Taren just said on Facebook that...

This is the reason why it's important to do your own research and to educate yourself on your own hair care. It's nice to have hair idols and gurus but they are just regular people and they don't know everything. They are learning just like we all are.
Yeah :( I was so sad when it didn't work for me. I had slip..... and breakage. :nono:


Butting in but it really is different strokes for different folks. I bought Yes To Cucumbers Colour Care Conditioner that all the naturals around here LOVE and it was the PITS for me. I wanted to love it and even tried justifying that it was good but no, it's not for me. My hair was like, "I'm not drinking in all these healthy extracts. I want me some synthetic nutrients." Here I was thinking that if it worked for a natural, it'll work for me and naturals know all the good products. Naturals still do know all the good products in my opinion but this one was just bad for me.
i usually only watch youtube videos to see what products they use and their opinion on it. she didnt do very many styles so i couldnt watch her for that. but her new wig looks exactly like her hair.

I can relate, I'm subscribed to a lot of people on Youtube and I basically subscribe to them because of personality or just to here them review something and talk about it. There's only very few times I buy something recommended because of a "guru" and it's usually an article of clothing. Once, I bought something for my hair which was Tresemme, the girl wasn't even my race so we know her texture was not the same but it worked like a dream.

I feel like if I bought most things that most people I'm subscribed to recommended, I'd waste so so so so much money... :nono:
[USER=59631 said:
Aireen[/USER] ;12903013]Yeah, I'm still subscribed to her because she pretty and she's a nice girl it seems but I can't really take her seriously. :lol:

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I just love you to pieces

I really don't know why I'm subscribed:grin:, I just subscribe subscribe subscribe (just to give everyone subscribers really)
but I very selectively watch
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I just love you to pieces

I really don't know why I'm subscribed:grin:, I just subscribe subscribe subscribe (just to give everyone subscribers really)
but I very selectively watch

TWIN! :lol: That's me right there. I have a whole bunch of unwatched videos under my subscription tab that just plain don't interest me. My favourites to watch are people that no one would expect.
When I worked at Lush, customers would wonder about the use of Sodium Hydroxide in our soaps even though it was way at the end of the ingredient list. After emailing corporate, they responded that the actual percentage was around .0001% :giggle: I don't know about other brands out there, but that doesn't even register on my things-to-worry-about radar.
I love Pantene's Beautiful Lengths line, I have been using the mask and conditioner for awhile now and I think it has contributed to me retaining length so I will definitely continue using this product line.
I love Pantene's Beautiful Lengths line, I have been using the mask and conditioner for awhile now and I think it has contributed to me retaining length so I will definitely continue using this product line.
I love this line too and the Nature's Infusion. The RN line didn't do much for me:nono:
Well, she's not the only YouTube "hair guru" to make silly claims.
I mean, I thought a while back someone was claiming that baking soda could "relax" your hair."
I think that as someone said, just because your hair is pretty and/or long doesn't mean that everything you do to it is magical and is the reason for that.
And yeah, short of someone showing you some chemistry, biochemistry, organic chemistry, chemical or materials engineering creds, you should probably assume that their ability to understand the ingredients on a bottle of shampoo or anything else is pretty limited.
Plenty of things don't react unless certain conditions exist(temperature, enzymes, catalysts, etc), and that's probably the simplest way to explain why you see things that are scary to you that are in everyday products that don't do what you are used to them doing.
I just think it's kinda funny how us "seasoned" folk now know it all--or at least most of it. Back in the day, I used to avoid using conditioner because I thought it would weigh my hair down--I was going for that Pert girl, flappin-in-the-wind hair. Of course I was an idiot and when I finally went to a stylist, she said my hair looked like a plucked chicken, but the point is that I didn't know any better at the time.

Give Taren time too...and everyone else for that matter. We're all at different points on our quest for hair knowledge. Most of y'all have probably passed me up already on this journey, but watch out...I'm coming for ya!

