Suave and VO5 Bad????


Well-Known Member
I've noticed that a lot of naturals/transitioners shampoo and/or cowash with either of these products. I've read reviews on how soft some of these have left your curls, and how cheap they are being over the counter products. What I don't understand is, aren't there harsh ingredients in them?? I know for $0.99 each this can't be entirely good for your hair, or is it?:look:

Are you using these products because they're cheap and readily available? Or are the ingredients "good" for your hair?
Because they are cheap. You dont want to spend a lot of money on expensive conditioners just to cowash.

Depending on what your hair like, the ingredients in those conditioners are not bad. They do a great job for cowashing
Personally, I use them because they're free of cones which I learnt aren't too good for your hair's moisture retention, in the long run.
ive actually seen some "quality" ingredients in some..especially suave naturals tropical they are free of cones.
They dont have cones and I dont think the ingredients in Vo5 are any more harsh than many expensive brands. I love them, they get used for shaving and just mid shampoo detangling, all sorts of things, I cant be without them,, only 99 cents a bottle... I dont care for Suave though.......
Because they are cheap. You dont want to spend a lot of money on expensive conditioners just to cowash.

Depending on what your hair like, the ingredients in those conditioners are not bad. They do a great job for cowashing

This is so true!! Next time I'm at the store I'll compare ingredients to what I'm already using. They're probably close. I guess sometimes you just can't believe that a product that cost 99 cents does anything for your hair, go figure:rolleyes:. I think I'll have to start racking up.
Because they are cheap. You dont want to spend a lot of money on expensive conditioners just to cowash.

Depending on what your hair like, the ingredients in those conditioners are not bad. They do a great job for cowashing

I agree. I used to use V05 Moisture Milks Conditioners mainly for co-washing because of the slip but now I use Suave conditioners. I LOVE the thickness & creaminess :lick:. I still use the V05 for detangling every now and then. :yep:
Because they are cheap. You dont want to spend a lot of money on expensive conditioners just to cowash.

Depending on what your hair like, the ingredients in those conditioners are not bad. They do a great job for cowashing
Very true, I use Suave conditioner (coconut) and it is the best for detangling my hair. Nothing I have ever used can compare, Honestly! And the ingredients are not horrible at all, no mineral oil, no parabens, no cones!
I've noticed that a lot of naturals/transitioners shampoo and/or cowash with either of these products. I've read reviews on how soft some of these have left your curls, and how cheap they are being over the counter products. What I don't understand is, aren't there harsh ingredients in them?? I know for $0.99 each this can't be entirely good for your hair, or is it?:look:

Are you using these products because they're cheap and readily available? Or are the ingredients "good" for your hair?

I use VO5 Vanilla Mint Tea because it does not have any cones AND because it is cheap. In that order. I'm using it as a co-wash and there is no way I would purchase an expensive conditioner to use for that purpose! :nono: :nono:
I use them because they are cheap and they are free of cones. They have wonderful fragrances, no petrolium or mineral oil.

I mainly use the v05 moisture milks in peaches or strawberries or when I can find it, use the suave milk and honey.

Does anyone know if the Suave Milk and Honey is still being manufactered?
ive actually seen some "quality" ingredients in some..especially suave naturals tropical they are free of cones.

I'm not a frequent cowasher, but this is the one I used for my cowash last night and it left my hair really moisturized. I was quite surprised. I used my Aveeda last time and I felt like I was wasting money.
The cheapie conditioners, and the more expensive ones can both have a place in your regimen where they serve their purpose well. I use to wonder too, if paying more for a conditioner would get you better results. Then I read on another hair board that generally, the more you pay for conditioners, the longer the results should last on the hair. Cheapie conditioners should give you results for about a day or two. That makes sense when you want to use a conditioner for co-washing or detangling several times a week. Ever notice how a lot of the cheapies read gentle enough for daily use on the label? That's because the results of that conditioner are very short term, and may not actually penetrate the hair strand like the more expensive ones. The more expensive conditioners should give you longer lasting results over a 5-7 day period. This makes sense when you're looking for a good deep conditioner to use on a once a week basis. I have both the cheapies (suave) and the more expensive ones (keracare) that I use, based on what results I'm aiming for-and how long I need the results to last. I still read labels though, expensive or not, there are certain things you don't want in your hair or your conditioner!
Very true, I use Suave conditioner (coconut) and it is the best for detangling my hair. Nothing I have ever used can compare, Honestly! And the ingredients are not horrible at all, no mineral oil, no parabens, no cones!

hey what is that jar, in the middle of oyin and hair mayo? thanks
I use VO5 Coconut and SUAVE coconut plus a variety of other Suaves for co-washes. No problem, they work well. I use the more expensive brands such as Alter-Ego for deep conditioning{sometimes a cheapie cholesterol}; then a good leave-in plus nutritious oils. Nice balance evens it out.
VO5 was a miracle for washing out my henna...if I had to rely on a expensive conditioner to do this :blush:...I used soooo much vo5 but I didn't mind b/c it was cheap...

