Tagging yourself on your mans page....


Well-Known Member
What are your thoughts? Every time I see this I find it to be such a desperate/thirsty move. I see so many woman tagging their pictures on their boyfriends not even husbands pages and I'm thinking to myself why. Is this to let others know the man is taken? I'm such a private person I don't even post public messages on fb to someone I'm dating. One guy had posted a pic we took together and I immediately told him to remove it. Maybe it's not a big deal but if we aren't even married I will not be posting pics and tagging you. I also hate fb feature when you're not even friends with the other party and your timeline is full of their pics cause they keep tagging the mutual friend. Smh

Also I never see men do this which I find even more amusing.
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It's probably marking territory. You won't allow even pictures without tagging, if you're not married, OP?
It's probably marking territory. You won't allow even pictures without tagging, if you're not married, OP?

In general I hate folks posting my pics but if we are dating I really don't want my pics on your page unless we become really serious. I just see so many relationships fail and everyone knows cause you have to remove all the pics it's to much. I do think it must be a marking of the territory thing it's dumb.
They are just making more work for themselves when they have to go back and untag them all when the relationship bites the dust lol.
My SO is FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a good man, yes madam, I tag pictures all day. I don't find it thristy or desperate at all. We love each other and are very happy to have found each other. So I tag away, plus everyone who knows me knows that he is pretty special because I have never really did it in the past.

And his exes will make little comments on his pictures and I will respond accordingly. Am I making my terriorty, heck yeah does he mind heck no, does he do the same in return heck yeah. He actually likes to pick out the pictures for me to post and tag him.

If we should go our seperate ways, then by all means I will untag pictures that is a part of the process when you are going your seperate ways. But I ain't letting him go NO time soon and he feels the same way. So I will cross that bridge if I ever get to it.
I don't have to. My man tags me in pics of us. His profile picture is of us.

If he didn't tag me, I wouldn't tag myself. However, I must admit that I'm happy he does tag me. A lot of guys act like they are ashamed to be in a relationship. They don't post pics of their SO at all, let alone tag them.

I used to be like OP. You couldn't tell anything about who I was dating by looking at my page. However, now that I'm in love, I really don't care about sharing pictures. I'm proud & happy about my relationship. I don't post any details about our relationship, but I don't mind pics at all.
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Im just glad facebook isnt a part of my relationship, lol

ETA: oh wait, lol, Im single. But in the past, lol facebook wasnt
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My SO is FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a good man, yes madam, I tag pictures all day. I don't find it thristy or desperate at all. We love each other and are very happy to have found each other. So I tag away, plus everyone who knows me knows that he is pretty special because I have never really did it in the past.

And his exes will make little comments on his pictures and I will respond accordingly. Am I making my terriorty, heck yeah does he mind heck no, does he do the same in return heck yeah. He actually likes to pick out the pictures for me to post and tag him.

If we should go our seperate ways, then by all means I will untag pictures that is a part of the process when you are going your seperate ways. But I ain't letting him go NO time soon and he feels the same way. So I will cross that bridge if I ever get to it.

all of this sounds exhausting.
Hmm I've never thought about this.

My friends tag themselves in my photos if they like them. How is this different?

I think assumptions are being made here. Sometimes women might be insecure, other times they may tag because their bf has a private profile and her friends can't see his pics unless she's tagged.:ohwell:

I haven't tagged myself in any bf's pics, but I don't care if someone else likes to do it.
Hmm I've never thought about this.

My friends tag themselves in my photos if they like them. How is this different?

I think assumptions are being made here. Sometimes women might be insecure, other times they may tag because their bf has a private profile and her friends can't see his pics unless she's tagged.:ohwell:

I haven't tagged myself in any bf's pics, but I don't care if someone else likes to do it.

I couldn't agree more!!!!!! To each his own!!!
Hmm I've never thought about this. My friends tag themselves in my photos if they like them. How is this different? I think assumptions are being made here. Sometimes women might be insecure, other times they may tag because their bf has a private profile and her friends can't see his pics unless she's tagged.:ohwell: I haven't tagged myself in any bf's pics, but I don't care if someone else likes to do it.

I'm talking about tagging your individual pics using the partners name. Not even a pic of you two together. I find that weird and kind of self absorbed. Why tag your pic on his page?
Hmm I've never thought about this.

