Supplements Landed Me in the Emergency Room

sorry to hear that this happened to you. I would definitely consult a doctor before taking supplements that you have not taken before.
Wow! I'm so sorry that you experienced that. If I were you I would want to know what it was that I was allergic to (if allergic vs. overload reaction), so not to be exposed to it ever again. Your symptoms next time could possibly be worst. I would also want to rule out kidney damage since you swoll up like that.

Disclaimer: As with all things pertaining to your health, please consult your physican.
hairlove said:
Glad you're ok, Ellennicole...and I am sure that you can definitely still achieve your hair goals without supplements!

Thanks for the website, Nyambura. I agree with the person who mentioned trying one thing at a time before moving on to something else.

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You're welcome, Hairlove.

Ellen Nicole, I hope you're feeling much better today!
I'm glad you're doing better ellennicole and thanks for sharing your experience. It definitely serves as a warning to those new to supplements and especially to the many teenagers we have on this board.

I hope after reading your story that our younger members will give more weight to the advice of their parents instead of a messageboard when considering supplementing their diets.
Glad to her you're doing okay now. I am now on a two week(at least) hiatus from supplements of any kind. I am having some type of problems with my eyes becoming extremely dry and burning,stinging. I also have been suffering with sinus pain w/o actually having a sinus infection. When I told my allergist all the supps I was taking, he warned me that they may be causing adverse affects on my eyes. He said that"many people believe that these OTC supplements are safe to take, but they may be vary dangerous for certain people and in certain combinations". We need to really watch it.I am going to see whather my condition improves, and then I'll slowly begin to introduce a multi to my regimen again. But do you know that I'm actually going through withdrawl? I sometimes stare at my vitamin cabinet and ponder taking just a biotin, or just a fax seed capsule. One can really become addicted to taking vits. I keep thinking my hair's going to fall out, but I'll be fine. And I pray, my eye health will improve.
Thanks ellen for shring your story. It's one we need to hear. I was going to share mine, but you beat me to the punch.
I hope you're doing better ellennicole. I remember going on herbs last year for other reasons, and they made me sick as well, the stomach pains were unbelievable. This should be a lesson to all. Before going on a bunch of supplements, consult a doctor first, or research the side effects.

Best wishes
ellennicole said:
A couple of weeks ago I decided I wanted to really start doing my vitamin routine. Anyway I started with OneADay(Weight Control) which has green tea extract that is supposed to increase your metabolism. I workout three times a week and thought that would be a good addition. Anyway, I took that, two biotin tablets, zinc, flax seed tablets, and Viactiv calcium. I did this every morning for a week. . . on the sixth day I noticed some really really bad "itching" from my head to my toe. . . I thought it was the change in weather b/c I have dry skin anyway. On the seventh day I woke up to lips that were swollen (about three times their natural size). My hands and feet were swollen so bad that I could barely walk. Anyway to make a long story short, I ended up in the emergency room. Because I had taken so much they really couldn't tell me exactly which one caused the reaction (and I didn't feel like taking the test). So. . . I was put on allegra and prednisone (have been taking them for two weeks now)to help me get over the reaction. I wanted to write sooner but I have been really sick. Has anyone experienced any kind of allergic reaction to supplements? Anyway, I thought I'd share my story. Needless to say, I will NEVER take another vitamin again.

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The doctors in the emergency room put prescribed PREDNISONE
for an allergic reaction?

If I was you, I would go to my primary care physician and have that checked out. I don't know if you know what Prednisone is, but it's a steroid, which basically suppresses your immune system to fight off any infections and I believe to control swelling to....however, I was not aware that they would prescribe such as HARSH and DANGEROUS drug for a allergic reaction. Prednisone is usually prescribed to those suffering from Cancer, and autoimmune disorders like Lupus!

If they prescribed Prednisone what's the mg? and are you on a tappering dosage. Prednisone can cause serious side effects!!
sbg4evr said:
I am quite sorry to hear about your reaction. Unfortunately we live in a society that promotes vitamins as the cure all for everything under the sun. I am very wary and sceptical about posts on the board such as the vitamin challenge and the Bargello regime. Vitamin use is not to be taken lightly. Please do not swear off vitamins but follow the advise of the other posters that suggested you take an allergy test. From what you took it seems you had an adverse reaction to the flax seeds or the excess amount of the biotin or a food allergy reaction. There are no substantial reports regarding the overdosing of biotin but it is recommended no to take more than 100-300 mcg. Flax seed is known to prevent proper breathing in a lot of people. Swollen lips are a well documented food allergy reaction.

My best advice to you is to eat alot of fruits and vegetables and whole grains. And please get an food allergy test, swollen lips and limbs are bad reactions, thank God it was not a stronger anaphylactic attack when you can not breathe and your heart goes into shock. Take a one a day multivitamin ONLY if your doctor allows you.

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Exactly. People have a preconceived notion that because it is "natural" it will not harm you when in fact it could be even more harmful than synthetic medications. Especially be careful when taking amino some combinations, you may as well drink acid.....
Yeah, she told me she would give me the steriod for the swelling. She only gave me five pills. I only took four b/c I know about the side affects and I am not trying to gain weight.
AmilLion said:
ellennicole said:
A couple of weeks ago I decided I wanted to really start doing my vitamin routine. Anyway I started with OneADay(Weight Control) which has green tea extract that is supposed to increase your metabolism. I workout three times a week and thought that would be a good addition. Anyway, I took that, two biotin tablets, zinc, flax seed tablets, and Viactiv calcium. I did this every morning for a week. . . on the sixth day I noticed some really really bad "itching" from my head to my toe. . . I thought it was the change in weather b/c I have dry skin anyway. On the seventh day I woke up to lips that were swollen (about three times their natural size). My hands and feet were swollen so bad that I could barely walk. Anyway to make a long story short, I ended up in the emergency room. Because I had taken so much they really couldn't tell me exactly which one caused the reaction (and I didn't feel like taking the test). So. . . I was put on allegra and prednisone (have been taking them for two weeks now)to help me get over the reaction. I wanted to write sooner but I have been really sick. Has anyone experienced any kind of allergic reaction to supplements? Anyway, I thought I'd share my story. Needless to say, I will NEVER take another vitamin again.

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The doctors in the emergency room put prescribed PREDNISONE
for an allergic reaction?

If I was you, I would go to my primary care physician and have that checked out. I don't know if you know what Prednisone is, but it's a steroid, which basically suppresses your immune system to fight off any infections and I believe to control swelling to....however, I was not aware that they would prescribe such as HARSH and DANGEROUS drug for a allergic reaction. Prednisone is usually prescribed to those suffering from Cancer, and autoimmune disorders like Lupus!

If they prescribed Prednisone what's the mg? and are you on a tappering dosage. Prednisone can cause serious side effects!!

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I had an allergic reaction to antibiotics last year and I was prescribed the same thing. Supposedly it does something for allergic reactions to calm them.


Prednisone was prescribed for you because it's supposed to suppress your immune system because you had a severe allergic reaction. Besides you only had a short course so you need not worry about gaining weight. That problem occurs with people that take this drug for other chronic conditions like asthma, arthritis, lupus, endocrine and skin disorders....the list goes on and on. Did you also say that you are on Allegra? This should help in suppressing your histamine reaction so you should be ok by now.
Karonica said:
I hope you're doing better ellennicole. I remember going on herbs last year for other reasons, and they made me sick as well, the stomach pains were unbelievable. This should be a lesson to all. Before going on a bunch of supplements, consult a doctor first, or research the side effects.

Best wishes

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I sort of feel funny if I take the vitamins every day so I try to skip a day or two or three. If you eat, you probably will get most of your supplements through food. The only supplement that I feel I should take everyday is Q10 because our body doesn't produce that much of it.
Thats horrible soooooo sorry to hear this girl but you health comes first not your hair.So take care of your self first.