Super long hair would be a hassle!!!

I'm sorry, this is so OT. Does that kid have pantyliners on?:lachen:

Why did he do that!:lachen:
Girl I have no idea! It was on I guess in light of...I will change it.
This is off topic but just to warn you, your signature pic is hilarious but seriously could be considered child pornography. People have gotten in a lot of trouble for a lot less. :(

ok ok I changed it. I didn't know for sure about the restrictions so I put the warning.
I chose this forum, because I wanted to hear other people's perceptions of long. I wanted to put it here, NOT general hair care forum.

OK. I understand a little bit more about the purpose for this thread. However I'm a little bit curious. If long hair is not your goal, why do you want to hear people perceptions? How does this help you?
I can feel you. Honestly looking at the products and time I have to put in now :nono: MBL would be the end for me
I don't think its a catty forum IMHO, most of the women here just want HEALTHY hair they can take care of...and with health usually comes length. Once we see that our healthy hair has grown a couple inches, we get more motivation to see how much longer it really can grow...but that's just me :look:

I didnt mean catty as in the forum is catty, I meant catty in terms of bickering over whether if someone does not want extremely long hair they should not be in this forum. I TIA that most of want healthy hair and with health comes length but we all tend to differ on what we feel we can manage or want to manage. By my definition 'long' hair is relative, what is long to one is 'normal' or average length to another.
When my hair was cut really short, I missed my ponytial sooooo much. No matter what, I can always wear a curly ponytail or a bun. When my hair was short, it had to be styled everyday. In my opinion, it's not much difference to deal with APL than it is to deal with WL. Once you have a routine, it's basically the same.

I will admit that the idea of my hair being HBL seems a little scary. If it gets that long, my hair will probably be longer than my arms. I don't think I would straighten it very much if it was that long. I would do braidouts most of the time, but I would still like it.:yep:
For me, I know that I would not be able to handle hair that was down to my tailbone. As a little girl, I always wanted to have hair as long as Crystal Gale's, but as I've started my hair journey, I've realized that I'll have to stop at some point. I love my hair and I love the fact that it's now the longest it's been since I was a little girl, but I think once I get to BSL or a little lower, I'll be fine and that's where I'll stay.
This may have been mentioned already but there are other ways (like rollersetting) to straighten hair without using heat.

um...I need some practice with my rollersets. lol. A month after a relaxer, I find it impossible. I'll probably get it one of these days. I would LOVE to have a pretty air dried roller set. That would be sooo much easier.

OK. I understand a little bit more about the purpose for this thread. However I'm a little bit curious. If long hair is not your goal, why do you want to hear people perceptions? How does this help you?

I do want long hair, but what I consider long isn't what others consider long. That's all. I would absolutely LOVE to have APL or BSL hair! I think that's a nice LONG length, but who knows I just might think differently if/when I get there. I'm going to say when, because I'm trying to be positive. I never ever said long hair wasn't my goal, I said TBL wasn't my goal which I consider to be pass JUST long. I think it's absolutely beautiful, but I don't think I can manage TBL. I wanted to hear friendly discussion how others would handle it, and what others consider long. Is that bad?!? I'm not criticizing anyone's beliefs, so why would it matter?!?

I didnt mean catty as in the forum is catty, I meant catty in terms of bickering over whether if someone does not want extremely long hair they should not be in this forum. I TIA that most of want healthy hair and with health comes length but we all tend to differ on what we feel we can manage or want to manage. By my definition 'long' hair is relative, what is long to one is 'normal' or average length to another.

I COMPLETELY agree once again! lol.
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When my hair was cut really short, I missed my ponytial sooooo much. No matter what, I can always wear a curly ponytail or a bun. When my hair was short, it had to be styled everyday. In my opinion, it's not much difference to deal with APL than it is to deal with WL. Once you have a routine, it's basically the same.

I will admit that the idea of my hair being HBL seems a little scary. If it gets that long, my hair will probably be longer than my arms. I don't think I would straighten it very much if it was that long. I would do braidouts most of the time, but I would still like it.:yep:

I understand where you're coming from. I've always longed for a nice long pony. :cry4: :grin:
um...I need some practice with my rollersets. lol. A month after a relaxer, I find it impossible. I'll probably get it one of these days. I would LOVE to have a pretty air dried roller set. That would be sooo much easier.

I do want long hair, but what I consider long isn't what others consider long. That's all. I would absolutely LOVE to have APL or BSL hair! I think that's a nice LONG length, but who knows I just might think differently if/when I get there. I'm going to say when, because I'm trying to be positive. I never ever said long hair wasn't my goal, I said TBL wasn't my goal which I consider to be pass JUST long. I think it's absolutely beautiful, but I don't think I can manage TBL. I wanted to hear friendly discussion how others would handle it, and what others consider long. Is that bad?!? I'm not criticizing anyone's beliefs, so why would it matter?!?

