***Super Grow Out Challenge 2005 Wrap Up***


Hair Coach
Hi Ladies,

This is the end of the Super Grow Out challenge.

This has been a year full of setbacks for me. I have cut off almost all of my progress and I really haven't paid much attention to my hair. I am terrible. I still keep my head up. On to a better brighter year for 2006.

I don't have official end of the year pics but this is my progress from April to November.


Please post your progress here and you beginning and ending pics if you can. I would love to see them. HHG
You have very lovely hair. Did you "cut off all your progress" because your ends were damaged?
Well, I transitioned for a year, did a mini chop and then relaxed again at the end of November. Overall, I am pretty satisfied. The left is from New Years Eve last year and the right side in New Years Day of this year.


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I'm glad I did this challenge. My hair grew a lot! Its thick and shiny, more hair than I've ever had before. I am continuosly inspired by the ladies on this board. Lets start the 2006 SGOC :)

These are pictures from the Jan o5 to Dec o5. The pic on the left was taken after my Dominican blow out on the 21st of Dec. Its in a flip and it still touches my shoulder :) yeah!!!

In the other pic, the top one was taken in Jan 05; and the other two were taken in June and July 05.
I love LHCF!

I'm not sure how many inches I retained because I didn't measure. In any case, I'm looking forward to what 2006 brings. HHG to all :)


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Well my hair seems to be about the same length, I'm not sure since I don't measure or anything. My last relaxer was in october and I'm either transitioning or stretching not sure yet. But if I decide to get a relaxer it won't be for another month or two and I have a lot of new growth. So I'm not sure where my hair will be until I get it relaxed.
It has been a year of setbacks for me too although the first setback didn't happen until the end of June. I had 4 inches cut off and I think I managed to grow about 2 and a half inches back, taking me back where I was at the beginning of 2005.

As soon as I can load photos in the gallery, I'll post pics.

On to 2006!

Nice, healthy-looking hair ladies!
jrae said:
You have very lovely hair. Did you "cut off all your progress" because your ends were damaged?

The initial cut was because of me putting dye in my hair. I lost around 2 inches then. The other cuts was because I just wanted even hair and I wanted to wear it out more. I kind of got tired of wearing all those protective styles.

You know when I really think about this, have never let my hair get past shoulders. Maybe it's the fear of the unknown. I don't know but this year I am not going to be so happy with the scissor even if I have to wear it weaved or braided up.
sharee said:
Well, I transitioned for a year, did a mini chop and then relaxed again at the end of November. Overall, I am pretty satisfied. The left is from New Years Eve last year and the right side in New Years Day of this year.
Great progress. Congrats!!
YummyC said:
I'm glad I did this challenge. My hair grew a lot! Its thick and shiny, more hair than I've ever had before. I am continuosly inspired by the ladies on this board. Lets start the 2006 SGOC :)

These are pictures from the Jan o5 to Dec o5. The pic on the left was taken after my Dominican blow out on the 21st of Dec. Its in a flip and it still touches my shoulder :) yeah!!!

In the other pic, the top one was taken in Jan 05; and the other two were taken in June and July 05.
I love LHCF!

I'm not sure how many inches I retained because I didn't measure. In any case, I'm looking forward to what 2006 brings. HHG to all :)
Your hair has grown a lot. It is so thick and pretty. Congrats!
Tene said:
Well my hair seems to be about the same length, I'm not sure since I don't measure or anything. My last relaxer was in october and I'm either transitioning or stretching not sure yet. But if I decide to get a relaxer it won't be for another month or two and I have a lot of new growth. So I'm not sure where my hair will be until I get it relaxed.
You won't know how long your hair is until you straighten it. The new growth just suck up all the length.
BahamaMama said:
It has been a year of setbacks for me too although the first setback didn't happen until the end of June. I had 4 inches cut off and I think I managed to grow about 2 and a half inches back, taking me back where I was at the beginning of 2005.

As soon as I can load photos in the gallery, I'll post pics.

On to 2006!

Nice, healthy-looking hair ladies!
Don't be discourage. 2006 is going to be a year of hair triumps. We are on the same bandwagon with the setbacks but I know we can grow our hair long and strong. Good Luck to you in the new year!
DSD even with your cuts your progress is outstanding! Just think where you would have been if you didn't cut. Put those scissors away for 2006 and let your hair do its thing. :lol:

I think I retained about 6 inches. I made bra strap so its on to mid back for me. I think in 2006 I will cut and relax according to the lunar charts. I'm currently 14 weeks post and thinking about not stretching to the end of Feb.

Here's my progress...


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hmm setbacks is my first middle and last name i had soooo many last year i lost well over 3 inches and gained about 3-4 and to make matters worse i had some extremely bad shedding i mean 3 handfuls every wash day and this lasted the whole year so my hair became so thin.......turned out i'm anaemic so now that i'm on iron pills i'm praying this year is better for me:ohwell:
I did well this year. Continued my protective wraps which are getting extremely boring! I did have a set back in September/October when my hair was shedding like crazy! All in all it was a good year and my hair is now at about armpit length. So I'm sure that by the end of 2006, I'll be at bra-strap. For 2006, my primary focus is getting my hair in the healthiest state possible, then achieving/retaining length.
I had some accomplishments and some set backs this year, but overall I’m proud to say that I stuck it out, stayed consistent, and ended up with beautiful results. I went into this “Super Grow Out Challenge” hoping for longer hair and ironically I ended up cutting it all off. Finally I’ve got natural hair! So in the end, I truly did get the results I wanted --- and didn’t wait until 2007 to do it! I couldn’t be any more proud of my decision.

