Stylist with Jealous men?


Well-Known Member
Speaking of things you will not tolerate from a stylist......I had a weird experience this morning when speaking with a potential braider. I called her cell, and got her voice with a very professional voice mail. I left a detailed message & my number. This was about 15 minutes after she sent me e-mail so I knew she was awake.

Get this. Her MAN calls me back asking who just called HIM? I explained who I am and that she is to braid my hair. I then asked if she was available. He then handed her the phone but it was clear that there was something else behind HIM returning her cell phone calls.

She said that I could come by today & then changed it until tomorrow. She works from her home and I decided to just go to 125th today instead of dealing with this woman's potential boyfriend drama.

Her MAN and his jealous attitude just cost her a customer.:ohwell:
That's weird cosidering you left a detailed message explaining who you are and why you were calling. ITA, go somewhere else and leave the drama alone.
once I was getting kinky twists and this stylist's husband was there. every time she moved there he was. all up in my scalp! He was on her:lachen: bad I almost asked him if he wanted to get ta' braidin?
More than likely he called the number back first without listening to your message. It sucks that he came off that way.
LOL! Sounds like he didn't get to hear the message. Maybe they were *busy* and your message alert kept ringing every few minutes. And after a few times of that, Mr couldn't focus or sleep and just about had enough. Without even thinking that there's a way to shut that up, he might've just hit redial in a huff to find out who the heck had interrupted their quiet day. :lachen:
That's unfortunate! Her man cost her money. That's too bad:ohwell:. Plus with hair braiding, you want a comfortable, pleasant environment, anyway!:yep:
I wouldnt want to be in the middle of that either. Plus your in NY im sure you can find tons of other people to do your braids for you.

How long do you plan on transitioning?
Just saw this. lol

Nope, they were up. She had just emailed me which is why I called. He's surely the jealous type.

I'm probably transitioning for another 2 years. I don't want to lose my length. I'm at 35 weeks & 6 days today. So far so good.

I intend to trim at the end of the first year (12/30/08) but am considering having DH do the trim. He is adamant that I not cut off all my hair so I trust him more than any stylist to not trim too much.
She is stupid and so is he! Wth kinda of mess is that. How you gon go messin with somebodies money like that? I swear I'd cut em!
Few years back, I had a braider telling me entirely TMI about her sex life. :blush:Imagine that. Bout half way through my head, she starts bringing out pics, showing me her surgery scars from her tummy tuck, and hubster acting weird & begins pacing back and forth, looking all strange...:perplexed

Never could figure out that icky situation. :drunk: Her lack of professionalism, and weirdo situation with hubby cost her $$$

Lawd, it was all I could do to breathe, pray and get my tail out of there....:nono:

I took the braids out the very next evening... :nono: And, of course, that was the first and last time she saw me...:nono:

People. :rolleyes:( what in the world??)
She is stupid and so is he! Wth kinda of mess is that. How you gon go messin with somebodies money like that? I swear I'd cut em!


I had a stylist that would tell me about the married man she was sleeping with. She'd go on and on and on... Oh and she would also blast salsa music and dance. It was VERY strange. As a married woman myself I would get offended when she would call this jerk's wife "stupid." Imagine that. She never saw me again. :nono:
I was getting my hair braided one night years ago, and the lady had a little shop next to her house, I noticed we kept getting interupted, and everyone was asking did she have any "Coffee" I am like why the hell all these people want "Coffee" and she just kept saying, I am busy right now and I don't have no coffee, so I am like do you need me to wait while you go get some coffee? long stort short, she was selling crack on the side of braiding hair, I should have caught on, but I have alot of Blonde moments and she had a movie on, I never went back to her again, we could have gotten busted and I would have been in jail with half braided hair.
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I was getting my hair braided one night years ago, and the lady had a little shop next to her house, I noticed we kept getting interupted, and everyone was asking did she have any "Coffee" I am like why the hell all these people wan "Coffee" and she just kept saying, I am bust right now and I don't have no coffee, so I am like do you need me to wait while you go get some coffee? long stort short, she was selling crack on the side of braiding hair, I should have caught on, but I have alot of Blonde moments and she had a movie on, I never went back to her again, we could have gotten busted and I would have been in jail with half braided hair.
OMG. :nono:
I was getting my hair braided one night years ago, and the lady had a little shop next to her house, I noticed we kept getting interupted, and everyone was asking did she have any "Coffee" I am like why the hell all these people wan "Coffee" and she just kept saying, I am bust right now and I don't have no coffee, so I am like do you need me to wait while you go get some coffee? long stort short, she was selling crack on the side of braiding hair, I should have caught on, but I have alot of Blonde moments and she had a movie on, I never went back to her again, we could have gotten busted and I would have been in jail with half braided hair.

OMG!! I have heard a lot of wacky stylist tales but this has got to be the most outrageous.:nono:
I live in the same area as this lady, she had got busted for selling to a undercover cop, but she served time and got out, she still braid hair, but don't know if she sells "Coffee" still or not. I will never know.
I was getting my hair braided one night years ago, and the lady had a little shop next to her house, I noticed we kept getting interupted, and everyone was asking did she have any "Coffee" I am like why the hell all these people want "Coffee" and she just kept saying, I am busy right now and I don't have no coffee, so I am like do you need me to wait while you go get some coffee? long stort short, she was selling crack on the side of braiding hair, I should have caught on, but I have alot of Blonde moments and she had a movie on, I never went back to her again, we could have gotten busted and I would have been in jail with half braided hair.
What in the world?????? I have never in my life heard of something so silly. She needs her butt whupped. :nono:
WOW!!! I had an experience like this before. A few years back my mother gave me the name and phone# of a braider who works inside her home RED FLAG!!! So I called her and someone picks up the phone and hangs it up. So I wait a few minutes and call back and that's when a man picks up the phone and says "WHAT!" :shocked: and then I said "Can I speak to such and such?" and he says "Who are you?" I said a customer. He hands the phone to her and I asked her how much it would cost to do individuals and she told me and get this throughout the conversation she didn't even apologize for her man's rude behaviour!!! So I told her that he was very rude and that it was ok and thank you. Geez!!!