Super long hair would be a hassle!!!

Honey, that's when you hire someone to flat iron it for you! :grin:
I think any Black Woman that makes it to tailbone length should wear it as if she's at a sit in, protesting against the stereotype that "our hair" can't grow past a certain length. Oh and proudly stating "Naw, it ain't a weave!"

It's really up to the individual and their lifestyle. I was TWA and wash & go for over a decade. I look at all the LHCF women that have mid-back to tailbone length and their regimens are pretty straight forward and moisturization is in full effect. Maybe if I took the time that they did on my locks, I could boldly make timelines for growth, but I don't and that's my bad! Oh, did I mention I was initally lazy when it came to my hair. I mean we're talkin 'bout a former shampoo & conditioner, that's it I'm done kind of a user! LOL!

Don't know why I was quoted as saying what your are responding to. Believe me that is definitely not my view. The longer and thicker the better:lachen:
when i was ear length, I thought shoulder length would be long.

when I would shoulder length, I thought that APL would be long.

I'm now APL (a little beyond actually) ... it isnt long.

Its not like you're going from one length to the other over night or within a few hours like a weave or wig. You're having to learn how to handle it as it grows day by day.

sure I've had my moments as everyone does. sometimes that length can sneak up on you, but even on days where I can't get it to do what I want, i stick it in a ponytail or bun and call it a day.

but you DO get used to it. You suffer a little hair anorexia at times too:yep: because its on your head and you handle it all the time, to you, it just may not be long or difficult to deal with. (that is especially true here)

I'm having a hard time now because I have only one good hand (but that braid appt is today) but I'd have a hard time with ear length hair right now too.

Give me a few years...I may end up at waist length. I may not find it to be a big hassle either (or who knows, I might...NAH!)

Many people want length on lhcf, but healthy hair at any length is possible too. Long hair doesn't have to be a hassle, it depends on what you do. If you flat iron daily and are natural, it might not be fun.
The longer my hair gets, the harder it is to do my own rollersets. That is the only complaint I have.
I think for a lot of people it ends up not being so much of a hassle b/c you learn to slowly adjust your styling techniques and everything as your hair grows.
To me it would be really annoying to have to adjust all at once to a big change in length; thats why for my weave/braids and acrylic nails have never really worked.

My hair isn't super long, but as I get more of it I feel like my routine is getting easier as I learn more about my hair. I do get annoyed sometimes when I flatiron it though b/c my routine is suddenly different and my hair acts so much differently than normal. When its just nappy/kinky it doesn't get all in my way, sticking in my under arm or on seat backs :lol: it is sometimes a weird adjustment

I understand what you're saying. I think some people have a limit where their hair goes from a comfortable length to just being in the way. Just go for what works for you.
I think for a lot of people it ends up not being so much of a hassle b/c you learn to slowly adjust your styling techniques and everything as your hair grows.
To me it would be really annoying to have to adjust all at once to a big change in length; thats why for my weave/braids and acrylic nails have never really worked.

My hair isn't super long, but as I get more of it I feel like my routine is getting easier as I learn more about my hair. I do get annoyed sometimes when I flatiron it though b/c my routine is suddenly different and my hair acts so much differently than normal. When its just nappy/kinky it doesn't get all in my way, sticking in my under arm or on seat backs :lol: it is sometimes a weird adjustment

I understand what you're saying. I think some people have a limit where their hair goes from a comfortable length to just being in the way. Just go for what works for you.

:shocked:are you kidding??? :love: your hair!
I personally cannot wait to get to hip length

i visualize and daydream about having that hair, all scraped back loose, while iweat a sexy vest top and some big arse earings and its swinging about lololo

i would be so depressed if i had shorter hair than this
My hair has never grown past shoulder length before this, so I will have grow long hair (my new goal is even BSL) and see if it's a hassle or not. It seems to me once you can make a decent looking ponytail or bun then taking care of your hair would be easier. I know that my short hair cuts were always a pain in the behind.
But i don't get it...this is the LONG hair care forum. Of course the majority of us are in defense of length..its why were here. Maybe this thread would be better suited on a General hair care board?

I chose this forum, because I wanted to hear other people's perceptions of long. I wanted to put it here, NOT general hair care forum.
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Don't know why I was quoted as saying what your are responding to. Believe me that is definitely not my view. The longer and thicker the better:lachen:[/quote]

I think either my quote, her, quote, or your quote got distorted. Anyways, I think she was addressing me not you. Sorry, but I guess I don't lionize hair that much. Maybe when I get APL or even SL I will think differently, but I had no intentions of upseting anyone. For now, BSL and APL seems long to me, but it doesn't mean that I think anyone else's opinions are worthless.
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I have found that longer hair is easier to deal with. Easier to pull up, braid, bun, etc. When my hair was shorter it was harder to cover up my bad hair days, so I stressed more about it looking "presentable".
This is what I've found too. Long hair is much easier to style in that now I can just put my hair into a few braids, pin them up or make a single braid of the braids, and I'm ready to go. When I want it loose, I just undo the braids, and voila! a nice braid-out. Also, African hair shrinks so much that it's not as if one has to deal with the full length.

