Tabathas Salon Takeover reminds me why I don't like salons.

Natural Glow

Well-Known Member
Do any of ya'll watch Tabathas Salon Takeover on Bravo? I love this show

They had a salon owner on this week who said she always puts on hair color on then puts bleach on top right after for highlights to make it quicker/easier cause bleach eats through anything. :ohwell:

Tabatha was like WTF:perplexed Yeah it'll eat through hair too.

Oh and this episode was a mess. He decided to just throw this lady's curly hair in a ponytail and cut it straight off and throw it in the trash like one of those Jenny Jones makeover shows where these ladies have hair to their butts and they just cut it off for a makeover. The client looked so pissed.

Oh and how can I forget the salon owner who was always drunk and kept a damn dildo in his drawer:blush:
That poor girl..her hair was some gorgeousness too.
And why did Tabitha leave her with that buffoon again? She needed to push him out the way and finish it herself, that man is not to be trusted with hair.

And I was dying of laughter when that girl was in the back, talking some...I don't even know how to do hair, look at this ish. THAT'S NOT SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF. YOU WORK IN A HAIR SALON. And she got busted.
I'm so sorry I've been sleeping on this show; once finals are over, a marathon is in order. :rofl:
It's crazy the things these people do. Whenever Tabatha gives them clients to do so she can evaluate them people be coming out with uneven cuts, people doing foils with some dag-on reynolds wrap foil, jacked up color, all types of foolishness.
I like this show too...she has a facebook page.
Makes you wonder....those stylist that love what they do, will continue to learn and grow. Those that well...don't want a challenge or have a lack of ambition will always produce mediocre or below results. That's for anything/field in life btw...
Great show. Tabatha tells it like it is. I had mixed feelings about the episode where she takes over the AA salon. I was watching patiently to see if she really knew her stuff about AA hair care. She then brings in an outside expert (can't remember her name--a stylist to the stars--Beyonce, Nia Long and some others) to observe and evaluate the stylists' skills. At first it pissed me off, because she has never done that--she also did the evaluations herself. But then I thought, well at least she acknowledged her lack of knowledge in that area and brought in someone who was knowledgeable...
Anyhoo, it did make me chuckle when she called the stylists out for being so "f-ing loud." :lachen:
The black guy on the video link made me cringe. That girl in the chair had some gorgeous hair and just to see how he handled the consultation- I'd walk right out the door. Then later on they showed him putting in a relaxer and I just cringed because the way he was putting it in just made me shake my head.

I like Tabitha a lot though even though she can come off as being a hard #ss, she knows what she's doing most of the time. Every time I see the show it makes me want to be a hair dresser when I see ALL the products they have...then I think about possibly messing someone's hair up :nono:.
I'v never gone to a salon, but when i do, the first thing I will ask is if the stylist knows how to style my type of hair, I will ask to see a portfolio, and then I will run through the motions on how they will comb, and style my hair.
i loce that show; i keep missing the one where she took over the AA salon; maybe i can catch this weekend
I like this show but, I'm never able to catch it! I can't believe his lazy butt put her hair in a ponytail and cut it! I would be furious!!!
Hmm sounds interesting. What time does this come on central time?

9 pm CST on Tuesday nights on Bravo. They usually run a couple of episodes back to back.

Great show. Tabatha tells it like it is. I had mixed feelings about the episode where she takes over the AA salon. I was watching patiently to see if she really knew her stuff about AA hair care. She then brings in an outside expert (can't remember her name--a stylist to the stars--Beyonce, Nia Long and some others) to observe and evaluate the stylists' skills. At first it pissed me off, because she has never done that--she also did the evaluations herself. But then I thought, well at least she acknowledged her lack of knowledge in that area and brought in someone who was knowledgeable...
Anyhoo, it did make me chuckle when she called the stylists out for being so "f-ing loud." :lachen:

The expert was Kim Kimble.
It's crazy the things these people do. Whenever Tabatha gives them clients to do so she can evaluate them people be coming out with uneven cuts, people doing foils with some dag-on reynolds wrap foil, jacked up color, all types of foolishness.

:nono: least it doesn't cost them anything. They get to have their hair jacked up fo' free! :reddancer:

But sometimes, I think about, the people who sign up to be clients must be either brave or desperate for a new look/television exposure.. Because you just KNOW they're going to murder your hair if you ask them to do anything serious like a color or cut. I mean...if they were good at their craft, they wouldn't even be on the show to begin with.
I LOVE this show too...but unfortunately I've seen much of this laziness by stylists, the loudness, over-booking, lack of customer service in 'real-life' salons. I like that Tabatha reminds them that customers are paying $$, stop being so lazy! So, to me this reality show is a reality :)
I watch this show. I love Tabitha b/c she tells it like it is. I don't go to the salon. If I want something done I have my sis do it or go to a friend that does hair out of her house.
But sometimes, I think about, the people who sign up to be clients must be either brave or desperate for a new look/television exposure.. Because you just KNOW they're going to murder your hair if you ask them to do anything serious like a color or cut. I mean...if they were good at their craft, they wouldn't even be on the show to begin with.
That's true. But they do have regular clients that they show on the hidden cameras and they are jacking them up too. But who knows they could be actors too. A lot of people go on there cause their business is failing financially not cause they want to get told how to do hair better. Some of those people seriously think what they are doing is right. They sit up there and try to argue with Tabatha that there way is right.
I liked Tabitha ever since I saw her on Shear Genius.

I watch all the hair based reality shows. :blush::lol:

wow that clip was crazy. it was so obvious that guy didn't have a clue what he was doing. 'i just want to iron her out and be done with it'. wow. if all you know how to do is flatiron, you need to find another job. ♥
I also love this show. It's funny, but it also opens your eyes to what's going on behind the scenes at salons. Although I don't go to the salon much, Tabitha has showed me what to look out for.
She is so funny and she's boss. she tells it like it is and I like that. This past episode I got to watch and the owner who was kinda punk rock was pissing me off. But I love the fact that Tabby isn't afraid to tell them what's up.
yeah I love the show, love anything hair salons, she is really good and whips those fools back into shape, but yeah it does make you not miss going to the salon, that's why when I use to get wash and sets i'd take my own products because who knows how long their stuff be sitting there and dirty salons yuck!
I miss shear genius so much. I wonder how that girl's hair came out in the end. This show is pure crazy.