T-shirt, Turbie, Towel, Microfiber What Do You Use?


PJ Rehabilitation Center
Hi Ladies!:hiya:

Just wanted a little feedback on what you use after you Shampoo/Cowash/Cleanse/Deep Condition to remove excess water?

So, Please Reply and Let Me know "How Do YOU remove the Water?"

Right now I'm using a Towel, which being 13 months post, is making things difficult to detangle, so I'm thinking about using T-Shirts or some other means.

Thanking you in Advance for Your Help, Insight and Advice.:thankyou:
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Hi Ladies!:hiya:

Just wanted a little feedback on what you use after you Shampoo/Cowash/Cleanse to remove excess water?

So, Please Reply and Let Me know "How Do YOU remove the Water?"

Right now I'm using a Towel, which being 13 months post, is making things difficult to detangle, so I'm thinking about using T-Shirts or some other means.

Thanking you in Advance for Your Help, Insight and Advice.:thankyou:

I use either a t-shirt or turbie.
I used to use a microfiber turbie but after it got worn, I didn't bother replacing it.

Now, I used my towel. I don't rub. I wrap it about my head, gently squeeze, then remove. If I want to air dry and thus want my hair dryer, o wrap it like a turban and leave for about 15 mins then remove.
I try to use a t-shirt but really I mainly use just a regular old towel. Me personally, I think that it's ok to use a regular towel as long as your not scrunching or "swooishing" your hair around with the towel. I just wrap my hair w/ the towel for 1-5mins and then take the towel off.
I try to use a t-shirt but really I mainly use just a regular old towel. Me personally, I think that it's ok to use a regular towel as long as your not scrunching or "swooishing" your hair around with the towel. I just wrap my hair w/ the towel for 1-5mins and then take the towel off.


Girl...right now I'm "Srunchin' and Swooshing":laugh: So I was going to look for something better/different.

I'm still using a towel. I've been stalking amazon for something better but don't even know what that is. I'm be watching this thread.


Yeah Me Too!:yep:

It's good to see I'm not the only one still using a Towel to soak up excess water.:laugh:

Thank you Both!:sneakyhug:

@KammyGirl @pelohello
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I use smooth bar towels (cotton) from Walmart. They are about $5 for 4 and they are about 20"x 20". I have about twenty of them and I use them exclusively for my hair.

I wash them in super hot water with no fabric softener or bleach, on extra rinse cycle so that all of the detergent is washed out. I don't want anything "extra" in my hair.
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I use smooth bar towels (cotton) from Walmart. They are about $5 for 4 and they are about 20"x 20". I have about twenty of the, and I use them exclusively for my hair.

I wash them in super hot water with no fabric softener or bleach, on extra rinse cycle so that all of the detergent is washed out. I don't want anything "extra" in my hair


Great Information. Thank You!:hug2:

A t-shirt or microfiber towel.

Good to know!:up: