Sulfur Mix/oil Mix 2016 Challenge

I'm going to nix using the NJoy sulfur oil even though it gave me good results two years ago. It has a lingering smell of sulfur that while it doesn't stink per say, I can smell it now and I want my hair to smell yummy and good for my bf :look: So Peppermint Pomade from the Pomade Shop it is! lol
Did a scalp massage with my modified Njoy sulfur oil mix. Inversion day 1.

Still need to increase my water intake and exercise. Will try to walk 2 miles tomorrow.
I washed, dcd and straightened my hair last night. I also did a lengthening trim. Today I massaged in some liquid gold oil. Even with the fluffy, kinky straight texture I can still tell my hair has grown since September. My buns are much fuller and my hair over all just looks more voluminous.
I applied liquid gold oil this evening and did a quick massage. My edges are filling in nicely! I rinsed my hair blue black and that makes my edges look thicker too
Still applying my NJoy pomade. I'm using this pic taken Sunday as a guide/starting pic bc my hair is braided back up for protective styling. Didn't do a really straight look but it'll do


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I'm getting ready to massage my scalp with a few drops of liquid gold oil. My hair is straight right now so I have to be light handed
For some reason I though I responded to the group last week. Here is my info:

Post a starting pic
My pic is attached. I don't take good selfies so this will have to do. My hair was freshly washed and towel dried - no product.

Tell us your starting length
My back is right at MBL.

Tell us your goal length
As long as possible. For this year, I'm shooting for waist length.

State if your natural or relaxed or anything in between
Transitioning without BC

Tell us what you are going to do to maintain all the length you gain
Keep my hair balanced when it comes to protein and moisture, trim when needed. Protective style most of the time (though I am sick of buns).


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