Tell me what you think....


Well-Known Member
I had my hair bleached in January 08 by my beautician only in the top section, I wanted the 2 tone look, then later professionally relaxed in March 08. When I went to her in March she noticed my hair had thinned in the middle, not quite bald yet. I wasn't sure if it was stress or chemicals. I'm thinking the bleach because nowhere else on my head did it do this....idk. Well it got progressively worse after the relaxer :wallbash:

I came here to you wonderful ladies and asked for advice on how to remedy this, and all suggestions were appreciated. I really liked the one of warming the castor/amla oil and massaging it in. I also had at one point used the MN treatment as suggested, but noticed my hair started shedding...stopped that.

Below I will show the journey I am on to bring health back to my head....never doing synthetic dyes or bleach again.

In the august pics. July 19th pic is after henna/indigo (loved it, made my hair stronger), July 30th I self-relaxed w/ Silk Elements, so i waited 4 almost 5 mths b4 doing another relaxer. I think the August pics show this spot slowly filling in. I have been wearing phony pony bun as my protective style, and massaging daily. I also cowash every day or two, DC twice a week, multi vits everyday, loved Alta Silica & MSM. Some of the progress I attribute to the Eggs challenge started by Iris....shot outs to Iris.:lachen:

Note: In the Aug pics in the middle area it looks like my scalp peeking through, but I think its the brown that was from the bleaching. Hendigo didn't cover as much as I liked in that spot so I will be doing it again.

Anyways tell me what ya'll think. TIA

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It is filling back in. I think the problem came from the double processing with the relaxer. When she colored your hair, did you have any newgrowth?

I would keep doing what you are doing now. Keep your moisture/protein balance in check. You could also try massaging extra conditioner in those parts before washing and leaving it in for 15-20 minutes.
It is filling back in. I think the problem came from the double processing with the relaxer. When she colored your hair, did you have any newgrowth?

that makes sense (dbl processing) but the color was done in Jan, and I thought it was enough time lapsed when i got the relaxer in March. When she colored my hair, I hadn't had any chemicals since August 07 (5mths) that's why i wondered was the bleach just too strong for my hair. And maybe the relaxer just ate it on up:ohwell:

I would keep doing what you are doing now. Keep your moisture/protein balance in check. You could also try massaging extra conditioner in those parts before washing and leaving it in for 15-20 minutes.

good idea, massaging the conditioner in, never thought of that.:perplexed

You are on the right track. Filling in quite nicely!

I had my hair bleached in January 08 by my beautician only in the top section, I wanted the 2 tone look, then later professionally relaxed in March 08. When I went to her in March she noticed my hair had thinned in the middle, not quite bald yet. I wasn't sure if it was stress or chemicals. I'm thinking the bleach because nowhere else on my head did it do this....idk. Well it got progressively worse after the relaxer :wallbash:

I lost my precious hair to the same exact problem that you described, only it happened to me 2 years ago. I think the bleach definitely did the damage. I think you're on the right track with healing your hair, and it's making nice progress in a short amount of time. I'm really leery of haircolor now after this incident. I didn't like how it made my hair texture very rough and dry like a straw broom(despite weekly deep conditioning) and it made my hair thin and brittle like hay. (I'm a Texan so the straw/hay metaphors are realistic for me LOL!) No more blonde highlights for me; God made me a brunette for a reason. :grin:
I had my hair bleached in January 08 by my beautician only in the top section, I wanted the 2 tone look, then later professionally relaxed in March 08. When I went to her in March she noticed my hair had thinned in the middle, not quite bald yet. I wasn't sure if it was stress or chemicals. I'm thinking the bleach because nowhere else on my head did it do this....idk. Well it got progressively worse after the relaxer :wallbash:

I lost my precious hair to the same exact problem that you described, only it happened to me 2 years ago. I think the bleach definitely did the damage. I think you're on the right track with healing your hair, and it's making nice progress in a short amount of time. I'm really leery of haircolor now after this incident. I didn't like how it made my hair texture very rough and dry like a straw broom(despite weekly deep conditioning) and it made my hair thin and brittle like hay. (I'm a Texan so the straw/hay metaphors are realistic for me LOL!) No more blonde highlights for me; God made me a brunette for a reason. :grin:

I totally agree, and the sad thing is I learned that lesson 2 years ago, but for some silly thought, nah can't happen again. Sure nuff did:lachen:I'm with you though....done w/ that xcept the Henna/Indigo..I haven't had any prob with it.

