Surge Challenge Update - Month 3


Hair Power!
I am still faithfully using my surge products all the time. My hair is definitely thicker and stronger since using the surge. I start in December 2003 and will continue to use this product. Very satisfied with the results so far.
Have you noticed any growth? I have only been using Surge for two weeks and have noticed thickness but no growth.
Surge has been great for my hair definitely a keeper.
Hair is much stonger ant thicker these days.
Could not believe how much my hair had grown when I relaxed
last week I am jumping with JOY.
i have started using surge too , and my hair doesn't shed anymore, and the fact that i use bc pills , i think that is great !
Wooo-hooo! Luvin the Surge, it's a keeper! This challenge is no challenge at all. hair definitely reacts well with the Surge....i guess now i can track my hair progress better since i just chopped....see you all in a month!
nekee said:
i have started using surge too , and my hair doesn't shed anymore, and the fact that i use bc pills , i think that is great !

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Where did you get Surge?Are you in Barbados?I am going to Trinidad for the summer(4 months) before school starts back and I didn't think I'd be able to find Surge at home so I was planning to buy it here.If it can be found in Barbados there may be a greater chance I can get it in Trini.Also,how much did you pay for it if you got it in Barbados?
Inquiring Minds Want to KNOW!!!!!!...How much in terms of length did any of you ladies inch more.....
I started using the Surge in December. At that time, the back of my hair was barely neck lenght and my sides were almost to my chin. Now, my back is about 2 inches below my shoulder and the sides are at my collarbone. I'll be sticking with the Surge.
I started using Surge in Dec 2003. I have had no bad recations to it. I use it mostly on my nape area which I am trying to grow back after a bad relaxer. This month makes 4 months that I have been using it. I'd say that I have been getting about an inch a month but I stopped measuring because waiting for my hair to grow is like watching paint dry for an impatient person like me.

I have decicded to get braids next week and I will continue to use Surge with the braids. I plan to up my use for my entire scalp to twice daily while in braids.