Happy hair growing to you ladies and I hoped you had much success in the past year, and the one to come --- Lord’s willing!


Congratulations Ladies all of you have had some excellent results. I was a late joiner of LHCF in 05 but am so ready to grow 06 away. So when does the SGOC 2006 begin, I am already for this one if there will be one. :D
BeautifulWideEyes said:
Congratulations Ladies all of you have had some excellent results. I was a late joiner of LHCF in 05 but am so ready to grow 06 away. So when does the SGOC 2006 begin, I am already for this one if there will be one. :D

I'm ready too!
BeautifulWideEyes said:
Congratulations Ladies all of you have had some excellent results. I was a late joiner of LHCF in 05 but am so ready to grow 06 away. So when does the SGOC 2006 begin, I am already for this one if there will be one. :D
Great progress, Ladies! I would like to join the new challenge, too.
Well this challenge went okay for me. To be honest I think that I'm at bra length or more but I'm not sure because of shrinkage. I haven't seen my hair in about 3+ months because I've installed braids back to back. I will be getting a texturizer TU in Feb and I will post pics then.
I have to post my pictures. I am transitioning. I have not had a relaxer in my hair since febuary 2005. I did mini chops over the summer. Now as of January 2006 I am 100% natural. I am in the 2008 C&G challege. I will be getting some micro braids at the end of January. I now have 7 in. of natural thick healthy hair.
I am in braids since the end of October which I have been refreshing one b y one as the time goes by. i don't plan to take them down until the end of February. I did not see much of a difference in length this year but after the braids, I may have a couple of inches. I am going to need a trim since my ends are very thin.
DSD, you're not alone, I had some serious setbacks too !!
Here are my comparison pics.
The last pic was taken in november before an agressive trim !
I cut off at least 3 inches +, because my ends were a complete mess !
Dry, scraggly, raggedy, anf full of split ends ! when I used to JUST touch them, ALOT of hair would stay in my hands. It was as if my hair was tearing !!
Protective styling and not trimming was actually making things worse.
I also realized that airdrying was not so good for me, and that some things are best left to my stylist (relaxing, blowdrying and even rollersetting) :lol:
I just have to accept the fact that I'm not skilled enough to handle my hair alone.
But I must say that my growth rate is quite good. Especially thanks to the frequent cornrowing, scalp massages, and scalp oiling with a sulphur + peppermint oil mix and also a lotion called biomass.
The only supplements I took was evening primrose oil .
I want to start taking MSM and protein shakes (and drink MORE water!!!!).
I still haven't found my staple products and figured out what is the best regimen for me (right now, it's still a a trial & error process and I'm not consistent enough) , but it's something I want to achieve in 2006.


I did okay..it wasn't a great year for progress length wise for me..and I really can't offer any explanation for it. It didn't really phase me because I reached my first goal. Now, onward!

My year end photo is in my fotki.
okay could someone give me some info about what the Super Grow Out challenge basically was??because everyones hair is looking so nice and pretty..
My growth is maybe an inch longer than Dec. 2004 so I didn't make much progress in the length department. My hair is very healthy right now so I can't complain too much. Hopefully 2006 will be a better year for me.
bluediamond, the SGO challenge grew out of the 12 inches in 12 months challenge that was started way back before I even joined LHCF. The title sort of scared some folks away so for the next go 'round the name was changed to Super Grow Out (I learned this a while back while meandering through the archives). People aren't all doing the same regimen or anything--it's just that the point is to focus on maximizing length for the year. It's basically the least specific of the LHCF growth challenges, compared to other ones where there is a particular regimen to follow or a target length to reach by the end of the year or whatever (although it looks like SGO 2006 might be having a cw focus). So if you aren't into committing to a more specific goal-oriented challenge, but you DO want to focus on length for the year and want the "checking in" and "group" aspect of a challenge, then the SGO challenge is for you :yep:
I sound like a pamphlet or something :lol:

Anywho, 2005 was a big year for me because I finally did my big chop :grin: I retained a total of about 6.5 inches from December to December, but since my regimen changed after my big chop, my March to March total should be a little more (crossing fingers). I have a comparison pic in the LHCF gallery (I posted it in another thread--feeling lazy right now, though)
LOL, :lachen: , you just know your stuff girl, I love to read your post very informational, and I just love your journal so well put together. I was hoping the SGOC for 06 didn't have CWing thing going, I think I need to join your challenge, it's more on the lines of retain mega growth and trying to achieve some extra every month. hmmmmm:look:
BlackCardinal said:
bluediamond, the SGO challenge grew out of the 12 inches in 12 months challenge that was started way back before I even joined LHCF. The title sort of scared some folks away so for the next go 'round the name was changed to Super Grow Out (I learned this a while back while meandering through the archives). People aren't all doing the same regimen or anything--it's just that the point is to focus on maximizing length for the year. It's basically the least specific of the LHCF growth challenges, compared to other ones where there is a particular regimen to follow or a target length to reach by the end of the year or whatever (although it looks like SGO 2006 might be having a cw focus). So if you aren't into committing to a more specific goal-oriented challenge, but you DO want to focus on length for the year and want the "checking in" and "group" aspect of a challenge, then the SGO challenge is for you :yep:
I sound like a pamphlet or something :lol:

Anywho, 2005 was a big year for me because I finally did my big chop :grin: I retained a total of about 6.5 inches from December to December, but since my regimen changed after my big chop, my March to March total should be a little more (crossing fingers). I have a comparison pic in the LHCF gallery (I posted it in another thread--feeling lazy right now, though)