I COMPLETELY agree once again! lol.

I agree. It does not matter and I never said it was bad. I was just a little bit curious and about what information you were trying to gather from your post. Since you have clarified it, I understand the post a lot better.
I agree. It does not matter and I never said it was bad. I was just a little bit curious and about what information you were trying to gather from your post. Since you have clarified it, I understand the post a lot better.

okie dokie! I'm glad I cleared it up! I really strive not to be insulting or judgemental, so I didn't want to be misunderstood. :grin:
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My only issue with super long hair is it can make the person look old and haggard if not maintained properly. Also I haven't seen many super long-haired ladies who look stylish. I do not consider a single braid or bun very stylish. It reminds me of Quaker.

Now I have seen some ladies with waist-length hair who braid it out or curl it and it cascades down and looks GORGEOUS and very stylish. So that is what I would consider the biggest challenge with super long hair.
I started a thread about this very subject TOO LONG?
The thing about LHCF is SOME people get very defensive...
the name of the forum is Long Hair Forum BUT if we all ask
ourselves what it's really about... it's about caring for Black hair...
I think a lot of people here want extremely long hair,
but then there are people like the OP and I that would be happy
at APL BSL or even MBL. I'm not into anything past MBL...
but to each her own...
whatever floats your boat and makes you happy...
Different strokes for different folks.
When my hair was long (past MBL) it was very heavy,
I just remember how light it felt when I got it cut to about APL the first time.
So... to answer... I want to stop at BSL and I plan to be there by this Spring or Summer.
I started a thread about this very subject TOO LONG?
The thing about LHCF is SOME people get very defensive...
the name of the forum is Long Hair Forum BUT if we all ask
ourselves what it's really about... it's about caring for Black hair...
I think a lot of people here want extremely long hair,
but then there are people like the OP and I that would be happy
at APL BSL or even MBL. I'm not into anything past MBL...
but to each her own...
whatever floats your boat and makes you happy...
Different strokes for different folks.
When my hair was long (past MBL) it was very heavy,
I just remember how light it felt when I got it cut to about APL the first time.
So... to answer... I want to stop at BSL and I plan to be there by this Spring or Summer.

For real! I think people are just ready to attack sometimes, but it's fine, now. I don't like drama, and I'm always willing to be magnanimous. I'm pretty sure, I get defensive with certain topics, too. :spinning:
I started a thread about this very subject TOO LONG?
The thing about LHCF is SOME people get very defensive...
the name of the forum is Long Hair Forum BUT if we all ask
ourselves what it's really about... it's about caring for Black hair...
I think a lot of people here want extremely long hair,
but then there are people like the OP and I that would be happy
at APL BSL or even MBL. I'm not into anything past MBL...
but to each her own...
whatever floats your boat and makes you happy...
Different strokes for different folks.
When my hair was long (past MBL) it was very heavy,
I just remember how light it felt when I got it cut to about APL the first time.
So... to answer... I want to stop at BSL and I plan to be there by this Spring or Summer.

Well, I think the defense came in when you said that everyone with super long hair looked like strippers or librarians and challenged people to prove you other wise. That may be your opinion and that's just fine but you kinda have to be ready for some backlash when you make a statement about someone's appearance like that.

And I agree with you, whatever length makes you happy. That's all that matters.
i also thought the majority of members here on the longhaircareforum were all striving for long hair. There are so many hair care forums.
i remeber when my hair was cut short. I wanted to just make it to Shoulder length soo bad. Once i got to shoulder, i wanted to just make it to apl. once i got to apl i begged for bsl and that would be it. once i got bsl, i wondered about mbl and so
i also thought the majority of members here on the longhaircareforum were all striving for long hair. There are so many hair care forums.
i remeber when my hair was cut short. I wanted to just make it to Shoulder length soo bad. Once i got to shoulder, i wanted to just make it to apl. once i got to apl i begged for bsl and that would be it. once i got bsl, i wondered about mbl and so

:rolleyes:...I said I was striving for long hair, but like someone said before,"'Long hair' is a relative term." My definition of "long" will probably change, also, but then again it might not. :yep::grin:
Well, I think the defense came in when you said that everyone with super long hair looked like strippers or librarians and challenged people to prove you other wise. That may be your opinion and that's just fine but you kinda have to be ready for some backlash when you make a statement about someone's appearance like that.

And I agree with you, whatever length makes you happy. That's all that matters.

I agree. That statement lumped a whole bunch of women in that category. As soos as, I read it, I felt the online tension I don't think you were trying to be offensive, but it was perceived that way. I think long hair looks exotic, and very pretty on Black women. I just don't think I could manage it, but I would LOVE to have it without all the maintenance of 4B. :ohwell:

I never thought I could ever make a thread this long! This makes me somewhat happy. I feel