And let's help folks out; if they're not claiming to be a hair guru, then don't fault them for not knowing what might seem elementary to you.
When I worked at Lush, customers would wonder about the use of Sodium Hydroxide in our soaps even though it was way at the end of the ingredient list. After emailing corporate, they responded that the actual percentage was around .0001% :giggle: I don't know about other brands out there, but that doesn't even register on my things-to-worry-about radar.

I agree. There is even trace amounts of lye in foods we eat (flour tortillas for example), it's all around us....
I don't care that Taren made a mistake in what she said...I just hope that nobody listened to her and threw all their Pantene products in the garbage.
This theory has been thrown out there before. Its just as unbelievable now as it was then. :lol: Really, .00001% of lye in a product will eventually straiten your hair over time. Really?? How many peoples hair you know relaxes THAT easy?
U know I wonder about this because I saw that in the new Brazillian Blowout that claims to be now totally formaldehyde free, sodium hydroxide is high up on the ingredient list. I know it's not like Pantene, but I wonder if she is on to something regarding some the ingredients in commercial products.
U know I wonder about this because I saw that in the new Brazillian Blowout that claims to be now totally formaldehyde free, sodium hydroxide is high up on the ingredient list. I know it's not like Pantene, but I wonder if she is on to something regarding some the ingredients in commercial products.

I wouldn't use anything that had SH high on the ingredients list. It all depends on the percentage....now that info about the Brazilian Blowout is scary...I wouldn't be surprised though.
I never really listened to Taren on youtube. I just scroll through her videos to see shots of her hair or to see results after styling her hair a certain way.
Omgoodness, I cannot believe she's talking about one of my favorite conditioners. :lachen: Ladies, I used this for the first time, with my hair steamer two weeks ago. I did not feel a tingling (natural hair- never got a perm but I think i'd know!). The results were amazing. While my hair felt a little dry after I rinsed the conditioner out, my hair felt amazing after I put in some Burdock Root to twist my hair. Plus, I lost very little hair when taking my twists out a week later. With this winter, I've had issues with breakage so I've been paying close attention. :lol:
I think her seeing that word, got into her unconscious mind and it psych her out. She said in other videos she use to be relax, so obviously it's not the lye that's causing her a reaction, but one of the many other ingredients listed. I notice ever since she got a little shine some people take her word as holy, and they really need to do their own research.

I use only shampoo bars, which is derived from lye, but then goes through saponification. And my texture hasn't been alter.
I just think it's kinda funny how us "seasoned" folk now know it all--or at least most of it. Back in the day, I used to avoid using conditioner because I thought it would weigh my hair down--I was going for that Pert girl, flappin-in-the-wind hair. Of course I was an idiot and when I finally went to a stylist, she said my hair looked like a plucked chicken, but the point is that I didn't know any better at the time.

Give Taren time too...and everyone else for that matter. We're all at different points on our quest for hair knowledge. Most of y'all have probably passed me up already on this journey, but watch out...I'm coming for ya!

And let's help folks out; if they're not claiming to be a hair guru, then don't fault them for not knowing what might seem elementary to you.

Wow! You hit the nail on the head! I was just thinking- I remember when Taren first got started on youtube. If I'm not mistaken-she said she was coming on to GET help and tips for her OWN hair! People started chiming in and giving tips. She tried those tips and gave updates. Surely when her hair started to thrive and get healthier-people started to naturally ask HER for tips! I remember her being shocked and humble about that!

Its sad that she's getting ridiculed about something she posted on her F.Book page about her personal experience!

Now I see why Traycee did not want to accept ladies from her hair community on her F.book page! She is liable to put something up for a family mamber or close friend-but if that info offends the right person then-just like that-it's a wrap! Yet -as soon as she ignores someones friend request then she is perceived as stuck up? You're darned if you do you're darned if you don't! WOW! How sad!
Its sad that she's getting ridiculed about something she posted on her F.Book page about her personal experience!

I just want to clear up my intentions for starting this thread. I wasn't try to ridicule her. I saw when she posted that and I was genuinely worried about whether or not there were any truth to the lye ingredient, especially since she said she had an allergic reaction to it. So I asked everyone there experience with the product.