Teaching a MAN to kiss...


New Member
Is it possible? :ohwell:

Here's the scenario: I met this guy back in 2003... went out on a few dates... thought he was really cute and generally a great guy... then found out he couldn't kiss!!! :nono: So that put a real dampner on things...
Over the years we've been out on dates occasionally but I always shied away when I knew he was about to lean in for a kiss.
Recently we've been hanging out more and more... and I am quite attracted to him BUT I just cannot bring myself to go 'there' because of his kissing skills (or lack thereof). I know some of you might say to just forget about him... BUT I do genuinely like this guy. But my whole thing is how the hell do you teach a guy how to kiss without offending him??? :perplexed
I always thought you were a good kisser or you weren't.

I think it's possible to teach him though. I think you would have to take lead and he follow you. And then when he does something right you say, I like it when you did that.

I really don't know. Maybe someone else can help you.
I always thought you were a good kisser or you weren't.

I think it's possible to teach him though. I think you would have to take lead and he follow you. And then when he does something right you say, I like it when you did that.

I really don't know. Maybe someone else can help you.

I used to think that way as well... but i really don't want it to be true because that'll mean he'll never be good at kissing! :nono: I like your idea... but I'm no a very tactful person... i'm kinda blunt... and I don't want to let it be known that I don't like his kissing style and offend him in any way... so I'm hoping aganst hope that somebody can suggest a way to do it without him really realising!
That's a deal breaker. That's something you should have learned no later than sophomore year of high school
That's a deal breaker. That's something you should have learned no later than sophomore year of high school

Maybe he didn't date much in High School. Maybe he has other qualities and it maybe worth her investing her time in this one little problem he has.
Maybe he didn't date much in High School. Maybe he has other qualities and it maybe worth her investing her time in this one little problem he has.

From what we have spoken about, I gather he wasn't really popular with the women in high school. I don't know why... i've seen pictures of him back then and he was gorgeous! He's still cute, but he was slimmer back then...lol
Maybe he didn't date much in High School. Maybe he has other qualities and it maybe worth her investing her time in this one little problem he has.

Maybe, but tell me you wouldn't want to gag if your whole face was wet after he kissed you :lick: TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME!!!!
From what we have spoken about, I gather he wasn't really popular with the women in high school. I don't know why... i've seen pictures of him back then and he was gorgeous! He's still cute, but he was slimmer back then...lol

If he doesn't have much exp, I'm sure he would love for you the teach him. He would be my dream guy, someone I could teach.

And ya know, most people change slightly in those areas. What my husband did before me, I might not like. So he's adapted to do the things I enjoy. I have a certain way I love to kiss. Our first kiss wasn't anything like the kiss' we have now.

I would give ole dude a chance. Teacher him what you like and let him enjoy himself.
Maybe, but tell me you wouldn't want to gag if your whole face was wet after he kissed you :lick: TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME!!!!

:lachen::lachen: I went out with a guy that licked all around my lips and tried to get in my nose. But he was into that.

I think this man Nevaeh1282 is refering to just doesn't know what he likes and she should help him.
:lachen::lachen: I went out with a guy that licked all around my lips and tried to get in my nose. But he was into that.

I think this man Nevaeh1282 is refering to just doesn't know what he likes and she should help him.

What the hell:lachen::lachen::lachen:

I think you can show him or explain to him a couple of times...but if he don't get it send him packing!
If he doesn't have much exp, I'm sure he would love for you the teach him. He would be my dream guy, someone I could teach.

And ya know, most people change slightly in those areas. What my husband did before me, I might not like. So he's adapted to do the things I enjoy. I have a certain way I love to kiss. Our first kiss wasn't anything like the kiss' we have now.

I would give ole dude a chance. Teacher him what you like and let him enjoy himself.

oh most defnitely I am giing him a chance... the problem is HOW do I go about doing so without offending him.... maybe I should google this... *scratches chin*
Just tell him. He may not be offended and if he is.....................

I had told DH and another boyfriend what I didn't like that they did. Both things were sexual. After all I'm in this too.

just tell him
:lachen::lachen: I went out with a guy that licked all around my lips and tried to get in my nose. But he was into that.

I think this man Nevaeh1282 is refering to just doesn't know what he likes and she should help him.

OMIGOD!!!! ***Running from the room vomiting violently***

Just tell him. He may not be offended and if he is.....................

I had told DH and another boyfriend what I didn't like that they did. Both things were sexual. After all I'm in this too.

just tell him

If he hates me after I tell him Imma blame you!!! *just kidding* lol
I agree with Dlewis, jokingly tell him. The first time my BF kissed me, he thought he was showing me something :rolleyes:

He was all like "I'll show you how to kiss" Ummm no buddy :nono: I don't like agressive kissing.

So I told him to be still and let me 'show him what I like.' It's been all good since then. Try it! :yep:
I agree with Dlewis, jokingly tell him. The first time my BF kissed me, he thought he was showing me something :rolleyes:

He was all like "I'll show you how to kiss" Ummm no buddy :nono: I don't like agressive kissing.

So I told him to be still and let me 'show him what I like.' It's been all good since then. Try it! :yep:

That does work! I had to do this with my DF he has nice sized lips so he thought he was doing something but I had to work with him to get him somewhat decent. LOL hayle I thought I was a bad kisser myself (no one told me but I just felt like I was doing something wrong) until recently I was told that I was gooooooodddddd :grin:
Nevaeh1282, how abt u try kissing him and maintaining control of the kiss. that way, to a degree, you're kissing him the way u want to be kissed.
Or u could pretend to play a kissing game with him and just tell him how u want to be kissed.

BTW, tell us more, what's up with his kissing?
Too much spit, tongue right down ur throat, blood soaked lips, puffing air down ur throat, brushing ur teeth with his tongue, tongue up ur nostrils.......
Nevaeh1282, how abt u try kissing him and maintaining control of the kiss. that way, to a degree, you're kissing him the way u want to be kissed.
Or u could pretend to play a kissing game with him and just tell him how u want to be kissed.

BTW, tell us more, what's up with his kissing?
Too much spit, tongue right down ur throat, blood soaked lips, puffing air down ur throat, brushing ur teeth with his tongue, tongue up ur nostrils.......

Too much spit and it's almost as if he keeps his mouth open too wide, instead of that open/close action that one is supposed to do. It makes me cringe...lol! But other than the lack of kissing skills, I have no complaints about him.

I'm supposed to be seeing him tomorrow, so I'll report how the 'experiment' went... :grin::nono:
Too much spit and it's almost as if he keeps his mouth open too wide, instead of that open/close action that one is supposed to do. It makes me cringe...lol! But other than the lack of kissing skills, I have no complaints about him.

I'm supposed to be seeing him tomorrow, so I'll report how the 'experiment' went... :grin::nono:
