Taren just said on Facebook that...


Well-Known Member
I'm a friend of Taren916 on Facebook and she just posted this:

Ok... So I just got some news from a fellow FB friend about Pantene... Now, When I was using Pantene's Treatment, my neck felt irritated when my hair touched it. I said to myself "it feels like I'm getting a perm" jokingly.. WELL... One of the ingredients in this product is "Sodium Hydroxide" AKA Lye!!! Nough said.... We gotta do research on what we put in our hair!

After people commented she added:

I'ts the 3rd to last ingredient so there's not much but I'm pretty sure longterm use has to have an effect... It seriously turned my neck red! I was wondering why...

This is very interesting to me. What do you all think of this? What has your experience been with Pantene Treatment?
I think she's reaching. There isn't enough lye in it to do much, not even long term. She may be allergic to an ingredient in the product...it could be the lye or it could be the 20 other ingredients in the product. She can't look at just the sodium hydroxide and say that's why her neck is red.

Sodium hydroxide is used in soaps, food processing, laundry detergent...you can't just look at an ingredient and say "OH NOEZ" without accounting for ratios, what it's mixed with, etc.
People have already said they put it in there to balance out the pH of the product. I'm not sure how true that is...
I wouldn't worry about it, either. Unless there are mass claims cosigning her experience, I'd continue to purchase. I agree, it may have been an allergic reaction or coincidence.
Personally I think Pantene sucks anyway. It use to be the business back in the day and my grass LOVEDEDED it... it was awesome! Now? Meh, not so much. I can't use anything they make.:nono:

Sounds like she had a reaction. Back in the day all homemade soap was made with potash/lye. And in where I'm from, back in the day they use to mix potash with potatoes for a makeshift relaxer. (Don't ask... I wasn't born back then, I just remembered the stories :lol: )
I mean she's wrong...but that's okay...since when was Taren supposed to be a hair chemist? I thought the same thing when I first went natural (DevaCurl Angell has it too) and I was politely corrected. Give the girl a break, just because you have pretty hair doesn't mean you know everything.
Just? A little?

She's lost credibility with me for a while and with this uproar the loss has sky rocketed. :rolleyes: :look:

ITA. Her lack of hair care knowledge amazes me. I'm subscribed to her. but since I realized how dingy she was during the whole heat damage thing I don't really watch her videos anymore.
I saw that and rolled my eyes. It could be the perfume cause it's overly scented. For crissake there's lye in SOAP.
Really? What all has she done?


Nothing too big but after a while I just got tired of her. She likes to talk about controversial topics to stir up turmoil and attention. Sometimes I think all these sponsored bloggers on Youtube talk about certain topics to generate views that ultimately reflect on and increase their revenue — even though they don't make that much, it can still draw more viewers to watch their videos which gets them more money.

Plus I kind of didn't like how she went ON and ON about the whole Kimmaytube drama; I'm all about being brief and letting go. :look: :rolleyes:

ETA: Oh! Her HEAT DAMAGE situation as well. I know we all make mistakes but if you're in the public eye — internet or not — you're expected to set an example in most cases. I lost credibility with Ateyaaa for her sew-in mess; I still like her, defend her, and watch her videos but it's not the same. The whole "beauty community" as people like to call it on Youtube is messed up. You really have to take everything with a grain of salt — minuscule grain.
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I mean she's wrong...but that's okay...since when was Taren supposed to be a hair chemist? I thought the same thing when I first went natural (DevaCurl Angell has it too) and I was politely corrected. Give the girl a break, just because you have pretty hair doesn't mean you know everything.
THANK YOU. people really upset that she is misinformed??? please, just tell the girl what it is, that she is mistaken and move on. she is not being malicious with what she thinks is true. she just THOUGHT wrong, no big deal.
THANK YOU. people really upset that she is misinformed??? please, just tell the girl what it is, that she is mistaken and move on. she is not being malicious with what she thinks is true. she just THOUGHT wrong, no big deal.

Oh I was one of the people that commented against her claim and I'm not upset, I just don't like her actions prior to this comment that has led to my post about her. Just thought, I'd clear things up. :lol:
Oh I was one of the people that commented against her claim and I'm not upset, I just don't like her actions prior to this comment that has led to my post about her. Just thought, I'd clear things up. :lol:
no need to clear it up. i was mad at her for the heat damage too. well not that she had heat damage but because she went back and wore straight hair like a few days after realizing she had heat damage. i was like wtf:lol:
no need to clear it up. i was mad at her for the heat damage too. well not that she had heat damage but because she went back and wore straight hair like a few days after realizing she had heat damage. i was like wtf:lol:

Yeah, I'm still subscribed to her because she pretty and she's a nice girl it seems but I can't really take her seriously. :lol:
Yeah, I'm still subscribed to her because she pretty and she's a nice girl it seems but I can't really take her seriously. :lol:
i usually only watch youtube videos to see what products they use and their opinion on it. she didnt do very many styles so i couldnt watch her for that. but her new wig looks exactly like her hair.