Supplements Landed Me in the Emergency Room


New Member
A couple of weeks ago I decided I wanted to really start doing my vitamin routine. Anyway I started with OneADay(Weight Control) which has green tea extract that is supposed to increase your metabolism. I workout three times a week and thought that would be a good addition. Anyway, I took that, two biotin tablets, zinc, flax seed tablets, and Viactiv calcium. I did this every morning for a week. . . on the sixth day I noticed some really really bad "itching" from my head to my toe. . . I thought it was the change in weather b/c I have dry skin anyway. On the seventh day I woke up to lips that were swollen (about three times their natural size). My hands and feet were swollen so bad that I could barely walk. Anyway to make a long story short, I ended up in the emergency room. Because I had taken so much they really couldn't tell me exactly which one caused the reaction (and I didn't feel like taking the test). So. . . I was put on allegra and prednisone (have been taking them for two weeks now)to help me get over the reaction. I wanted to write sooner but I have been really sick. Has anyone experienced any kind of allergic reaction to supplements? Anyway, I thought I'd share my story. Needless to say, I will NEVER take another vitamin again.
Really sorry to hear about your problems with supplements, but don't let that turn you completely off of supplements. Maybe you took too much at one time. Maybe you should start with a daily vitamin before adding other things. They can really help your health.
I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm just starting out with supplements and I'm taking one alone for a couple weeks before adding another, just in case I get negative reactions I'll know what caused it.

I know how you feel because I had an allergic reaction that included swollen lips last year. Unfortunately my doctors started me on 3 different medications at once, so I still don't know which I'm allergic to.

As long as you continue to excercise and eat nutritious foods and drink alot of water, I think your hair should be fine.
I am sorry to hear this. I personally ended up with an itchy rash when I started to take GNC Ultra Nourish Hair. All of what you have listed seems to be reputable vitamins (it is not like you were taking ma haung or something). But personally i feel that if you have a complete healthy diet, and you don't have any deficencies you don't need vitamins.
I'm sorry to hear that too. That's strange that they took six days to react, but what do I know.

Did you eat anything different the day before? I used to get that reaction to salt fish and I got it once from Chinese food - not sure what exactly since I'd sampled various dishes. But my reaction was usually a few hours to a day after taking the offending food.

It may not be a bad idea to get allergy tests done. I only suggest that because it may not have been so much the supplements but the type you were taking. I'm allergic to wheat (gluten), dairy, sugar... and so I only buy my supps from health stores and I read the labels to make sure they are free of those allergens. Maybe it was the ingredients rather than the supplements themselves? Also, allergies can be developed with time. So that something you were not allergic to last year begins to bother you this year. Happened to me. I developed hay fever and eczema in later years but thanks to supplements and a new diet, I no longer suffer from either.

I hope you can find out what you reacted to so you know to avoid it in future.

Well, Thank God I found out relatively early on that the Omega 3-6-9 gives me a nasty stomach ache so I stopped taking it. I'm glad youre okay. It may be a good idea to try one at a time till you find the culprit...maybe not.
Ellen Nicole, I'm sorry this happened to you! Yes, I have read other posts where people have landed in the emergency room after taking supplements. Back when this forum was still part of, I remember some posters growing their hair out w/o supplements exactly because of their adverse physical reactions to supps. So you are not alone. Just try to eat healthy (and it looks as if you are health conscious already) and get the good stuff from your meals instead. GOOD & BAD Food for Hair Growth

Oh - and watch out for prednisone. The side effects in some people makes them super-sensitive (feelings-wise, not physically).

Good luck and I wish you a speedy recovery!
I'm really sorry to hear this, and I am glad to find that you are okay. Thanks for your warning and I hope you feel better.
Hey Ellennicole,

I'm sorry that you went through this. Hope you're feeling better. You had asked if anyone else experienced an allergic reaction like this. The closest I got to a reaction was with the biotin. Alot of itching and bumps like a lot of the other ladies here have experienced. I doubled up on my water intake so now the side effects have subsided.

I agree though that if you eat a well balanced meal, all these extra supplements really aren't necessary.

Feel better girl.

--perfect peace
Glad you're ok, Ellennicole...and I am sure that you can definitely still achieve your hair goals without supplements!

Thanks for the website, Nyambura. I agree with the person who mentioned trying one thing at a time before moving on to something else.
Wow! That's fascinating! That reaction you had was serious enough for the doctor to put you on prednisone? What was the last thing you added to your vitamin regimne? Your are right about staying away from them. You must stay away from them now. Your immune system now has "memory" and has now made antibodies. The next time you try whatever it was, your reaction could be anaphylaxis which could possibly kill you.

