. Now, my eyes immediately go to hair and most of the time it ain't pretty. I try not to think too much about it.

There is one pleasant thing (for me), I have noticed very recently that more of my co-workers have gone natural. It's nice.

in the bold...:lachen::lachen::lachen: seriously i suffer from the same thing. my hair is shoulder length nothing spectacular but i spend as much time thinking about my own hair as i do thinking about others. i feel so bad for someone everytime i see them with no edges or dry, brittle ends. i think of how she greases her scalp daily and uses her moisturizer filled with cones, mineral and lanolin oil wondering why her hair is dead and greasy but dry looking. then i pity those with hair past their shoulders but with thin split scraggly looking ends. :nono: im still a newbie but i feel like i just wanna point them in the right direction. its not so much of critiquing but feeling bad for them because of their lack of knowledge.
I saw a BUSTEDDDD wig on a sister last Saturday. It looked about 5 years old and constantly slept on/not combed. I felt bad for her, I wanted to offer to buy her one. I didn't because it may not be received well. On a positive note, when I see natural styles or women that have obviously big-chopped I just about go ballistic.
I got a pedicure the other day and I have been to this place before (only for pedicures they are super cheap) but this time I looked up from my book and saw what the stylist were doing to their clients hair. It was like watching and accident, I couldn't look away no matter how much I wanted to. I started to wince at all the tugging and pulling and chopping and slapping haphazardly of chemicals. I don't think I can ever go back.... I just can't watch that again. Before LHCF I wouldn't even have noticed but now I wanted to load all those women into my car take them home and do their hair myself!
To be honest, when I first began my hair journey and I was very hair obsessed (now I'm just moderately obsessed :grin:) I was mentally taking note of all the jacked up heads I saw every day and what these people must have been doing wrong.

But now, I don't even care, unless it is something amazing to behold :shocked:...mainly because a majority of black women have such jacked up hair in one way or another where I live :covereyes, there's no point in observing anymore for me. It's just such a common occurence, I don't even think about it really.

It's so sad. :cry:
I got a pedicure the other day and I have been to this place before (only for pedicures they are super cheap) but this time I looked up from my book and saw what the stylist were doing to their clients hair. It was like watching and accident, I couldn't look away no matter how much I wanted to. I started to wince at all the tugging and pulling and chopping and slapping haphazardly of chemicals. I don't think I can ever go back.... I just can't watch that again. Before LHCF I wouldn't even have noticed but now I wanted to load all those women into my car take them home and do their hair myself!

yupp, thats what happends. this is why the last time i was at a salon i was only 8!! never steped in one again! oh wait, last month i walked in a salon just to prove myself right...... all of the women in there had short, dry hair. one was getting her hair braided and i asked the stylist, "what moisturizer is she going use while in these braids for months?" she tell me "nothing" i looked around again, and i saw nothing but short, dry, weaved up hair. i was soooooo :wallbash:. i walked in, did my little interview for my own reassurance and walked out, :nono:
I feet bad about it but I judge. I judges before I joined this site and probably will keep judging. I would NEVER say anything to someone's face but I have just always hated super greasy looking hair, cheap looking weaves/wigs (the ones that look plastic and don't match the person's hair texture), and super thin ends where its CLEARLY been overprocessed.

I don't have kids but I hate seeing 5 and 6 year old little girls with relaxers.
I look at EVERYONES hair!...Black, White Hispanic, Asian...whatever!...I also think about what exactly their hair needs to get it back on track...for example..."she needs a hard core protein treatment STAT!"...or.."please woman!..moisture is our friend!"...I try really hard not to judge because I was in their shoes not too long ago..but honestly sometimes I can't help it. I love to give advice when asked though!..when I talk about hair my mother just gives me the side eye and says..."knowledge is a dangerous thing."
Of course. But I do this about a lot of things. I critique the outfits of other people, as well as weight/figure, etc., etc. It just is something I do naturally without even much thought. I mean, it's not necessarily meant to be catty or anything, I am just naturally a critical person. /shrug