I just love blonde/highlighted hair. But black is more beautiful especially when you have a head full of it:lachen:
I bleached my hair back in February and after that noticed a lot of sheding only with the bleached highlights. I soon began co-washing twice sometimes three times a week. It just seems like the more I motisurized my hair ,the less it was shedding. All I'm saying is, make sure you keep your hair well moisturized when adding any type of chemicals to your hair.
I had my hair bleached in January 08 by my beautician only in the top section, I wanted the 2 tone look, then later professionally relaxed in March 08. When I went to her in March she noticed my hair had thinned in the middle, not quite bald yet. I wasn't sure if it was stress or chemicals. I'm thinking the bleach because nowhere else on my head did it do this....idk. Well it got progressively worse after the relaxer :wallbash:

I came here to you wonderful ladies and asked for advice on how to remedy this, and all suggestions were appreciated. I really liked the one of warming the castor/amla oil and massaging it in. I also had at one point used the MN treatment as suggested, but noticed my hair started shedding...stopped that.

Below I will show the journey I am on to bring health back to my head....never doing synthetic dyes or bleach again.

In the august pics. July 19th pic is after henna/indigo (loved it, made my hair stronger), July 30th I self-relaxed w/ Silk Elements, so i waited 4 almost 5 mths b4 doing another relaxer. I think the August pics show this spot slowly filling in. I have been wearing phony pony bun as my protective style, and massaging daily. I also cowash every day or two, DC twice a week, multi vits everyday, loved Alta Silica & MSM. Some of the progress I attribute to the Eggs challenge started by Iris....shot outs to Iris.:lachen:

Note: In the Aug pics in the middle area it looks like my scalp peeking through, but I think its the brown that was from the bleaching. Hendigo didn't cover as much as I liked in that spot so I will be doing it again.

Anyways tell me what ya'll think. TIA

wow wow wow! sweetie thats a huge difference! it was definitely the bleach , but I'm sooooo happy for you to see such huge progress!!!! This is a beautiful sight to behold! :yep:
I bleached my hair back in February and after that noticed a lot of sheding only with the bleached highlights. I soon began co-washing twice sometimes three times a week. It just seems like the more I motisurized my hair ,the less it was shedding. All I'm saying is, make sure you keep your hair well moisturized when adding any type of chemicals to your hair.

your right...hard lessoned learned. Thanks
wow wow wow! sweetie thats a huge difference! it was definitely the bleach , but I'm sooooo happy for you to see such huge progress!!!! This is a beautiful sight to behold! :yep:

Thanks Iris...It really is. like I said I babied this and still am. I think the faster growth period was between July 17th thru today, because of the Eggs. Remember I mentioned in that post, that it looked like my hair was thickening up.

Cowash is a must for me to keep good moisture. Once a week I have been doing the 2 Min Aphogee Reconstructor.

Thanks girl
Thanks Iris...It really is. like I said I babied this and still am. I think the faster growth period was between July 17th thru today, because of the Eggs. Remember I mentioned in that post, that it looked like my hair was thickening up.

Cowash is a must for me to keep good moisture. Once a week I have been doing the 2 Min Aphogee Reconstructor.

Thanks girl

:woot: for eggs! I'm boiling mine now. I'm so glad its benefiting your hair girl, that just warms my heart (seriously)

I'm over here like :yahoo: that it helped you like this!