My friends tag themselves in my photos if they like them. How is this different?

I think assumptions are being made here. Sometimes women might be insecure, other times they may tag because their bf has a private profile and her friends can't see his pics unless she's tagged.:ohwell:

I haven't tagged myself in any bf's pics, but I don't care if someone else likes to do it.

Because your friends aren't marking you as "territory".
My SO is FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a good man, yes madam, I tag pictures all day. I don't find it thristy or desperate at all. We love each other and are very happy to have found each other. So I tag away, plus everyone who knows me knows that he is pretty special because I have never really did it in the past.

And his exes will make little comments on his pictures and I will respond accordingly. Am I making my terriorty, heck yeah does he mind heck no, does he do the same in return heck yeah. He actually likes to pick out the pictures for me to post and tag him.

If we should go our seperate ways, then by all means I will untag pictures that is a part of the process when you are going your seperate ways. But I ain't letting him go NO time soon and he feels the same way. So I will cross that bridge if I ever get to it.

May I ask if you are in your early 20s...just wanna see if I am right about social media behavior.
My SO is FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a good man, yes madam, I tag pictures all day. I don't find it thristy or desperate at all. We love each other and are very happy to have found each other. So I tag away, plus everyone who knows me knows that he is pretty special because I have never really did it in the past.

And his exes will make little comments on his pictures and I will respond accordingly. Am I making my terriorty, heck yeah does he mind heck no, does he do the same in return heck yeah. He actually likes to pick out the pictures for me to post and tag him.

If we should go our seperate ways, then by all means I will untag pictures that is a part of the process when you are going your seperate ways. But I ain't letting him go NO time soon and he feels the same way. So I will cross that bridge if I ever get to it.

I don't think tagging is necessarily thirsty or desperate, but responding to his exes comments is. But to each their own.
I tag myself in my hubby's pics if I want it to appear on my wall for my friends to see. Or if I take a pic on my phone with him in it, he will ask me to tag him. I always tag him in pics of the kids. Especially if it is something funny or something he missed. But he is hubby.
I guess I'm the only one that don't really fancy being friends with ur S/O on these social media sites..... Responding to someone's ex is child's play don't do that
I'm talking about tagging your individual pics using the partners name. Not even a pic of you two together. I find that weird and kind of self absorbed. Why tag your pic on his page?

Because your friends aren't marking you as "territory".

LOL, sorry I thought this was about women tagging themselves if they're in the picture:lol:. My friends only tag themselves if they are in the picture, or were with me!

Some people don't mind a bit of possessiveness in their relationships, IDK. I'm guessing if the man had a problem he'd tell her to stop doing it.

Its' not for me, but I have seen some women with SO's that get a lot of women openly running after them on SN. Can drive them a bit crazy suppose. Tends to be a lot worse if they work in promotions, music, or are a mini local celeb in some way. I wouldn't be comfortable being in a relationship with someone like that tbh. Just speaking on a personal level.. If its a normal page I always think its the mans job to shut things down, or delete women that cross the line.
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It's neither here nor there with me. Never gave it deep thought. As someone mentioned my friends would tag themselves in some of my pics for various reasons so I guess I don't see the difference with doing it with your SO. Will I do it? Probably not lol
I rarely post pics but I will tag myself and everyone else in a pic that I like. Anyone who sees a pic your tagged in with your so will know what's up anyway so I don't see the big deal.

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Never had that issue because I don't put my relationship on fb in the first place. I once had a rule that I would not friend anybody I'm dating on fb. I broke the rule for an ex fiancé but even then I never interacted with him on fb.

My DH has no kind of social media accounts so that's not an issue for us.

Do I care if other folks tag their SO's pics.....not at all. To each his/her own
I have one very very handsome and smart black guy friend and as soon as he got married his FB profile changed to a picture of him and his wife
.... he makes sure everyone knows what is important to him

Now I have another HS friend on my FB and noticed he has two profiles
One with his wife and one by himself
The one by himself he is wearing very interesting let's say bedroom open shirt

I prefer if the man make sure others know I am first in his life

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I don't care what other women do with their men (as long as they don't come and complain to me about their men's behaviour). They do them, we do we...