Sulphur Mix Challenge 2013

Taking a break from sulfur ladies. I feel like my scalp has gotten used to is. I will alternate with MN every few months. So back to MN for now. I will probably start sulfur oil again sometime in March.
So I mixed my MN with the last of Pomade Shop's Peppermint Pomade to make it last a little more. So I will be using this MN/sulfur mix until it runs out.
Checking in …

And long overdue, if I might add. I'm still in this thing, applying my mix often … when I can remember. :)

Applied last night and will reapply tomorrow. After my three/four week hiatus, the sulfur felt great on my scalp.

I hope you all are doing well …
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My results w/ Njoy Essential Oil


Unfortunately my summer weave damaged my hair and I got a 1.5 inch trim (bottom 2 photos)

I will be buying NJoy Oil & Garden of Farasue's Hair Fertilizer for Black Friday. Looking at my before and afters are shocking me right now.
My results w/ Njoy Essential Oil Unfortunately my summer weave damaged my hair and I got a 1.5 inch trim (bottom 2 photos) I will be buying NJoy Oil & Garden of Farasue's Hair Fertilizer for Black Friday. Looking at my before and afters are shocking me right now.

TheEspressoHair - Your results were amazing!! Im definitely going to be more consistent with using the oil.. how often were you using it? I try to use it 3 night a week but Im wondering if I need to step that up.
I am not a part of the challenge but here are my photos after using Njoy's oil. :grin:


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Checking in …

I will apply my sulfur mix tonight and Saturday … I will cowash after my workout on Sunday.

I hope you all are doing well …
alanaturelle I started the last week of May 2013 and quit. Then I started again around mid June 2013 and have been consistent. The last photo is October 2013.

Thank you.