Teaching on Marriage/Relationships


New Member
Ok, ladies… I need your opinions.

I’ve been serving as sort of a mentor/mother/sister figure to a young lady at my church. She was recently divorced and really struggling in the area of relationships. Through my time of mentoring/mothering, she has told me that I have helped her significantly in her thinking and understanding concerning her attitudes toward men and marriage and has become adamant that there are singles/couples who need to hear the message of healthy relationships from me and my husband.

While I know that there are lots of marriages failing at an alarming rate, do you think people are really wanting/ teaching on this subject. My husband and I are more than willing to share how God has been teaching us and blessing our marriage, but thus far (at least at our church), there doesn’t seem to be much interest. I don’t want to force something if people aren’t interested.

What are you thoughts? Do you think this is something people are interested in hearing?
I just had a conversation with an older woman from my old church who has a marriage ministry--reconciling divorced couples. It's called "Covenant Keepers." Anyway, she told me that the pastoral staff (4 pastors in total) are overburdened and overwhelemed by the need for marital counseling among the parishoners, and the troubles in keeping those marriages together. And it's causing a mini-crisis there.

So yes, I think this is a real need that people are having.
It is something I would be interested in hearing and I am sure other would like hear the message but it is such a personal subject. People do not want to feel they are putting theor business out in the street much less among the "good christians". That may be the reason you are not getting a big response. Maybe there is a way you all could minister to other but in a more discreet and confidential fashion. I pretty sure you services are needed
It is something I would be interested in hearing and I am sure other would like hear the message but it is such a personal subject. People do not want to feel they are putting theor business out in the street much less among the "good christians". That may be the reason you are not getting a big response. Maybe there is a way you all could minister to other but in a more discreet and confidential fashion. I pretty sure you services are needed

Thank you so much for your response. You make a very valid point about the confidentiality. I hadn't really considered it from that perspective and it IS something that is important to be sensitive to.
I just had a conversation with an older woman from my old church who has a marriage ministry--reconciling divorced couples. It's called "Covenant Keepers." Anyway, she told me that the pastoral staff (4 pastors in total) are overburdened and overwhelemed by the need for marital counseling among the parishoners, and the troubles in keeping those marriages together. And it's causing a mini-crisis there.

So yes, I think this is a real need that people are having.

Thank you, nicola.kirwan. I really need confirmation that our efforts aren't in vain and that it's something that needs to be shared.
It is something I would be interested in hearing and I am sure other would like hear the message but it is such a personal subject. People do not want to feel they are putting theor business out in the street much less among the "good christians". That may be the reason you are not getting a big response. Maybe there is a way you all could minister to other but in a more discreet and confidential fashion. I pretty sure you services are needed

We as an ethnic group tend to not discuss many things that we should for fear of 'putting your business out there'. Sometimes with good reason. It is difficult to find reliable trustworthy counsel. Never-the-less yes, it is badly needed. Somebody has to be the Titus woman.
I might get the side eye but I think that what wrong with the black race is we try to not talk about stuff ie marriage baby mommas homosexuality and I feel we are going to hell in a handbasket.I know this may sound harsh but its time we as a people deal with out issues and stop skating by.

I feel you teaching about marriage on a Godly medium would be awesome..things done in the dark will come to light one way or another..and you might as well get things corrected now so you can live a happy future..
You already know the answer to this. Just do it God will bring the people/couples that you have a word for. You may even want to get into pre-marital counseling, dating (for singles), dating (for spouses), workshops, there is a lot of things in this area that you can do.

Yes, it is important to teach salvation but we also have to teach people how to live.

Be Blessed
Yes, definitely -- I think that many divorces can be prevented from good couple mentors. Mentorship is powerful.