Taren Guy Vs Natural Hair Show

Lol. I was just reading this. Smh. That lady called her a demon on the comments. How unprofessional.

I was on instagram like... what?!

I can see both sides of the argument, but this was handled poorly.

Taren was asked to speak on a panel about black women making money in the blogging industry. All of her success on YouTube/speaking at events/ blogging has been as a loose haired natural. Even if she continues to do well now that she's locced, at least part of that is because she already has built up an audience.

On the other hand, her particular portion of the hair show wasn't about her hair, it was about her experience, which can't be negated due to her new styling choices.

Either way it's a hot mess.
I was on instagram like... what?!

I can see both sides of the argument, but this was handled poorly.

Taren was asked to speak on a panel about black women making money in the blogging industry. All of her success on YouTube/speaking at events/ blogging has been as a loose haired natural. Even if she continues to do well now that she's locced, at least part of that is because she already has built up an audience.

On the other hand, her particular portion of the hair show wasn't about her hair, it was about her experience, which can't be negated due to her new styling choices.

Either way it's a hot mess.

Oddly, I'm with Taren this time. They were wrong for cancelling her. At least say in the contract we want your hair a particular way. Don't switch up after you see my hair and then cancel me from an event where I'm speaking.
She has been on one lately. I think she posted a video telling folks to unsubscribe from her youtube if you don't support her loc journey. Now she busting out this hair show thing. I agree the situation wasn't handled properly so let the chips fall where they may.
I know nothing of her personal life but her videos helped me a lot during the beginning of my journey.

I'm #TeamTaren and they wrong fa dat. Locs are a big part of the natural community and unless there was a previous agreement that she can not change her hair they outta pocket.

I'd be a little tired too if I was constantly scrutinized for what I do to MY hair. People gotta do better in general.
lol OP you had to know how this thread would go down
I'm sitting here trying to like everyone's post because I started the thread. :drunk::angel:

While I feel for Taren in this particular instance, her livelihood is based around her personal appearance. I'm hoping she's put some thought into this and will be okay when (not if) her opportunities dwindle due to her choices.

She knows people followed her and were interested in her due to her big fluffy fro. I think her locs are cute, but the majority of loose naturals will have nothing to "learn" from her anymore.
Lmao! There has to be some other reason because locs were the original "natural" even still now if you go to a some natural salons it's only locs and braids that they do. The few natural salons here that do all the professional wash n gos and other loose styles, straightening and weaves are newer.

Again I think they're reasoning is fake especially with the fact that she wasn't even supposed to be some brand ambassador just speaking. Her hair didn't matter. They probably found out she was a liar, scammer & a messy chick that lives for drama through their audience

No one in their right mind would have Taren at an women's entrepreneur panel to speak. Only time she's pro woman is when they give her money they believe is for whatever fake business she makes up at the moment. Otherwise she's getting pregnant by their husbands...

Bye. They're still messy for dropping her off the panel though.
I think its messed up how people are interested in her solely because of her hair and now shes locing, you're using that as an excuse to start to censor her so to speak.

Her drama is her drama but dont break a contract and say its because of her hair and call the woman a demon. She was good enough for you before drama and all, and now shes tainted goods.

smh. I never followed her but her story is all over the web.
I'm sitting here trying to like everyone's post because I started the thread. :drunk::angel:

While I feel for Taren in this particular instance, her livelihood is based around her personal appearance. I'm hoping she's put some thought into this and will be okay when (not if) her opportunities dwindle due to her choices.

She knows people followed her and were interested in her due to her big fluffy fro. I think her locs are cute, but the majority of loose naturals will have nothing to "learn" from her anymore.
You know I have only recently learned how hated she is. The are RELENTLESS!!! And I was just informed by @BillsBackerz67 about her "autism fiasco".

Anyway, I agree. People who loved her for her 'fro aren't going to follow her loc journey. I don't think the NH community is divided. Just like any other hair regimen or style, Locs aren't for everyone, even in the natural hair community. I've been natural for over 20 yrs but didn't care for locs until literally just a couple of years ago. Now I LOVE them and cannot wait to get mine started. But that's me.

She's supposed to be on a spiritual journey. I hope it works out for her.