Taking Vitamins? Cathy Howse's Statement

Re: Taking Vitamins? Cathy Howse\'s Statement

Okay, I tested my hair vitimins the one from Botanic Choice...it did not float but it is taking a very long time to dissolve-like more than the 20 minutes..now I'm not so sure...I thought they were working...well I have alot of new growth in my braids but now I'm not so sure...if it isn't dissolving immediately in the glass of water....I just placed a new order for some more too and now they might not be good!
Re: Taking Vitamins? Cathy Howse\'s Statement

I think Cathy was primarily referring to Lisa Akbari's statement about putting hair vitamins on the hair just prior to a touchup. Akbari suggested to make the demarcation line more visible to spray hair vitamins on your hair and then get to the salon early and ask to sit under a cold dryer for 5 minutes so that the demarc line shows clearly. I found her book very interesting but she doesn't come right out and say what hair vitamins are (like she said she was all through the book). I figured out that hair vitamins was simply a leave-in a conditioner. It's somewhere in the book or on her website but it certainly wasn't "Hey, remember when I told you I was going to tell you about hair vitamins." Nothing quite so obvious. And Cathy does recommend a leave-in conditioner - her own.
Re: Taking Vitamins? Cathy Howse\'s Statement

I agree also, if you have a bad diet and not getting all of your vitamins, then supplements will help your hair to grow to it's fullest potential. They cannot speed up hairgrowth. I think we all experience results with these vitamins because we all are missing them in any combination from our diets.
Re: Taking Vitamins? Cathy Howse\'s Statement

I found Cathy Howse's Book, Ultra Growth II, a very good book and it has encouraged me to look after my hair properly, like moisturising, and washing more regularly. I also have Lisa Akbari's book as well. From Cathy's Howse "Ultra Black hair Growth II" 'The majority of time, I purchase my iron, in 18.0 mg and my zinc in 15 mg. these are the RCA (recommended daily allowance set by the National Research Council, and consure one tablet each daily. Since these two supplements have an unusual after taste, I prefer to take them with fruit juice, to help conceal the flavour. Iron is also known to absort best when Vitamin C is present in the body.' on page 109.

I don't agree with her saying that other ethnic groups don't take vitamins for their hair, because they do. Hair vitamins were not done for black people in mind, they are done for the European market. Holland and Barratt, Hair Vitamins, (American company) Pil Food (Swiss company), HF35 and Hairtopia (on-line US companies). The Asian market traditionally, used various herbs, such as Cherry blossom, (Hair growth) Various seaweed teas (for Hair strength and weight loss) Japanese beauty book, Chinese, Fo ti and other various herbs, for hair loss, hair strength, hair growth etc, they would make various teas and drink it. The Indian including Pakistan, used various oils, hair massages, and various teas also. Also how our hair is more suited to a warmer, more humid climate. Quite a lot of African descent people live in colder climates, such as USA, Canada, UK, France, Sweden and the rest of European countries. The food, we eat is different, so our hair has to adapt to the climate, if we were in warmer climates, we need not bother so much about protective styles, because the climate more dry and colder, how hair needs more moisture, hence it likely to break. The food over the last hundred years have changed through processing etc, in most countries. We have to eat more green and other vegetables lightly cooked or even fresh fruit and vegetables. I have to say, that when I was in my twenties, I used to take a lot of vegetables, and my hair was fine, it grew, not special. It drew to shoulder length, and it was thick. I stopped taking supplements for ten years, I found that my hair was very thin and it did not grow very thick. I kept my hair short for many years. I got Cathy's book and I started washing my hair more often, also I was swimmming twice a week and I noticed that my hair was getting thicker, I also had a texturiser at the time. I tried HF 37, also added flaxseed supplement, and I found that my hair grew back very quick and I was able to give it a french braid. I then stopped perming and cut off the permed ends, and just concentrated on improving my circulation, I started on exercising more, I eat more vegetables, I rinsed every single day. I put my hair in Buntu knots or double twists, my hair grew past my earlobes, to the bottom of my jaw, at the sides, my front hair always grew long: with my back hair, I always suffered from thin ends, my back hair has grown, and I am very pleased at the progress, I have more hair now at the age of 42, than I had when I was a teenager.

What I would say, yes, her book has helped my a lot. Also supplements has helped me a great deal, because I buy my supplements for a health shop, plus I wet my hair more often, that I have ever done, every single day, I spray or rinse or do both, I spend less money that I have ever did and I don't go to the hairdressers, for any braiding or twisting or trimming, or conditioning treatments, I do my hair myself and I am pleased with my results. My hair comfortably stretches to shoulder length. It will be two years in February of being natural.

