Coffee for Hair Growth!

Has anyone seen significant results with this? I've been using a caffeine shampoo and I havent' seen much to write home about.
I havent fallen off. I do it once a week to every two weeks and although I cant say much for extra growth, I have gad a SIGNIFICANT reduction in shedding and a great boost in retention.
Yep, last couple of weeks have been hectic, no time for my usual routine, i need to hop on it, i'll do it today...also, i usually wash at night, and when i do this it wakes me up, so that broke my routine, big time....
I never tried this but it sounds interesting. Has anyone tried this while in braids?

I spritz my scalp while my hair is in twists (for the twists challenge) at night (ofcourse some gets on my hair) let it dry overnight then I put on my wig (for the wig challenge) during the day. I absolutely LOVE :love: the smell (and taste) of coffee so it doesn't bother me.
update, i did it, i forgot what i was scalp tingled all day, i had an adrenaline rush - which i needed- and i had no hair to shed...

thanks to the poster who bumped this for today...gonna get back to really does the job.
This is so wonderful for shedding. I made a pot and refrigerated what I didn't use. I let it come to room temp and poured it over my head. I only let it stay on for about 3 minutes but afterward there were only about 10 strands in the comb. It was a breeze to detangle.
bumping...i must remember to do this!!! *dang it* who's still applying? I think what has hindered me is that i've been wearing my hair straight and i misplaced my coffee oil....i will get back on this. i will, i will, i will.

Is it still working for you ladies? Most of my shed hairs have been fine in size and I want to keep my hair thick & dark until I pass on.
Very interesting! I'm going to include this in my weekly regimen. I did it today before my shampoo, I left it on for 15 minutes with my heat cap.
i just got some coffee butter in the mail from texas naturals. i cant wait to start using it. it is very soft and smooth so i might use a little as an overnight treatment depending on how it works.
Coffee is really under utilized. It's ability to stop shedding in its tracks beats garlic - hands down.

I did this two weeks ago and loss minimal hair. Minimal. I'll do it again when I wash this week. I will not forget this ever again. I can't. It works too well and is too simple to goof up.

Part of my permanent reggie, now.
sooo what ur tellin me if i go 2 the store some coffee.. and brew it..add it to like a conditioner and deep condishing... i'll see less shedding and some growth? ... is thattttt what ur saying 2 me?? hmmmmmm???
Hey Ladies,

I didn't have time to read through every page of this thread, but just in case it hasnt been mentioned, you can buy caffeine pills at most vitamin/supplement stores. I have a bottle sitting right next to me that I use for sports.

I have 200mg pills. That is the equivilant to 2 1/2 cups of coffee.. Does anyone know howmuch your supposed to use? And how often? Do you just mixed this in a water solution? Some of you were saying that it only need a few minutes to absorb then wash it out? Probally best to put it in before a shower then right?

This sounds promising, ive been using the mn with success.
Hey Ladies,

I didn't have time to read through every page of this thread, but just in case it hasnt been mentioned, you can buy caffeine pills at most vitamin/supplement stores. I have a bottle sitting right next to me that I use for sports.

I have 200mg pills. That is the equivilant to 2 1/2 cups of coffee.. Does anyone know howmuch your supposed to use? And how often? Do you just mixed this in a water solution? Some of you were saying that it only need a few minutes to absorb then wash it out? Probally best to put it in before a shower then right?

This sounds promising, ive been using the mn with success.

These capsules are normally small, so you can add maybe 2 or 3 in a little shampoo (maybe start with 2 to test your tolerance) and apply it directly to your wet scalp only, massage it in a little bit.

I would leave it on for about 20 to 30 minutes before washing it out.

I don't know how it will react with conditioner, but it works well when mixed with shampoo.

I will be incorporating this into my reggie for my next wash as my caffeine just arrived in the mail. I got mine from