Teacher got schooled!

:lachen::lachen:I've done this before! I was in Family Dollar one day and the lady in line in front of me returned a box relaxer and the people working there were trying to make sure everything was in the box and asked me if I knew anything about them (why, cuz I'm black?) and I looked at the box and said "No I don't, sorry." :look::lachen:Then my LHCF maternal instinct kicked in and I was like now what if some unsuspecting consumer buys this box, gets home and applies the relaxer only to find there's no neutralizing poo cuz some arse hole didn't return it? I played like I was reading the box to know what all s/b in there. They make you do it sometimes!!!

YOU AINT RIGHT!!! :rofl:
So do I. I think I would have paid money to see his face.

I would have paid even more to see the look on his face if you had pulled your hair down and shown him!:blush:

I thought about it but then was like who TF is he? I'm not taking my hair down not to mention my bun was just right. Lord knows it wouldn't have been when I tried to put it back up :lachen: He'll see it if we go out this week, I rollerset last night.
great story. this reminds me of yesterday when i went to lush and told the girl i was just looking and she kept me in that store so long my male friend walked out and said "i'll be on the bench". lol, that lady would not shut up.
bump bump sooooo did yall go shoe shopping... and did he see the hair??? Most importantly are you guys still friends?
bump bump sooooo did yall go shoe shopping... and did he see the hair??? Most importantly are you guys still friends?
This is my buddy now :giggle: We hit the mall once and he wore me out--never again :lachen:! We see each other a couple times a month to hang out.

He's seen my hair straight once and his words verbatim "*sucks teeth* Oooh, bi*&^ you make me sick! How you gonna hide all that bee-you-tee in that ***** clip and boring bun?" :laugh:I've discovered a lot of interesting places around here thanks to him and his nose for perfume is unreal. I went to his sister's divorce party :rolleyes: with him a few weeks ago and we're having drinks tomorrow night.

His mom asked where we knew each other from and he told her I was the one that came up to his job and cursed him out lmao. He is a fool.
Aww. I love happy friendship endings like this. Just plain real, right from the start

This is my buddy now :giggle: We hit the mall once and he wore me out--never again :lachen:! We see each other a couple times a month to hang out.

He's seen my hair straight once and his words verbatim "*sucks teeth* Oooh, bi*&^ you make me sick! How you gonna hide all that bee-you-tee in that ***** clip and boring bun?" :laugh:I've discovered a lot of interesting places around here thanks to him and his nose for perfume is unreal. I went to his sister's divorce party :rolleyes: with him a few weeks ago and we're having drinks tomorrow night.

His mom asked where we knew each other from and he told her I was the one that came up to his job and cursed him out lmao. He is a fool.
Okay, so I went to Jc Penney yesterday to scope out hair products and see what, if anything, was on special. As I'm walking in to the salon, a nice black guy (the only 1) working there asked me if I needed help with anything. I politely told him I was just looking. He comes over anyway (it burns my butt when people do this) and starts talking and asked me my hair type. Not thinking, I told him a 3c/4a mixture and he was like no, I mean is it curly, straight...I said oohhh, right :eyeroll: I'm very curly. I was looking at some Phyto Organics stuff, just reading labels and dude said "no, this is what you need," walking toward the KeraCare and Mizani (why are these the only products behind the counter?). I said "I've used all that stuff before and still use Humecto every now and then. I getting irked by now because I already told this punk I was just looking... Anyway, he shows me the Biolage and some other things and once again I'm like "been there, done that" he then says "well since you've tried everything, maybe you should stick to one line. You need to give things time to see if they work!" I explained to him the ills of being a PJ and it not even being a matter of sticking to something, I just like to buy stuff. Then he tried to school me on washing hair and leaving in the conditioner and said he does this once/wk. I told him my hair was wet 90% of the time and (co)wash about every 3 days and I always leave in conditioner. He then thought he figured out the answer to my imaginary problem (remember when I said I was just looking?) And goes "aaahhhh, all that washing is drying your hair out. This-" I didn't even let him finish. I was like "you know what, I am no rookie when it comes to hair and hair care. I know what works and could probably teach yall a thing or two, don't let this clipped bun fool you, I'm protecting my ends!" DD was standing there and cosigned "her hair is this long" and drew a line on her back near her tail bone, which was obviously an over exaggeration :laugh: in 30 seconds I told him about cowashing, the diff between moisturizing and sealing, and adding oils to conditioners. His mouth was open. I also let him know that while I appreciate him putting forth the effort to help, never assume you're dealing with a novice nor a pro, ask questions but if someone says they're just looking, respect their space. And while KeraCare and Mizani are good, stop directing black customers straight to that stuff, like nothing else up in that joint will work on our hair! I ended up giving him my number so we could talk shop and go shoe shopping :look: he said my shoes were to die for...


Edit: Ohh, I just read the part about the two of ya'll being friends now. Too funny! haha... :rofl:
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This is my buddy now :giggle: We hit the mall once and he wore me out--never again :lachen:! We see each other a couple times a month to hang out.

He's seen my hair straight once and his words verbatim "*sucks teeth* Oooh, bi*&^ you make me sick! How you gonna hide all that bee-you-tee in that ***** clip and boring bun?" :laugh:I've discovered a lot of interesting places around here thanks to him and his nose for perfume is unreal. I went to his sister's divorce party :rolleyes: with him a few weeks ago and we're having drinks tomorrow night.

His mom asked where we knew each other from and he told her I was the one that came up to his job and cursed him out lmao. He is a fool.

Oh that's :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: girl! You scared him into submission huh!!! He's prolly gonna join the board soon!!!:grin::grin:
This was hysterical and baby girl Eisani jumped into the fray. Teach'em young and old. LOL!!!
I have told that girl so many times to keep her mouth shut when grown ups are talking :rolleyes:. She's so protective and always feels it's her place to defend me lol.
Oh that's :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: girl! You scared him into submission huh!!! He's prolly gonna join the board soon!!!:grin::grin:

I still don't have it in me to tell him about the board. Whenever I say something in reference to it I just say "online" or something like that :look:. I did tell him about Naturallycurly though lol.
DD was standing there and cosigned "her hair is this long" and drew a line on her back near her tail bone,

:lachen::lachen: so cute!

in 30 seconds I told him about cowashing, the diff between moisturizing and sealing, and adding oils to conditioners. His mouth was open. I also let him know that while I appreciate him putting forth the effort to help, never assume you're dealing with a novice nor a pro, ask questions but if someone says they're just looking, respect their space. And while KeraCare and Mizani are good, stop directing black customers straight to that stuff, like nothing else up in that joint will work on our hair! I ended up giving him my number so we could talk shop and go shoe shopping he said my shoes were to die for...

you go girl! Keep PJism alive :yay:

Thanks for sharing this story.
And while KeraCare and Mizani are good, stop directing black customers straight to that stuff, like nothing else up in that joint will work on our hair!

OMG! I am so glad you said that. A couple of months ago I went into Ulta and a white stylist asked if she could help. I told her that I was looking for a particular JOICO item and she looked at the Joico products then walked around the corner and started looking at some other products. I'm thinking "What is she looking at? Joico is over here." I followed her and lo and behold she was trying to find the equivalent to what I was asking for in the Mizani section. Didn't even bother to ask if I tried it before. I guess she thought she was helping. I let her look and went back over to the Joico stuff then she concluded that they didn't have the Joico item. I thanked her and continued to look around.

I love how the stylist love to immediately put us in a box because we are black. As if the Mizani and Keracare products are "one size fits all" for our hair. Pretty sad.:nono: