Taren Guy Vs Natural Hair Show

Taren started a business on YouTube. Her knowledge about vlogging could be helpful to people who are considering this. Like previous posters have stated, Taren has been drugged through the mud on everything regarding her life.
I tried not to be curious, but now I am.

I never heard of any of the negative!

Can someone provide a short version? Sounds like:

1. She stole money. FROM WHOM?
2. She didn't take care of her kids. HOW DO WE KNOW? WHAT HAPPENED TO BRING IT OUT TO THE LIGHT?
3. OMG! WHO'S HUSBAND DID SHE SLEEP WITH? AND HOW DO WE KNOW? Why didn't it stay private. OMG.
4. She's a scammer? WHAT SCAM DID SHE PULL? OMG!

Taren!!! Wow!
You could have just googled.
True. Idk how I would be able to live with myself stealing money from folks nor could I bounce back like she did. But every ain't able.....
Yeahhhhh! I saw her recently at a hair event at Ricky's and she just looked so happy and approachable. I wasn't there long at all, but there was something about her that kinda has an air of charisma and approachability to her. Mike was there too.

A friend of mine has worked with her twice and has nothing but good things to say about her. She said she has amazing vibe to her. She was telling me she's met and worked with several YouTubers and off camera their personalities kinda suck but how Taren was the exception. I remember the first time when she said she met Taren was around the time of her heavy controversy and I was about to say something but bit my lip and she just kept saying what a cool vibe she had. Then she worked with her recently and said she has good energy and pleasant vibe to her. She wasn't interested in hearing the shenanigans surrounding her. And my friend isn't a fan who is color struck with tight curls trying to live vicariously through Taren like a lot of her fans lol.
I tried not to be curious, but now I am.

I never heard of any of the negative!

Can someone provide a short version? Sounds like:

1. She stole money. FROM WHOM?
2. She didn't take care of her kids. HOW DO WE KNOW? WHAT HAPPENED TO BRING IT OUT TO THE LIGHT?
3. OMG! WHO'S HUSBAND DID SHE SLEEP WITH? AND HOW DO WE KNOW? Why didn't it stay private. OMG.
4. She's a scammer? WHAT SCAM DID SHE PULL? OMG!

Taren!!! Wow!

YEP! Last summer I went to a hair event in Harlem and Mike's wife was there. Her name is Karen... lol. How similar. Taren wasn't there, but Karen sure was. Pretty woman and looks really young too. Cute, little thing, with a big frames on and cute wig/weave. I was like hmmmmm, so they are both in the natural hair circle?
Yeahhhhh! I saw her recently at a hair event at Ricky's and she just looked so happy and approachable. I wasn't there long at all, but there was something about her that kinda has an air of charisma and approachability to her. Mike was there too.

A friend of mine has worked with her twice and has nothing but good things to say about her. She said she has amazing vibe to her. She was telling me she's met and worked with several YouTubers and off camera their personalities kinda suck but how Taren was the exception. I remember the first time when she said she met Taren was around the time of her heavy controversy and I was about to say something but bit my lip and she just kept saying what a cool vibe she had. Then she worked with her recently and said she has good energy and pleasant vibe to her. She wasn't interested in hearing the shenanigans surrounding her. And my friend isn't a fan who is color struck with tight curls trying to live vicariously through Taren like a lot of her fans lol.
I'm sorry but from what I've read about her, the "good vibe" might be just a show. Also, you can have a "good vibe" and still stab people in the back.

Either way, I hope her spiritual journey leads her to authenticity.
I'm sorry but from what I've read about her, the "good vibe" might be just a show. Also, you can have a "good vibe" and still stab people in the back.

Either way, I hope her spiritual journey leads her to authenticity.
I wasn't defending her, I'm just saying what a friend told me. I agree with the bolded. I can def see how she draws people in though, she really does have that charismatic vibe to her. I don't mean authentic, but I can see how people are drawn to her and she's given chance after chance after chance.
I wasn't defending her, I'm just saying what a friend told me. I agree with the bolded. I can def see how she draws people in though, she really does have that charismatic vibe to her. I don't mean authentic, but I can see how people are drawn to her and she's given chance after chance after chance.
I didn't think you were. I completely understood. Sometimes 'fans' sound like cult members. Just pointing out (the obvious) that there are a lot of seemingly nice people who have issues.
Yeahhhhh! I saw her recently at a hair event at Ricky's and she just looked so happy and approachable. I wasn't there long at all, but there was something about her that kinda has an air of charisma and approachability to her. Mike was there too.

A friend of mine has worked with her twice and has nothing but good things to say about her. She said she has amazing vibe to her. She was telling me she's met and worked with several YouTubers and off camera their personalities kinda suck but how Taren was the exception. I remember the first time when she said she met Taren was around the time of her heavy controversy and I was about to say something but bit my lip and she just kept saying what a cool vibe she had. Then she worked with her recently and said she has good energy and pleasant vibe to her. She wasn't interested in hearing the shenanigans surrounding her. And my friend isn't a fan who is color struck with tight curls trying to live vicariously through Taren like a lot of her fans lol.

Isn't that how con artists work though? They have to make you feel comfortable around them to give them your money. She can't walk around being angry black women and expect people to support her "ventures".
Taken from a website:
20 characteristics of a con artist sociopath:
  1. Fun, charming and entertaining. Super politewhen meeting people.
  2. Impressively talented, knowledgeable or skilled, or lead us to believe they are.
  3. Have profound perception; later it’s scary, they seem to read our minds like telepathy.
  4. Are easily offended and vain. They fluster and bluster when offended and lash out.
  5. Lie always. About all things – .01% of what they say might be true – such as their shoe size.
  6. They believe they are better than everyone – and hold others in contempt.
  7. Crave a good reputation. Defend their reputation with outrageous lies; see #5.
  8. Crave status and power through possessions & money.
  9. Have delusions of fame and importance.
  10. Mimic our human emotions of affection, love, concern.
  11. Have no capacity for care, concern or love. They are faking it. They imitate us.
  12. Think of themselves as victims. They can cry fake tears at the drop of a hat.
  13. Are sexually promiscuous and often simultaneously avoid sex with a primary partner.
  14. Do anything they want to anyone.
  15. Think their prey should be grateful.
  16. Take pride in their scams. Run several scams simultaneously. Many women; many men.
  17. Believe everyone deserves what they do to them.
  18. Smear their victims when things end loudly, publicly, online and in court.
  19. Have outbursts of rage. Can be violent. Talk about killing themselves or dying.
  20. Know they are monsters; they enjoy it.
I'm no psychologist but 95% of this list seems to apply to her.
Taken from a website:
20 characteristics of a con artist sociopath:
  1. Fun, charming and entertaining. Super politewhen meeting people.
  2. Impressively talented, knowledgeable or skilled, or lead us to believe they are.
  3. Have profound perception; later it’s scary, they seem to read our minds like telepathy.
  4. Are easily offended and vain. They fluster and bluster when offended and lash out.
  5. Lie always. About all things – .01% of what they say might be true – such as their shoe size.
  6. They believe they are better than everyone – and hold others in contempt.
  7. Crave a good reputation. Defend their reputation with outrageous lies; see #5.
  8. Crave status and power through possessions & money.
  9. Have delusions of fame and importance.
  10. Mimic our human emotions of affection, love, concern.
  11. Have no capacity for care, concern or love. They are faking it. They imitate us.
  12. Think of themselves as victims. They can cry fake tears at the drop of a hat.
  13. Are sexually promiscuous and often simultaneously avoid sex with a primary partner.
  14. Do anything they want to anyone.
  15. Think their prey should be grateful.
  16. Take pride in their scams. Run several scams simultaneously. Many women; many men.
  17. Believe everyone deserves what they do to them.
  18. Smear their victims when things end loudly, publicly, online and in court.
  19. Have outbursts of rage. Can be violent. Talk about killing themselves or dying.
  20. Know they are monsters; they enjoy it.
I'm no psychologist but 95% of this list seems to apply to her.

As I'm reading this, I'm thinking geez this sounds just like her from all the tea that's been spilled.

I swear I forget she's a mom. The one thing I can't look past is all the mess I've heard about her kids. The fact that she's not there for them, and that tea is quite believable b/c there's no way a mom of 4 could be traveling and gallivanting the way she does, her kids can't be in her life. This breaks my heart the most... the KIDS. How does that instinct not kick in? How could you be on such a spiritual quest and a spiritual journey and this main part of your life doesn't come up? She's constantly seeking and searching for something. The dreds won't last long either. It's just another phase.
Yeahhhhh! I saw her recently at a hair event at Ricky's and she just looked so happy and approachable. I wasn't there long at all, but there was something about her that kinda has an air of charisma and approachability to her. Mike was there too.

A friend of mine has worked with her twice and has nothing but good things to say about her. She said she has amazing vibe to her. She was telling me she's met and worked with several YouTubers and off camera their personalities kinda suck but how Taren was the exception. I remember the first time when she said she met Taren was around the time of her heavy controversy and I was about to say something but bit my lip and she just kept saying what a cool vibe she had. Then she worked with her recently and said she has good energy and pleasant vibe to her. She wasn't interested in hearing the shenanigans surrounding her. And my friend isn't a fan who is color struck with tight curls trying to live vicariously through Taren like a lot of her fans lol.
Con artists are always approachable, that's why they able to scam people without you suspecting anything about them. I remember she was trying to scam people from that tv network (Areya TV) http://tarenguyareyatv.blogspot.com/ her and Mike were trying to start. :rolleyes:
I'm laughing that someone called her a demon for this issue. So scamming and sleeping with another woman's husband, not taking care of her kids, and all the other crap that's surfaced about her wasn't bad enough, but rightfully asserting oneself warrants being called a demon? Maybe they had in mind all the things she's done before. Either way, bye sis to whoever said that. I don't like Taren but I'm with her on this one. Everything about this is highly unprofessional.
I guess that's why they thought it was okay to do this to her. They were judging her and being disrespectful.
They don't like her either and didn't want to work wither her, the locs are just an excuse to be rid of her.