For a long time, hair was used as a weapon for black women, now that we know the secrets, a lot of people are getting extremely upset, I'm not saying Cathy is, but now, there is the negativity, white people and other ethnic groups don't take hair products and their hair grows etc, that is a BIG LIE, they have been taking things for years. Jane Seymour used hair products by Phillip Kingsley, so does Jeri Hall. I read, all how takes what is in the quality papers like the Sunday Times. All the actress, takes hair vitamins, Jennifer Anson, not sure of spelling, more of the girls in the model industry do.
What you ladies need to do, do what works for you. Do worry about Cathy Howse, or your friend's grandmother who could grow her hair down to her knees. Grannie was taking her herbal teas. Do your research ladies, if you find taking supplements, your health is improved, your looks have improved, your hair is improved, whether you have your hair, relaxed, texturised, or natural, or coloured and natural. Do what works for you. I know that half Japanese woman, her mother was Japanese and her father was German. She was admiring my hair and she was telling me how thick it is and I told her I take supplements, she then told me her white German friend, could never grow her hair up to shoulder length. Whenever it reached shoulder length, the ends would get thin. She started using hair vitamins and she saw her a year later, her hair is thick and it is passed her bra length, nearly waist length and she is so pleased. For the first time in her life. She was extremely happy. Her friend always had short hair, she had known her since she was five. Every one likes to tell vitamins are a waste money, Royal Jelly was expensive water, so the experts said and it is a waste of money, however since my daughter has been taking it, her period pains have been not been so painful, and she was able to take part in her school activities, before she had to take the day off school, the last time, she passed out.

I personally think that there is a great fear, about black women growing their hair to extremely long lengths.
Re: Taking Vitamins? Cathy Howse\'s Statement

How efficient of an indicator is it if vitamins don't dissolve readily in water? What's in our stomachs is a stronger acid and it may not take as long for a vitamin to dissolve there, than in weaker H2O.
Re: Taking Vitamins? Cathy Howse\'s Statement

I was told to use water and white vinegar. It's supposed to simulate gastric acid.
Re: Taking Vitamins? Cathy Howse\'s Statement

Interesting that she says this. I for one think that vitamins have helped my hair grow faster, fuller, and softer. My hair tends to grow fast usually, however, when I first joined this board and started taking the "Bargello" vitamins regimen, I gained 4 inches in four months (something I don't think that I would have gained without the vitamins).

Re: Taking Vitamins? Cathy Howse\'s Statement

Tee Tee said:
Thats strange because I have her book "Ultra Black Hair Growth II" and she states just the opposite. She says that vitamins are necessary and she even suggest taking iron and zinc for hair growth.

Tee Tee

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Yeah I read that also. She does recommend both iron and zinc for hair growth and good circulation.
Re: Taking Vitamins? Cathy Howse\'s Statement

Natori24 said:
perfectpeace said:
However, if you do your research and find a company with some integrity that does not put additives or fillers in the product and if you take digestive enzymes to assist with absorption, etc., I think you have got a product that will be beneficial to your health, including your hair (healthy hair starts on the inside).

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So, what company have you found with integrity that does not add fillers to vitamins? What exactly are digestive enzymes? Currently, I am taking Botanic Choice Vitamins for Hair, Spring Valley Natural Fish Oil capsules, and a Centrum Multi-vitamin. I took Spring Valley Biotin for at least a month and half-I haven't tried it since. Please tell me where can I find Digestive enzymes? I haven't seen that anywhere.

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Andrew Lessman's vitamins are high quality. His website is www.yourvitamins.com. I order then through the Home Shopping Network (www.hsn.com). He also sells DigestAssure (which is the digestive enzyme I take.)
Re: Taking Vitamins? Cathy Howse\'s Statement

loverofnaps71 said:
She stated that white women and women of other ethnicities do not take vitamins, get their hair STILL grows! So, why should we?

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Since when do whites and other ethnicities not take vitamins?
Re: Taking Vitamins? Cathy Howse\'s Statement

Maybe she was refering to the vitamins that claim they could make your hair grow in like two weeks...you know the ones that sound too good to be true.

[/ QUOTE ] /images/graemlins/scratchchin.gif I WAS THINKING THE SAME THING AYESHIA!
Re: Taking Vitamins? Cathy Howse\'s Statement
