Sulfur Mix/oil Mix 2016 Challenge

I'm going to nix using the NJoy sulfur oil even though it gave me good results two years ago. It has a lingering smell of sulfur that while it doesn't stink per say, I can smell it now and I want my hair to smell yummy and good for my bf :look: So Peppermint Pomade from the Pomade Shop it is! lol

So I decided to reincorporate the NJoy oil into my regimen. I will use it three times a week in conjunction with the Pomade Shop Pomade. I did have good results when she first came out with it in 2013. I used it today because I need all the help I can get. :look:
Finally my update for the challenge:

  • Current hair length = I think I'm APL now but a month ago I wasn't so I guess I'm going for BSB/BSL for 2016.
  • Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Transitioning = Mildly Texlaxed once every 10-12 months
  • Goal Month = My birth month - October 2016
  • Current Reggie and styling choices - Wigs, half wigs, buns alternately.
  • Regimen: Wash and DC once a week to every 10 days depending on time available. Prepoo and oil rinse when I color/henna my hair - once a month. Inversion - 1 week a month for 5 minutes each day. Scalp massages for 3-5 minutes before inversions with hair potion/castor oil, MN and essential oils.
  • What do you plan on changing (if anything) to make it to APL/BSL? I am 3.5 inches from BSL and I will be exercising, drinking lots of water, keeping up with my vitamin intake and very little manipulation of my hair. My hair does not like to be excessively touched anyway - I learned this the hard way.
  • Starting pic:


  • 20160101_105237-1_resized-2.jpg
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I just massaged my scalp with liquid gold oil and I'm wearing a baggy while I do laundry. I will invert before I go to bed
I think I need to wear a baggy on my hair whether I want to or not to avoid my face being covered in oil when I wake up in the morning.
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I'll join but Im gonna wait until the end of the year to post my pic and starting length

Sulphur products
Liquid Gold
Green magic
Homemade sulphur oil (coconut oil based)

Protective/Low Manipulation Styles
Corn row/twists (2 weeks) ...

The Pomade Shop in the vanilla scent

  • Materials: coconut oil, jojoba oil, emu oil, sulfur, rosemary oil

@SimJam - what type of sulfur are you using in your homemade sulfur mix?

@MileHighDiva - do you know what type of sulfur is in this Etsy mix?

@Aggie - how about in your mix?

I'm just trying to understand what types of sulfurs are used in various oil mixes to see if a particular sulfur may be responsible for better results. So if anyone will share that would be great.
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@Prettymetty - is the liquid gold a little thick and kind of milky, after you shake it up or is it still thin and look like a liquid oil? I used it 2-3 years ago and I don't think it was milky.

@Froreal3 - I recall NJOY's oil recipe used sublimed sulfur.
so hers should be milky, after being shaken, like Shapely's MTG, where the sulfur settles at the bottom. (sublimed sulfur doesn't dissolve, it settles - like flour after it has been mixed with water)
I had one unopened bottle of her oil that I planned to use this year. But the oil was over 3 years (well past shelf life of the oils in her mix) consequently the smell was rancid.
@SimJam - what type of sulfur are you using in your homemade sulfur mix?

@MileHighDiva - do you know what type of sulfur is in this Etsy mix?

@Aggie - how about in your mix?

I'm just trying to understand what types of sulfurs are used in various oil mixes to see if a particular sulfur may be responsible for better results. So if anyone will share that would be great.
@ilong, I'm using internal MSM. I don't care for that sublime sulfur on my hair at all:nono:. I have a mix that I made but I can't really stand it and I wash all oils out of my hair the following morning after application the night before.

I may try sing it again to finish it up but actually I have been using Njoy sulfur-free hair oil as well.

I really need to make my hairdrenalin potion. I have all the ingredients now. That might stink to high heaven because of the onion oil but again, I'll wash it out the next morning. I think I'll make that my weekend chore this week:yep:.
@Prettymetty - is the liquid gold a little thick and kind of milky, after you shake it up or is it still thin and look like a liquid oil? I used it 2-3 years ago and I don't think it was milky.

@Froreal3 - I recall NJOY's oil recipe used sublimed sulfur.
so hers should be milky, after being shaken, like Shapely's MTG, where the sulfur settles at the bottom. (sublimed sulfur doesn't dissolve, it settles - like flour after it has been mixed with water)
I had one unopened bottle of her oil that I planned to use this year. But the oil was over 3 years (well past shelf life of the oils in her mix) consequently the smell was rancid.

Yes, it is sublimed sulfur. It doesn't dissolve. It settles at the bottom and you have to shake w/each use. @ilong
@Aggie how does the sulfur free oil smell? I'm looking for a better smelling growth aid, because I only wash my hair once a week.
Really good. I have the floral fantasy scent and it smells awesome but I had to put in some essential oils to get my tingle going. I like to feel that tingly sensation on my scalp. It makes me feel like it is actaually working.
Really good. I have the floral fantasy scent and it smells awesome but I had to put in some essential oils to get my tingle going. I like to feel that tingly sensation on my scalp. It makes me feel like it is actaually working.
Well I guess I'll be buying this. How long have you been using it?
@Prettymetty , @Aggie , @Froreal3 - :thankyou: ladies for the responses. I've had the sublimed sulfur for as long as I had Njoy's sulfur oil. So if ever / whenever I find it I will probably pitch it also.
Before I purchased any sulfur I thought I would see which sulfur is being used and if one was perceived better. Appreciate your help.
I ordered a 1oz bottle of Gro-aut oil today. Hopefully the scent is lighter than liquid gold.

I added some regular castor oil go my liquid gold to tone down the sulfur smell. I only put 1/2 oz of castor oil in. It's so thick and I didn't want to throw off the ratio too much.
My 1oz of Gro aut oil is here. It's a nice sized bottle so it should last me at least a month. I will use it instead of Lg this month and see which one works better. Gro aut definitely smells better...