tell me what you think...


New Member
I really screwed up this year. Lost a great love... Did pretty awful things... and Said even worse.

Like the twelve step program i am writing notes to everyone i've wronged this year... instead of gifts. this one is to my ex.. what do y'all think?

As 2008 looms ahead, there are so many actions of 2007 I cannot explain. The last 365 days have been a terrible blur and I managed to hurt everyone I love in irreparable ways.
In you, I’ve lost my lover, a true friend and my number one fan. I kick myself at how reckless I was with your gift of love. I am sorry. Truly sorry.
Instead of being honest with my feelings of inadequacy and ask for your help as I tried to maneuver my internal obstacles, I pushed you away. I tried to make you feel the way I was feeling inside. Insecure. It took many quiet nights to acknowledge the previous statement, and a few more to accept.
Hopefully, one day you’ll forgive me. One day if I’m lucky enough, the love that you selflessly bestowed upon me will cross my path again. And, I promise with all of my heart and soul, I will nurture and protect it, recognizing the precious gift of true love.
I wish you the best for 2008. With any luck this year we can become friends once again. An open invitation.

Too much? too little? sincere? Does it sound like i'm begging him back or acknowledging my wrongs?
It sounds very sincere to me. I think it's a very good idea what you're doing. It takes a strong person to acknowledge they were wrong and even a stronger person to recognize their weakness. Good luck!
It does sound sincere. I wish I could get an apology letter like that from some people who've done me wrong. Send it!