Summer Challenge Bi-Weekly Check #4


Beauty and Fashion Junkie
Here we go again!! let your fellow challengers how things are going.

For me, it has been bith a positive and a negative 2 weeks. I have started to noticed some breakage in addition to some more shedding!! I am soo disappointed. so i am going to wait even longer before i put my weave in. But my vitamins seemed to have kicked in because yesterday when i was being lazy and i asked my mother to oil my sclp, she said "WHOA!" at ist i was nervous-- thought she found a bald spot-- but she was taken back by all he new growth i have received since my last touch up on june first. in some places it has grown 3/4 of an inch!! now i just have to worry about ending the breakage!
WOW luvhair
... 3/4" in 2 wks
. Girl, that's chia pet growth
!!! Keep up the awesome work kiddo

Well, my 2 wks have been wonderful
. No set backs, hair life is good. Vits are still yielding results, no problems there.

I've introduced a few new products...1) VO5 Cucumber Melon Crush conditioner for weekly CO washes... it works wonders
. 2) Avocado Oil, absorbs well & makes my hair super soft. 3) Castor & Rosemary Oil mixed reliefs new growth itchies. (I'm waiting for my stock of peppermint oil). 4) Fantasia Tea Tree Naturals Intensive Conditioner...a wonderful scalp cooling, massaging conditioner

Lately, I've been wearing my hair down after air drying in a bun. This straight look is a welcome relief from my usual braid outs. But at my next wash, I'm going back to my comfort zone... braid / twist outs

Hoping everyone else had a successful 2 wks
I haven't changed my products at all. I've been wearing a twist-out for three weeks now and I'm loving it! My hair actually looks longer and thicker since I learned how to do this style correctly (thanks, Peachtree
). People have actually been asking me if it's all my hair -- even family members that know better! I'll be wearing this on and off for the rest of the summer.

No setbacks, no breakage, no problems.

I hope everyone else is doing well this month.
I am proud to report that the past 2 weeks my hair has been very healthy and steadily growing. I am still using water on my hair daily (have been since May 1). My hair loves the moisture, and I love my hair!
well, it's almost time for my touch-up (i can't wait till friday). i have a bunch of new least an inch). my hair is doing well. i'm getting a little tired of the flexirod style...maybe it's time to try the twist out. i have continued with the honey/olive oil pretreatment and my biotin and multivitamin.

new things:

-keracare humecto (i LOVED this)
-hindu 5 minute fast set (to touch-up my rods when they start to fall)
I have been doing pretty good as well, I tried the Suave Professional shampoo that is supposed to be the knockoff of Nexxus but I think it was too drying, other than that I think my hair looks pretty healthy and it is growing rather nicely as well
<font color="purple">Ever since I've started doing conditioner washes, my hair is so soft and moisturized. I do them on a daily basis when it is hot and humid. I also added more of my distilled water on my hair for a simple misting and rinsing. What a change from using hard water in my home. Other than that, my hair is still growing gradually, and have a few hairs on my comb, instead of a handful that I had in the past.

My new items I have in my possession are my biotin 300mcgs (which I'm going to switch to PP Biotin later on), Suave Coconut Conditioner, B Complex with Vitamin C, detangling comb and rattail comb, and Hawaiian Silky No Drip Activator Spray. I need to stock up on multivitamins and MSM later this week. And as far as my hairstyles are concerned, I'm going back to wearing either cornrows or braids at the end of this month (I'm giving my hair a rest by wearing a regular ponytail). I'll be posting soon for an update. Toodles. </font>
The last week I kind of slacked off on my vitamins, but I will get back on schedule.
I have been air drying for the most part. YEAH!!!
I haven't really noticed any shedding since I increased my protein treatments.
My new growth is getting out of control though which is a little frustrating since I am trying to stretch out my relaxer.

All in all hair is looking good.!
I haven't restarted my vitamins. ;-(
I lost 4 more lbs.
I have added honey &amp; olive oil pre-shampoo treatment into my regimen, other than that everything remains the same. My hair has grown and I am currently 3" from bra strap...
Yay, the weekly check.

I have been taking my vitamins consistently

I'm exercising

I tried the Affirm reconstructor this weekend. I am a bit unsure of my results, i'm not sure if i used it correctly.

I have a ton of new growth, a bit unruly, but i think i will fix that up with my next wash- jojoba/honey pretreatment this weekend and time for the S-curl!!! Rollersets is still my style of choice (no manipulation of the hair)

Bad product of the month (or last two weeks i should say): Mizani Moisturefuse, i tried it a second time, i really don't like it. I am restocking my Humecto this weekend, i might just have to give the mizani away.

Happy hair growing everyone!
The past two weeks have been great!!

I did a touchup of my color on Saturday. It came out fantastic!! I just looove that Textures &amp; Tones Bronze color!! It's a perfect look; especially for the summer. I set my hair on medium sized snap-on cover rollers and went under the dryer for almost 2 hours. I looove the way my curls came out!! I think this is my favorite look!! The curls came out perfect; not too tight, not too loose. Just spirally and nice. This will have to be a fall/winter favorite though, cuz I don't plan on going under that dryer much this summer!!
My shedding seems to be lessening finally which is putting me in a way better mood. I'm really beginning to notice my new growth now. I'm entering wk 9 of my last touch up and I'm still going to try for 12-13 wks. New products that I've added to my regime and absolutely love are aloe vera gel (real organic) and Giovanni direct effect leave in with aloe vera mixed in it as directed by Sherrylove. I had been slacking on my vinegar rinses and so re started them. I love what they do so I dont know why I stopped!
i am doing bad job ya'll. my hair is still in braids but i'm ready to take these icky thing out! they are fuzzy and i hate that! yeah i have been slacking off with my matenice(sp) but i plan to do better. i think i'm gonna get them re done in cornrows, but i don't know. but i have been doing pretty good with the braid spray, but it's funny cuz i nearly went throught the whole bottle. least my hair ain't
I missed a couple of the checks for the summer challenge. I will try to keep up from this point on. I have recently began taking 5mcg's of biotin. I am now wearing braids through the summer to help protect my growth. I have noticed increased growth in my problem spot(the back kitchen)
Washing once weekly while in the braids I will remove them at the beginning of August. Everything seems to be going fine so far. Good luck to all!
your hair looks wonderful... you're doing an excellent job kiddo!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Why thank you Peachtree!!
That means a lot coming from you, cuz you are definitely my hair idol!!!
I have to admit that I really like the way my hair has been looking these days! It's SOOOO much healthier than it's ever been!!
Same ole, same ole for me. Except I am starting to experiment more with wet setting. I did my very first straw set on Saturday! Came out decent! I am wearing the curls up. I plan on keeping them like this til the end of the week. As far as growth, my hair seems about the same, except I am thinking about kicking Infusium 23. For the first time in months, I washed my hair and didn't put the Infusium leave-in. Just some Motions moisturizer and Profectiv Root Health. I was amazed at how soft my hair dried (air-dried), because usually with the Infusium, my hair dries crispy. Also, my hair was much thicker! And here I was thinking I had thinning ends. I now know it was the Infusium responsible for making my hair look scraggly like that. Eeesh. So, I guess I learned something.

I've been lacking on the vitamins.
I'm basically doing the rinsing daily then wearing it curly . I am in need of a trim so I may be chopping off a 1/2 inch to an inch.
Hey ladies. I'm new to this board, but count me in. I started a SERIOUS workout program and hair regime the first of May. I'm focused on growing my hair and shrinking my middle.