These conditioners are great, esp for cowashing...
I mostly use V05 bc the ingredients are decent, even good, and it's cheap. Whenever I see them on sale for 89/99c I stock up. I use them for cowashing, detangling and rinsing out Henna. Sometimes I'l use TJNS for cowashing/conditioning and I always use my AOHSR and AOWC for dc'ing.
I love sauve conditioners for cowashing they are the best. They leave my hair feeling moist and clean without feeling dry.
To add to what people have said, as someone who is really into customising things as needed, I have no issues with adding ingredients to a cheapie conditioner to use it. I also do not have to bother about not using it up too fast. If I end up ruining an expensive conditioner I would be angry for wasting all that money. But VO5? Pshhhh I have a dollar in change *somewhere* in my apartment! But with the freedom to add stuff I can turn the conditioner into a treatment, at least a conditioner that does exactly what I need it to do for my own head.

I have not tried the Suave yet. That should be next on my list. :yep:
I've noticed that a lot of naturals/transitioners shampoo and/or cowash with either of these products. I've read reviews on how soft some of these have left your curls, and how cheap they are being over the counter products. What I don't understand is, aren't there harsh ingredients in them?? I know for $0.99 each this can't be entirely good for your hair, or is it?:look:

Are you using these products because they're cheap and readily available? Or are the ingredients "good" for your hair?

VO5 was a salon product way back in the day. They have good ingredients. If you want something with a little more "oil" in it, try Herbal Essences. But for the money and the effect, you can't beat these drugstore items if you use them for washing etc. Economic and quite effective products.
I love VO5 that's all I use now bysides HE and Tresemme. My hair likes them so I do too. I spend almost 100 bucks on KeraCare and my hair did not like them. At only 99 cents you can't go wrong. Stick with what your hair likes and listen to it. KISS. Just cause its cheap doesn't man it doesn't have quality in it.
I think you get the jest of the responses here.

VO5 and Suave are good for natural/transitioners hair. :yep:

If it wasn't we would surely let you know with a quickness.
Nobody uses the shampoos, (that i know of) Only the conditioners. They're great for detangling relaxed or natural hair and I like to leave them in.
The cheapie conditioners, and the more expensive ones can both have a place in your regimen where they serve their purpose well. I use to wonder too, if paying more for a conditioner would get you better results. Then I read on another hair board that generally, the more you pay for conditioners, the longer the results should last on the hair. Cheapie conditioners should give you results for about a day or two. That makes sense when you want to use a conditioner for co-washing or detangling several times a week. Ever notice how a lot of the cheapies read gentle enough for daily use on the label? That's because the results of that conditioner are very short term, and may not actually penetrate the hair strand like the more expensive ones. The more expensive conditioners should give you longer lasting results over a 5-7 day period. This makes sense when you're looking for a good deep conditioner to use on a once a week basis. I have both the cheapies (suave) and the more expensive ones (keracare) that I use, based on what results I'm aiming for-and how long I need the results to last. I still read labels though, expensive or not, there are certain things you don't want in your hair or your conditioner!

Good to know, thanks! :grin:
VO5 & Suave are My "GO TO" for Rinsing Out my Hendigo Treatment.

I Would Never think of Rinsing w/o this.:nono: Using these, during the rinsing process, I have never had the Harshness or Dryness some Henna-Heads talk about Experiencing.:look:

It leaves your Hair Nice and Moisturized after Henna/Indigo. And at 99 cents or 2/for a Dollar, you don't mind using up a Bottle or a Half of Bottle to Make sure all of your Henna/Indigo is rinsed out properly.:grin:

After Rinsing w/one of these, I then I proceed to DC with "another" Deep Condtioning Treatment.:yep: Not to Mention, Cone Free and No Other Harmful Ingredients. That's a BONUS
I agree with most of the ladies that have posted so far about the ingredients in the Suave and v05 conditioners.

I love v05 Moisture Milks - all of the fragrances in the Moisture Milks line works well for me. They make an excellent detangler after all of my henna and ayurveda treatments. They also make great cowashing conditioners.

I do not use the shampoos at all because they do have 2 very harsh, drying indredients that are however considered useful in clarifying the hair of excessive build-up and they are Sodium Lauryl and Laureth Sulfates.

I find this a little weird because the conditioners do not have any cones, parabens or mineral oils.

I also find that these poos are okay to be used once, maybe twice a month by those persons that use other products that have heavy build-up type ingredients in them.

I like some Suave conditioners for the same reason I like v05 conditioners.