Stylist wanted to cut my hair to a bob!


New Member
My usual stylist was out of town for a few weeks, and I wanted my hair done for Mothers Day! I went to a stylist recommended by a relative who was supposed to be into healthy hair. After her assistant washed my hair with Elucence Moisturizing Shampoo and deep conditioned with Affirm 10 en 1 ( I believe), rinsed my hair and sat me in the stylist chair. Then all of a sudden, she said I needed a hair cut because the cuticles of my hair was damaged, beyond repair and had to be cut in order to save my hair. My question is how can you tell when you have cuticle damage? After arguing with her, I left with a roller set, NO HAIRCUT and Pi$$ed. I kept thinking about you ladies the whole time.. and I meant, she was not cutting my hair. I can't wait until my great stylist returns, and I am never going to another stylist while she is away, EVER!
My usual stylist was out of town for a few weeks, and I wanted my hair done for Mothers Day! I went to a stylist recommended by a relative who was supposed to be into healthy hair. After her assistant washed my hair with Elucence Moisturizing Shampoo and deep conditioned with Affirm 10 en 1 ( I believe), rinsed my hair and sat me in the stylist chair. Then all of a sudden, she said I needed a hair cut because the cuticles of my hair was damaged, beyond repair and had to be cut in order to save my hair. My question is how can you tell when you have cuticle damage? After arguing with her, I left with a roller set, NO HAIRCUT and Pi$$ed. I kept thinking about you ladies the whole time.. and I meant, she was not cutting my hair. I can't wait until my great stylist returns, and I am never going to another stylist while she is away, EVER!

Was she bald?..sometimes I think they're just trying to keep you in the short hair club :rolleyes:
I am SO glad you left without a haircut!!!! I don't think you can 'see' cuticle damage without a microscope, and I would think that YOU would know if your hair was rough/tangly/very dry - because those would be the main 'visible' signs of cuticle damage..... :nono: Good for you for rolling OUT of there and not letting her chop off your hair!

Cuticle damage - I guess that's the 'new' split ends, eh?
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Wow, i'm glad you stuck to your guns and everything worked out. Sometimes relatives don't really know the meaning of a "good stylist", sad but true.
Breathe baby girl breathe.......:look:

I can imagine the heat you are feeling right now because of what this lady told you about the health of your hair and recommending a bob.

I know there are some stylist out there that know what they are doing, we have some on this site, but I truly believe that MOST stylists are like car mechanics. Walking in you know you are going to get jacked up on either the service and/or the cost and if you are not knowledgeable you can be at their mercy!

You did what we have been telling others in the past. Take control and do not let them do whatever they want to your hair. You stayed firm about what you wanted and did not let her convince you into anything you did not want to do.
You should have asked her to spell "cuticle." :rolleyes:
Glad you were able to give her a firm "hell to the naw" and get out of there with your hair intact!
She probably did!:grin: But after reading what has happened to so many ladies before, I was on guard when I hit the door of the salon.

:yay: I'm glad you stood your ground. We dont hear stories like this too often! I'm really trippin' off the "cuticle damage" part. :nono: Its amazing! These stylists will say anything for a buck!
I hear you girl. I went and got my relaxer re-touch this past Saturday and was told my ends were "fragile" and needed 1 and a half inches trimmed off. There was nothing "fragile" about my ends. They not 100% even, but fragile and split up, they are not. I told her maybe next time but I am not letting her or any other stylist put scissors near my hair! And now thanks to Lady Esquire's self trimming thread, that I just discovered today, I will be the only one putting scissors to my hair!
My usual stylist was out of town for a few weeks, and I wanted my hair done for Mothers Day! I went to a stylist recommended by a relative who was supposed to be into healthy hair. After her assistant washed my hair with Elucence Moisturizing Shampoo and deep conditioned with Affirm 10 en 1 ( I believe), rinsed my hair and sat me in the stylist chair. Then all of a sudden, she said I needed a hair cut because the cuticles of my hair was damaged, beyond repair and had to be cut in order to save my hair. My question is how can you tell when you have cuticle damage? After arguing with her, I left with a roller set, NO HAIRCUT and Pi$$ed. I kept thinking about you ladies the whole time.. and I meant, she was not cutting my hair. I can't wait until my great stylist returns, and I am never going to another stylist while she is away, EVER!

your cuticles look damaged to me. horridly damaged. :rolleyes:

(in case y'all didn't know... that was some SERIOUS sarcasm :lachen: )

i'm just glad you stood up for yourself and didn't walk out with a haircut you didn't want but still PAID for. kudos to you girlie! :yep:
I can honestly say, if it wasn't for all the information I have learned on this board, and the great stylist I have, I would be sporting a bob now!
OP: have you considered DIY? I know it isn't for everybody, but it is something to consider. My hair isn't as "good" when I go to the stylist, but I get it good enough that people ask who does my hair.

At least you can practice for when she is not available the next time.

@LadyLilbra: :lachen:
Yeah, Denvergirl, as a matter of fact, I am going to try doing it myself tonight since, my hair looks nothing like when my regular stylist does it. She didn't even do a good job. I am going to start practicing more, I wash and condition myself sometimes, but it doesn't seem to come out as good as when my normal stylist does it.. I just am not ready to tackle self relaxing yet.. but my wash and rollersets, more practice, I am on it chica, starting today.:rolleyes:
Growinglong, I dont know WTH she is talkin about, your hair looks healthy and beautiful to me. that's why i dont mess with stylists anymore, and if i ever do mess with them Im going to have my game/b!%ch face on and like you im not gon take any mess! Cuticle damage... please!
That stylist is out of her mind. Your hair is gorgeous!

In fact, I have a couple of OT questions for you - sending you a PM.
What's the word I'm looking for, oh yeah that's some Bull to-tha ish Glad you told her N.O. and walked off and didn't stay to become another hair disaster victim.
She obviously doesn't know what she's talking about. You're hair looks healthy and ends look thick. I do believe there are stylists who won't let your hair grow longer or look better than theirs.
Your hair is that long and thick, and she wanted to "cut it" in order to "save it"??? :perplexed

That's crazy. I think she justed wanted to cut your long pretty hair. She probably thought you wouldn't even know what the "hair cuticle" is and that "damage" to it would sound so serious that you would let her cut your hair. :nono:
What bullsh*t. I'm sorry but she came up with a made up excuse to cut your long hair. I hate stylist like especially when you never said anything about cutting your hair.

How did the argument go.
What r u - bsl? and she *needed* to cut it to a BOB??? wtf :perplexed I could see if all your length was straggly see-thru ends or something but it's so full!

I have the same question as the above poster - what exactly did she say when you told her she was on crack? :lachen:
Well if your hair is cuticle damaged, then I know a lot of ladies on this board who wish theirs was "cuticle damaged" too! Your hair is beautiful. Glad you didn't go thru with the cut.
Well if your hair is cuticle damaged, then I know a lot of ladies on this board who wish theirs was "cuticle damaged" too! Your hair is beautiful. Glad you didn't go thru with the cut.
:lachen: REALLY!!!!!!