The only thing I've found harder about long hair is detangling. Detangling long hair takes so much longer because there's so much more hair.
I used to think so too but once I found the products that worked for me, managing it is actually easier now. I think the weight of the hair stretches it somewhat and allows me to do a little more with it. Q
waaay easier to manage my hair now then when it was short. when i had the short style i was hot curling, brushing, combing, geling like everyday or else i looked like a shaggy mess.
and no it doesnt take me 6hrs to flat Less then an hour. about 45 mins.
I agree with previous PPs, when you have long hair you know what to do with it. The longer my hair gets, the nicer it looks in a "quick" pony tail. I can only imagine an even "longer" pony.:grin:
I totally understand where shorthair4ever is coming from. It is difficult to imagine dealing with something that is very far from where you are especially if you are still trying to perfect the current regimen and maintenance. I have gathered that the longer your hair is the easier it is to deal with it and also different hair textures will have bearings on how long you want it to.
I have fine hair and feel it would look wonderful and be easier to deal with if it was really long but I can understand someone with thick hair not necessarily sharing my sentiments, as for them it would be more hassle.

Long hair means different things for different people. I am SL and BSL is really long TO ME, and maybe God willing when I reach that stage I will then be able to adjust my goal or try and maintain that length.

I hope it does not get catty as to whether this forum is for people who want ultra long hair or not. IMO This forum is for anyone that wants to grow their hair longer than it is now whether or not they simply have dreams of APL or tail bone length, it all gets achieved by hair growth and maintenance.

Just thought I would add my little 2pence worth...

i can't stand my nails to be long... literally i clip then down to like 2 cm of white nail showing... LOL. the one time i got acrylics, yeah they were pretty but they got on my daggone nerves!!! got in the way of me doing simple things like zipping up my pants... :lachen:

so i can imagine some women feel that way about long hair as well... so to each her own. :yep:

see I am the opposite! I miss my dragon claws, I have the hardest time with short ones now but I am too old for that now
The longer my hair gets, the harder it is to do my own rollersets. That is the only complaint I have.
me too. I just bought some more huge rollers yesterday hopefully that will help but I have thick hair as well so we'll see. Oh I forgot the stuff stina sent...hmmm.
see I am the opposite! I miss my dragon claws, I have the hardest time with short ones now but I am too old for that now

me too. I just bought some more huge rollers yesterday hopefully that will help but I have thick hair as well so we'll see. Oh I forgot the stuff stina sent...hmmm.

I'm the same way. I'm so used to my nails being long that I can't function if I cut them all the way down. When they get too long, I do get them cut down but never all the way to my finger.
I totally understand where shorthair4ever is coming from. It is difficult to imagine dealing with something that is very far from where you are especially if you are still trying to perfect the current regimen and maintenance. I have gathered that the longer your hair is the easier it is to deal with it and also different hair textures will have bearings on how long you want it to.
I have fine hair and feel it would look wonderful and be easier to deal with if it was really long but I can understand someone with thick hair not necessarily sharing my sentiments, as for them it would be more hassle.

Long hair means different things for different people. I am SL and BSL is really long TO ME, and maybe God willing when I reach that stage I will then be able to adjust my goal or try and maintain that length.

I hope it does not get catty as to whether this forum is for people who want ultra long hair or not. IMO This forum is for anyone that wants to grow their hair longer than it is now whether or not they simply have dreams of APL or tail bone length, it all gets achieved by hair growth and maintenance.

Just thought I would add my little 2pence worth...

I don't think its a catty forum IMHO, most of the women here just want HEALTHY hair they can take care of...and with health usually comes length. Once we see that our healthy hair has grown a couple inches, we get more motivation to see how much longer it really can grow...but that's just me :look:
The longer my hair gets, the harder it is to do my own rollersets. That is the only complaint I have.

I bet you will gain more upper arm strength
I find that i have more defined upper arm muscles due to doing my own hair.:grin:
I agree. If I did not want long hair I certainly wouldn't waste my time on this forum. I am grateful to all of the women with long hair who graciously shared thier knowledge.

I am so misunderstood.
I said I wanted 'longer" hair, that's why I'm the forum, After a hair color disaster. Not to mention getting to "know" some great ladies. I have met some EXCEPTIONAL women on the forum.
Not every woman on the forum wants super long hair. And not every Black woman wants long hair period was my point. This forum is also about healthy hair and hair tricks and knowledge. I personally have learned about the braid out (love that one), water is not an enemy to my hair, henna & indigo, many, many good products and my hair has just been easier to deal with since I've been on the forum.

