Taren Guy Vs Natural Hair Show

Well, well, well....

I remember when she dyed her hair blonde. I knew that was going to be a disaster.

I really loathe the fact that she treats her children the way she does. I dislike anyone that treats their kids poorly! I am positive she will finagle her way out of this with even more stans. I do wonder if people think they can catch the light skin and "good" hair. SMH.
SMH Taren will big chop by December
I knew she would lose sponsors with freeform locs which is why I don't think she will stick with it

I'll give Taren until December to do the Big Chop. She never sticks to one thing for more than a few months. I swear she has ADHD and goes from one thing to another. I unsubscribed years ago. Her videos give me anxiety LOL Her hair used to be so pretty. Ok rant over.
So maybe I'm shallow (which I know I'm not) or maybe I just don't care but why is everything so "spiritual" with Taren and folks like her.

Her "locs" are spiritual
She ties 2 cowrie shells around her extensions in remembrance a hairstyle she just had 2 weeks ago
She can't buy a tank top without conducting a transformational analysis
She finds her life meaning in the bottom of her Starbucks cup

I just get tired listening to her because nothing she does can ever be simple, straightforward, or simply "because she wants to."

THIS!! Everything she does is now spiritual or some sort of metamorphosis and then she puts up videos with a ton of word vomit to make herself sound new-age or enlightened. She must be preparing for a new scam....
When i first subbed to her when i big chopped i really liked her. But in the time ive been natural shes big chopped like 3 times, dyed so many times, etc. she seems to get bored with her hair very quickly and is always fussing with ut. Which of course doesnt satisfy viewers who want to see your hair grow and how you maintain it. I unsubbed a looong time ago. If she has dreads now she will cut them soon. Lucky for her her hair grows hella fast. I think she said it grows like 3/4 an inch per month.