I'm glad to hear your on the road to recovery though.
Thanks everyone. You all are so sweet. I am feeling much better now. I just wanted to share my story so that those new to the supplement thing can think about what they're putting in their body. I think I was trying to do too much. I am just going to add more fruits and vegetables.I still drink plenty of water so I won't mess with the supplements anymore.
Sorry to hear this EllenNicole,

but you will still be able to grow your hair without supplements. I have not taken mine for a while--probably 6 months or so and my hair is still doing fine
Hey there...I, too am sorry to hear/read what happened.

Question: Did you ever find out what the itching came from?

It sounds like maybe you just had too much zinc. It's really hard to overload on zinc, and I think I read that severe itching is a side joke. It was either zinc or that orange stuff in carrots....beta caretene.

take care, miss lady
nonie said:
I'm sorry to hear that too. That's strange that they took six days to react, but what do I know.

Did you eat anything different the day before? I used to get that reaction to salt fish and I got it once from Chinese food - not sure what exactly since I'd sampled various dishes. But my reaction was usually a few hours to a day after taking the offending food.

It may not be a bad idea to get allergy tests done. I only suggest that because it may not have been so much the supplements but the type you were taking. I'm allergic to wheat (gluten), dairy, sugar... and so I only buy my supps from health stores and I read the labels to make sure they are free of those allergens. Maybe it was the ingredients rather than the supplements themselves? Also, allergies can be developed with time. So that something you were not allergic to last year begins to bother you this year. Happened to me. I developed hay fever and eczema in later years but thanks to supplements and a new diet, I no longer suffer from either.

I hope you can find out what you reacted to so you know to avoid it in future.


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This is great insight. I too suffered from severe allergies, but have learned to control them through diet and watching ingredients in products. However, I'm not surprised by it taking 6 days for a reaction. Allergies develop over time. Most people are not allergic to anything the first time they come in contact with it. It is after repeated contact with a substance that allergies develop.

I also encourage you to get allergy tests done that will pin point exactly what you are allergic too. With reactions severe as this one, the next time you have one could be life threatening. I wouldn't take chances, especially since you aren't sure exactly what triggered the reaction.
Sorry this happened to you. I'm on the vitamin challenge but I've been taking all of them (except for 2 new ones) for many years successfully. Some vitamins need to work in synergy with others rather than alone. Our bodies are miraculous and so good at telling us what we need and don't need. All we have to do is listen.
I regret the ill effects that vitamin supplements have had on your health and well-being recently,and am glad you are recovering. I also appreciate your sharing your story with Forum members. Thank you.

Currently, I am taking General Nutrition Center's Ultra Mega Women's Multi-Vitamin. Additionally, I take an additional 1,000 mg of Vitamin Ester C, to boost my immune system.

I figure that the multi-vitamin provides for my basic needs. Furthermore, I take the vitamins primarily for my health and well-being. I figure proper diet, rest and exercise, along with carefully chosen supplements, will naturally aid my hair growth and health.

The vitamins I take are all-natural. I purchased the Ester C from a local nutrition store. They cost more, but I believe I am less susceptible to a negative reaction.

Once you have fully recovered, discuss your vitamin supplement plan with your health care provider. He/She will be able to properly guide you.

To your good health!

I'm glad that you are doing better now that you've stopped taking the vitamins
. I had to stop taking GNC's Ultra Nourishair due to a bad reaction.
That's horrible...I have heard people say they can't take MSM because it contains sulfer, but that's it.

I'm so sorry this happened to you.
I take a lot of supps, but I added them in one at a time and built up to my current dosages. I still don't take as much biotin as "Bargello".
I have a nurse practitioner and she thinks my supps are a waste of money, but not harmful.

Feel better soon!
were you taking everything else w/no problems? could it just be the additional ingredients in Weightwise?
I am quite sorry to hear about your reaction. Unfortunately we live in a society that promotes vitamins as the cure all for everything under the sun. I am very wary and sceptical about posts on the board such as the vitamin challenge and the Bargello regime. Vitamin use is not to be taken lightly. Please do not swear off vitamins but follow the advise of the other posters that suggested you take an allergy test. From what you took it seems you had an adverse reaction to the flax seeds or the excess amount of the biotin or a food allergy reaction. There are no substantial reports regarding the overdosing of biotin but it is recommended no to take more than 100-300 mcg. Flax seed is known to prevent proper breathing in a lot of people. Swollen lips are a well documented food allergy reaction.

My best advice to you is to eat alot of fruits and vegetables and whole grains. And please get an food allergy test, swollen lips and limbs are bad reactions, thank God it was not a stronger anaphylactic attack when you can not breathe and your heart goes into shock. Take a one a day multivitamin ONLY if your doctor allows you.
sbg4evr - I think everyone should pay special attention to what they are intaking, do research, and even consult with a doctor if necessary before taking anything! My vitamin challenge is only to see if there's a difference to quantify taking vitamins..even something as simple as a flintstone's multi. I hope you didn't misunderstand my intention.
I'm so sorry this happened to you and I'm glad you are better.

I think I'll just stick with my B complex 100, multi and calcium.