Sugar & Caffeine. How much is "too much" for proper hair growth?


New Member
I am looking for the answer all over the internet and can't seem to find it... I know that too much sugar depletes B vitamins, and too much caffeine depletes calcium (and I think iron too?)... And these vitamins/minerals are essential for healthy hair growth...

So is there an actual *number* of grams that says "too much" coffee or sugar?
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Yeah, if this is true then I'm screwed. I live on coffee with loads of sugar in it...then there's the afternoon chocolate bar break....

I refuse to give up either sugar or caffiene. A girl's gotta have some fun!
Your avatar is so cute!

I say any amount of sugar is too much. I've learned that sugar is detrimental to the whole body, which includes our hair.

Caffeine - it depends on where it's coming from. Green tea is good for our hair (it has many health benefits) and has smaller amounts of caffeine than coffee.
Soft drinks, even diet ones are not good at all.
Too much of anything is not beneficial. I've read that at least 2 cups of green tea a day is a great cancer fighting agent. It is also much healthier for your hair and skin.
"Too much of anything is bad for you."

I think ten cups is a lot. But it also depends on the person. If you get headaches, are irritable, can't sleep, have an irregular heartbeat, have anxiety, are restless...then you're probably drinking too much. Also I think there are some meds (IIRC antibiotics fall under this) that you should not mix with caffeine.

Otherwise 1-3 or so cups of a caffeine drink that has no sugar :look: , if you don't get any of the "side-effects" mentioned above, are OK, IMO. Caffeine is high in antioxidants so it isn't the debil. It's the sugar and cream and all the other fancy things you add to make a dessert-like cup of coffee that are bad for you.

ETA: Blessed2Bless, great minds think alike! I just realized we started with the same line.