I have only seen her old videos from when she started. I am not a die hard fan of anyone.
Seems like I need to get in on it. People are making money hands over fist.
As I'm reading this, I'm thinking geez this sounds just like her from all the tea that's been spilled.

I swear I forget she's a mom. The one thing I can't look past is all the mess I've heard about her kids. The fact that she's not there for them, and that tea is quite believable b/c there's no way a mom of 4 could be traveling and gallivanting the way she does, her kids can't be in her life. This breaks my heart the most... the KIDS. How does that instinct not kick in? How could you be on such a spiritual quest and a spiritual journey and this main part of your life doesn't come up? She's constantly seeking and searching for something. The dreds won't last long either. It's just another phase.

Unfortunately, the instinct to mother does not kick-in for every woman who has a child.
Taken from a website:
20 characteristics of a con artist sociopath:
  1. Fun, charming and entertaining. Super politewhen meeting people.
  2. Impressively talented, knowledgeable or skilled, or lead us to believe they are.
  3. Have profound perception; later it’s scary, they seem to read our minds like telepathy.
  4. Are easily offended and vain. They fluster and bluster when offended and lash out.
  5. Lie always. About all things – .01% of what they say might be true – such as their shoe size.
  6. They believe they are better than everyone – and hold others in contempt.
  7. Crave a good reputation. Defend their reputation with outrageous lies; see #5.
  8. Crave status and power through possessions & money.
  9. Have delusions of fame and importance.
  10. Mimic our human emotions of affection, love, concern.
  11. Have no capacity for care, concern or love. They are faking it. They imitate us.
  12. Think of themselves as victims. They can cry fake tears at the drop of a hat.
  13. Are sexually promiscuous and often simultaneously avoid sex with a primary partner.
  14. Do anything they want to anyone.
  15. Think their prey should be grateful.
  16. Take pride in their scams. Run several scams simultaneously. Many women; many men.
  17. Believe everyone deserves what they do to them.
  18. Smear their victims when things end loudly, publicly, online and in court.
  19. Have outbursts of rage. Can be violent. Talk about killing themselves or dying.
  20. Know they are monsters; they enjoy it.
I'm no psychologist but 95% of this list seems to apply to her.

Taken from a website:
20 characteristics of a con artist sociopath:
  1. Fun, charming and entertaining. Super politewhen meeting people.
  2. Impressively talented, knowledgeable or skilled, or lead us to believe they are.
  3. Have profound perception; later it’s scary, they seem to read our minds like telepathy.
  4. Are easily offended and vain. They fluster and bluster when offended and lash out.
  5. Lie always. About all things – .01% of what they say might be true – such as their shoe size.
  6. They believe they are better than everyone – and hold others in contempt.
  7. Crave a good reputation. Defend their reputation with outrageous lies; see #5.
  8. Crave status and power through possessions & money.
  9. Have delusions of fame and importance.
  10. Mimic our human emotions of affection, love, concern.
  11. Have no capacity for care, concern or love. They are faking it. They imitate us.
  12. Think of themselves as victims. They can cry fake tears at the drop of a hat.
  13. Are sexually promiscuous and often simultaneously avoid sex with a primary partner.
  14. Do anything they want to anyone.
  15. Think their prey should be grateful.
  16. Take pride in their scams. Run several scams simultaneously. Many women; many men.
  17. Believe everyone deserves what they do to them.
  18. Smear their victims when things end loudly, publicly, online and in court.
  19. Have outbursts of rage. Can be violent. Talk about killing themselves or dying.
  20. Know they are monsters; they enjoy it.
I'm no psychologist but 95% of this list seems to apply to her.

While she definitely has issues, I find it surprising you think that she amounts to a sociopath. I don't see it.

I just think she's lost with a lot of mommy and daddy issues and unfortunately she can't connect to her children. That's the real tragedy.
While she definitely has issues, I find it surprising you think that she amounts to a sociopath. I don't see it.

I just think she's lost with a lot of mommy and daddy issues and unfortunately she can't connect to her children. That's the real tragedy.
It's ok I generally pick up a lot of things about an individual that most won't see or agree with anyway. Not being able to connect with any of your children is also amongst the sociopathic spectrum.
Lmao don't mind me I'm special :spinning:
i always thought she looked like a hooker. like is not something you can wash off, its not makeup or styling. she just has a certain facial look that many hookers have :look:.
she has an immoral face. I think its mainly the pelican jaw and her lips. and something about her eyes.
I think she's pretty though.