The book of Esther helps us to see the ways in which God works through us and positions us. It also helps us to see His sovereignty. This was purposefully a meaty bible study.
1. Was Esther's beauty by chance (Esther 2:3, 2:7; Jer 1:5)?
No. Esther's beauty was given to her by the Lord. God is our Creator, so such things come from Him.
2. Was Esther's appointment as queen by chance (Esther 2:17, Jer 1:5)?
No. This was part of the Lord's plan. As in Jer. 1:5, "Before we were born He set us apart."
3. Why do you think Mordecai told Esther to kept her Jewish nationality a secret (Esther 2:10, 2:20)?
Possibly because revealing her nationality would affect her possibility of becoming Queen. Though the Lord has an ultimate plan for each of us, we sometimes have instructions to follow for certain elements to fall into place. Mordecai's instruction to Esther was potentially very important.
4. Are there times when God has wanted you to wait before revealing your identity (e.g., Matt 2:13-21)?
Though I cannot recall a specific time, we can look at the situation in Matthew 2 and see that it would've been dangerous for Joseph and Mary to go around and openly tell everyone that their son was Jesus the Messiah. It was not time.
5. Why did the plan to kill Xerxes fail? Was it by chance that Mordecai overheard the plan (Esther 2:21-23, Prov 16:9)?
The plan to kill Xerxes was devised by man. God had a bigger plan. It was not by chance that Mordecai overheard the plot. The Lord allowed him to overhear the plot and ultimately become favored by King Xerxes for revealing it.
6. Why do you think Mordecai refused to bow down (Esther 3:2, Deut 5:7)?
Because to bow down (in this instance) to Haman would be to acknowledge him as god or godlike.
7. Did the lot truly determine the date of the Jews annihilation (Esther 3:7-9, 3:13-14, Ps 103:19) or was the Lord really at work here?
No, the lot didn't truly determine the date. The lot was under God's control, hence the Lord was really at work here. Our Lord is sovereign over all things.
8. Why did the Lord appoint Esther as Queen (Esther 4:13-16)?
To intercede for the Jews. To deliver the Jews from annihilation. He wanted to accomplish this task via Esther and to do so she had to be in such a position.
9. Had Esther refused to act, would the Jews still have been delivered (Esther 4:14)? What does this tell us about God?
If God wanted to Jews to be delivered, then they would have been delivered via another means had Esther refused. The Lord is sovereign. One person refusing to heed His instructions will not deter His plan.
What does this tell us about free will?
We have a choice to follow the Lord's plan or to go against it. (But we must also keep in mind that some plans extend beyond our choices.)
10. Are there times when God wants you act after placing you in a particular position? Did you accept or refuse?
I cannot recall a specific time, but I do know that the current position to which the Lord is calling me requires me to accept certain acts (e.g., giving to the poor, etc.). I will accept.