I can go to the Stylist or work it myself without disaster and all of this is because of the forum. I'm EXTREMELY grateful. I love this FORUM.

I just don't want waist or tail bone hair. Everyone has their perferences, and if you want hair to your waist, tailbone or feet - Gurl GO FOR IT, I'll be the first one to cheer you on and admire you when you reach your goal.
The ladies here on this forum are making a lot of good points, especially the point about not noticing that your hair is getting longer. My grandmother keeps telling me "your hair is sure getting long" but to me it still seems the same length. I guess the growth is so gradual that you don't even know you're adapting your routine to suit your longer hair needs. I think my transition from medium length to long will be a pretty smooth one.
I totally understand where shorthair4ever is coming from. It is difficult to imagine dealing with something that is very far from where you are especially if you are still trying to perfect the current regimen and maintenance. I have gathered that the longer your hair is the easier it is to deal with it and also different hair textures will have bearings on how long you want it to.
I have fine hair and feel it would look wonderful and be easier to deal with if it was really long but I can understand someone with thick hair not necessarily sharing my sentiments, as for them it would be more hassle.

Long hair means different things for different people. I am SL and BSL is really long TO ME, and maybe God willing when I reach that stage I will then be able to adjust my goal or try and maintain that length.

I hope it does not get catty as to whether this forum is for people who want ultra long hair or not. IMO This forum is for anyone that wants to grow their hair longer than it is now whether or not they simply have dreams of APL or tail bone length, it all gets achieved by hair growth and maintenance.

Just thought I would add my little 2pence worth...

Finally!!! I'm glad you understand! :grin: Although, I might think of it differently if my hair was longer, but you get what I'm saying. Oh, and I know my name might be misleading, but when I created that sn, I was really discouraged because I had just found out I had a bald spot. I made it a goal to myself to change it, when I reached SL. It's like a little motivation for me to keep going.
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I am so misunderstood.
I said I wanted 'longer" hair, that's why I'm the forum, After a hair color disaster. Not to mention getting to "know" some great ladies. I have met some EXCEPTIONAL women on the forum.
Not every woman on the forum wants super long hair. And not every Black woman wants long hair period was my point. This forum is also about healthy hair and hair tricks and knowledge. I personally have learned about the braid out (love that one), water is not an enemy to my hair, henna & indigo, many, many good products and my hair has just been easier to deal with since I've been on the forum.

I can go to the Stylist or work it myself without disaster and all of this is because of the forum. I'm EXTREMELY grateful. I love this FORUM.

I just don't want waist or tail bone hair. Everyone has their perferences, and if you want hair to your waist, tailbone or feet - Gurl GO FOR IT, I'll be the first one to cheer you on and admire you when you reach your goal.

I understand where your coming from. Some comments may not seem offensive to others, but the person to whom it is directed towards may see it in completely different way. IDK...I just know I'm rather sensitive, so I might be a tad offended at some comments. That's just my nature.
The ladies here on this forum are making a lot of good points, especially the point about not noticing that your hair is getting longer. My grandmother keeps telling me "your hair is sure getting long" but to me it still seems the same length. I guess the growth is so gradual that you don't even know you're adapting your routine to suit your longer hair needs. I think my transition from medium length to long will be a pretty smooth one.

I earnestly hope it's like that for me too! I don't want to gain upper arm strength! :lachen:
I am so misunderstood.
I said I wanted 'longer" hair, that's why I'm the forum, After a hair color disaster. Not to mention getting to "know" some great ladies. I have met some EXCEPTIONAL women on the forum.
Not every woman on the forum wants super long hair. And not every Black woman wants long hair period was my point. This forum is also about healthy hair and hair tricks and knowledge. I personally have learned about the braid out (love that one), water is not an enemy to my hair, henna & indigo, many, many good products and my hair has just been easier to deal with since I've been on the forum.

I can go to the Stylist or work it myself without disaster and all of this is because of the forum. I'm EXTREMELY grateful. I love this FORUM.

I just don't want waist or tail bone hair. Everyone has their perferences, and if you want hair to your waist, tailbone or feet - Gurl GO FOR IT, I'll be the first one to cheer you on and admire you when you reach your goal.

I agree. I don't want WL, mid back. I'm not even sure if I want BSL. but to those who do I'll definitely support.

I do think super long hair could be a hassle. If your WL I can imagine your hair would get caught in things.

Now my hair is short and it is makes it harder for it to look decent sometimes. If it was APL it would be easier to style but if it got really long like midback or WL, I think it might be a hassle for me.